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HOW to FINISH a FIGHT in 3 SECONDS || Nick Drossos

LEARN DEFENSIVE TACTICS: Nick Drossos is distinguished as one of the most prized self-defense experts in the world and founder of Nick Drossos Defensive Tactics System, combining a plethora of meticulously designed self-defense techniques. Nick empowers his pupils with high-caliber skills that include awareness training, subjective assessments of violence, weapon defense, stress training, and real-life scenario drills. For two decades, Nick studied traditional martial arts such as Kung Fu and Taekwondo. He also trained boxing, Thai boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, Mix Martial Arts, and diverse reality-based self-defense systems, including Krav Maga. Honoured accolades extend to include Kettlebell, TRX, Fitness Kickboxing Canada, Yoga Fit and CanFitPro. Nick’s practice and dexterity have also earned him international success as a prominent strength training coach, securing a dynamic kinship with professional MMA Fighter, Davis Dos Santos. Other high-profile distinctions include comedian – Sugar Sammy – producer, Septicfish – Master Chef, Dino (Babydoll) comedian – Pantelis. Nick’s self-defense instruction, fitness intelligence, and raw life experience impeccably connect in his renowned YouTube channel, with over 380K subscribers. His Code Red Defence program, with over 220K subscribers, is inspired by survivalism and awareness. Nick’s warrior-like prowess and gift to propel motivational greatness, intensify his self-defense videos. Nick merited features in Men’s Health Magazine and GTI. Additionally, City TV, TVBS National, Todd Shapiro, Breakfast Television, ‘Read This If You Want To Be YouTube Famous’ and most recent, Global T.V Collaborations with UFC fighter, Elias Theodorou, Mike Rosa, Master Ken, and Sensi Ando have been monumental. Notable podcasts have included Bogdan Rosu, Master Wong, McDojo, Path To Manliness, John McAfee, American Warrior, Todd Shapiro, and American Society. Coveted by military, police, and security personnel on an international level, Nick has conducted training seminars in NYC, Vienna, Athens, and Montreal with requests for his renowned self-defence expertise surmounting. In most recent Nick developed and certified, the Defensive Tactic Unit, of the Boston police in his Edge Weapon Instrcutor Certification. #streetfighter #selfdefense #selfdefensetechniques


@NickDrossos says:

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@rioknight6312 says:

This old man can talk while his attacker is throwing punches at him? lol

@happyfayez3723 says:

I need to watch this at x2 speed

@liameneuk says:

Sounds quite wrong. The judge won't see all the observation you mentioned. The judge only sees from CCTV that you started the fight by the so called preemptive fight and all the following elbows and punches you threw. If you work as a security guard in the bar, just call for help, call the police and switch on the light. Your peers shall come to surround the guy and he would be deterred. The light would definitely annoy other customers, which creates peer pressure on the guy you are confronting. Prepare some coupon to that guy to try to befriend him. Remember, there is where you work, he can find you anytime and that could be even more dangerous than the fight you anticipated.

@thinkfree652 says:

You talk too much. Get to the point.

@boomhawk6217 says:

In my opinion… Striking first is a very bad idea. Unless of course you like going to jail. Plus, if you’re a skilled fighter, the more than likely drunk idiot isn’t gonna land when he throws his punch at you and you can end the fight by embarrassing him when he misses, stepping aside, using his momentum against him almost gently forcing him to stumble forward, falling down on his face. You just won the fight without throwing a punch. Military vet speaking from experience.

@alsorraquorg8845 says:

A typical Anglo-Saxon chatty moron who can't do anything, that's why he just talks.

@2painful2watch says:

These are great tips but for someone like myself who has no fight training or police or military experience, the potential of fighting can be a very frightening situation. If one is not trained, then one can easily freeze up. I mean, I have used the element of surprise in a fight before (I took up kickboxing in high school) but I was a young man. I am now 67 and 6 feet 203lbs with a strong body for my age and I try to use my Italian mafia scary looks and it usually works for now. How about kicking your opponent in the knees real fast and hard to bring him down. Would that work? I always heard that even the biggest giant will come tumbling down if you kick swiftly and hard in the legs.

@ErickSande-hb1kd says:

You are free to choose between literally fleeing an altercation and 5 to 10 years in jail.
I am not quite sure that hitting at an assailant is a good idea

@DeborahBurnage says:

My husband was in the SAS for many years, he told me walk away these days as too many idiots drugged and with knives. Stay safe and avoid at all costs

@maxprosperidad3947 says:

You're a talker…not a fighter…not big fist…but big mouth!!?

@maxprosperidad3947 says:

You talk too much!!!


Good luck with explaining to the judge why you hit him first :/

@scottfergusson8411 says:

That’s a small dojo !!!

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