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Using avoidance and de-escalation for self defense with Paul Howe.


@irafowlerjr.7492 says:

Helpful advice, thanks

@BirdDogey1 says:

Some of the best advice I received was at the LA Sheriffs Academy back in the 80s. If off duty, and it's not your life, wife or kids then be a good witness. Situational awareness has given me the heads up before the threat approaches. I've gotten in my car and taken off on more than one occasion.

@StatmanRN says:

The fact I’ve been armed has often actually made me more inclined to avoid conflict.
Most times you can deescalate or walk away. However once it becomes clear things are going kinetic, strike first fast and hard. That may not be good legal advice, but first you have to survive the altercation.

@williamstringer2846 says:

It is so refreshing to hear great quality information. Thank you Mr Howe for going above and beyond.

@WellDressedCaveman says:

I sum it up like this…don't do stupid things, at stupid times, in stupid places.

@healthfreak79 says:

Another great video. Thank you Mr Howe.

@elsuperpollo2273 says:

My family visited me when I was watching this video, they thought you said csat guey since they mainly speak Spanish. Great video.

@conanbarbarian1295 says:

Good stuff! Thankye 👍

@catmambell says:

🙏🏻absolutely blessed the streets needed this fr ong 🙏🏻

@captnmark says:

As always clear concise and to the point. Great advice and enjoyable video. Thanks

@justjosie1163 says:

Thank you for addressing a vital but often ignored aspect of defense. I always surveil the parking lot and store before parking or entering. Prevention is always best. When I did cell extraction at the Penitentiary, no matter how aggressive the inmate or inmates were, I spoke in a low volume and slowly. Always acted professional and respectful, until aggression was required. I really wish more civilian "defense" training establishments around the country would put more time into practical exercises in awareness, prevention, and de-escalation.

@raylauderback5126 says:

Thank you for an excellent presentation, Sir!

@LutherMahoney says:

I had to take the bus home from work, and this drunk couple swore i was laughing at them when i was just having a conversation with another passenger. They were acting aggrssive, and i was calm. I had my Glock on me. I laughed at them and let them pass as they got off. I could have hurt both of them or reacted. The focus was myself getting home safely.

@bradbarley6639 says:

Avoidance… Deterrence… De-escalation… Live by those three and your life will be a good one.

@user-nk8ww9ce9k says:

I avoid the general public at all costs.

@suntzu5836 says:

Grey Dude here!…..First!

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