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Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact for Self-Defense | Guns & Gear S10

Smith & Wesson introduces the M&P M2.0 in a compact package – A shorter slide and frame in both a 4″ and 3.6″ barrels, with enhanced trigger pull and grip texture, and four grip inserts. Find yours at From Guns & Gear® Season 10: Guns & Gear airs on the Sportsman Channel and WildTV. Watch more Guns & Gear episodes and bonus features on Gun Talk Media’s YouTube, Facebook, Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV channels, and at Guns & Gear showcases the latest and greatest products in the firearms industry with interviews, range demonstrations, tips and training techniques. ©2018 357 Media, LLC. All rights reserved.


sonnyboy4890 says:

10 rd mags when?


I do love the magazine sleeve on any gun that offers them. It's a perfect way to make a compact into a subcompact that fits my hands.

Prepare2Survive says:

They should make the subcompact version with 10-12rds 9mm too.

David Nguyen says:

I carry the M&P9C 3.5" barrel and it's great, reliable, comfortable. Granted with a shorter sight radius and grip, there are things to adapt to vs a full size.

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