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Self Defense Against an Edged Weapon

For instructional DVD’s by Bob Taylor visit: Learn how to block and disarm a knife attack. The forward…


Repr Six says:

that will only work on someone who isn’t a knife fighter.

Michael James says:

this guy has never been in a real fight, ever. his “techniques” will get
you killed. this came from a 1960’s karate instruction that you could buy
in mad magazine.

Dancing Hawk says:

that cross block is a good way to get stabbed, this movement doesnt stop
the knife to stop moving forward.

Alexx Bogdan says:

This is not real, just look at Jim Wagner at youtube for real knife defense

rhysman0001 says:

I would kick the knife out there hand and at the same time knee them in
there face

MrBastilleDay says:

Don’t kid yourselves, this is a useful thing to know but if a guy with a
blade really wants to stab you, he will . Only guarantee against that is a

Bunnie Phox says:


SuffuFFaffiss says:

Half of any self defense is the opponent’s skill level.

Tristan Loo says:

You do a cross block against a knife and your severed hands are going to
flopping on the ground. The cross block works in theory, but it assumes a
rigid wrist and textbook movements when in fact the wrist is very flexible
allowing for a wide range of motion and knife angles. It takes no effort at
all to change the angle of the knife, pull back and slice the hell out of
the defender’s hands and wrists that way. Much better to get off the line
while defecting and trapping.

Sheikkailija says:

Im also not saying i know the best way of anything. Everytime i teach/guide
some self-defence i say that im not saying this is THE best way, im saying
this is the best way i know how and i will prolly know a better way 5 years
later but at least what i know now works. So my point is that im not some
all knowing “master”. Im a forever student and a guide who just happens to
know more than most. Peace. I hope your training serves u well and u have

Sheikkailija says:

I have seen your videos and the only thing they prove is that u are a very
young ego sentered wannabe “ninja” who has some potential but is too
blinded by his own ego to see it yet. I would love to train u to become a
real warrior. My basis is about 15 years of martial arts(boxing, muay thai,
tkd, shotokan-karate, wing chun kung fu, shaoling kung fu, praying mantis
kung fu, knife fighting, hapkido, systema, kenpo, tai chi, qigong) studying
human anatomy and psychology for years to name some.

Sheikkailija says:

Im from Finland. When i wrote my last comments i had just woke up. In your
mind i need to have perfect english to be honest ? I will stop speaking to
u since its obviously useless. Peace and have fun at whatever u do. Oh and
heres a video that is a little similar to what i guide and do myself i also
posten a couple more videos here about knife fighting that i think u should
watch but u do whatever u want to:

Bob Fitzpatrick says:

Actually I have never been a fan of ninja, historically they were not
incredibly good fighters, either way, believe what you want to believe Mr.
“Real Warrior”. I might actually believe you if you knew how to write in
English (It’s spelled “centered”). You also spelled Shaolin wrong. I seems
to me you just looked up a bunch of martial arts names and put them down
here to sound impressive (you failed miserably), and you still haven’t
posted your supposedly superior technique.

Sheikkailija says:

And about realism. First time i loaded up a shotgun i was 8 years old and
taught to eliminate. I started my knife fight training about the same time
and was taught to eliminate. I have been in many street fights unfortunatly
because of my past but fortunatly also because i have learned from my
mistakes and now i can use that first hand knowledge to quide others who
dont know what i know. I have been in stabbings etc. my friends and close
ones have been stabbed and shot..

Sheikkailija says:

What i am. Where i come from. Its a long story.. I dont brag about any of
it. I just wanted to tell u honestly something about myself. U can believe
me or not. I do not really care if u believe me or not. All that i care
about is people training and having fun, taking care of themselves but when
we talk about self-defence i get serious because its another area and
concerns peoples lives.

léone patrick says:

Gentil mais complètement décalé de la réalité… Apprendre cela à des
élèves c’est leur donner un bon moyen de mourir ! Je vous conseil
d’observer les diverses vidéos correspondant à de réelles agressions au
couteau et vous comprendrez ce que je dis.

Cosmin Serban says:

this is useless. the guy with the knife is not going to wait for you to do
your kung-fu sh*&t. he still has another arm, you know… and the
face&throat area is open 24/7…

MrTigerinshadow says:

physical apology mankind has ever developed. His last words seem to have
been “That is the reason they lost their young lives, because of my mistake
of not making sure that the techniques will work.”. I hope that this
graphic anecdote from the past shows my fellow viewers, including Mr. Bob
Taylor, whom I show respect for the aim to teach his students how to
survive and wish the very best, that techniques have to be proven by
hopefully not spilling blood that they meet all requirements of

Jhoven Diaz says:

Very good.

MrTigerinshadow says:

the 19th century. In that period nobody was fighting anymore, neither his
nor my ancestors which were big in war time. Due to his age he wasn’t
conscripted so he trained his students. None of them returned. He taught
them theoretical, non-reality-based techniques which were out of date
already when HE learned them. After putting them on a test himself and
recognizing they do not pass the tests he apologized to the families and to
pay his dues he committed traditional seppuke, the highest form of

Bob Fitzpatrick says:

I have been in some of those “life and death” situations, and while I won’t
tell you these techniques make you invincible (if you fight someone who has
a knife, you WILL get cut at least a little bit), I can tell you that these
tactics are pretty effective and disarming and defending against an
attacker with a knife. If you want to post a video on your channel of your
supposedly superior method, just let me know, until then, shut up because
you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Sheikkailija says:

If you say so… Im pretty sure u have not been in that many fights and if
u have used something like this in a real knife fight and survived u have
been extremely lucky. If u would have been attacked by me or someone else
who knows even a little of what he is doing and u would have tried this
kinda techniques it would have been a very different scenario. Since u want
some good videos let me post a few: /watch?v=E61jnJe_1SI
/watch?v=37XiSn81oFw —> Wake up to reality.

MrTigerinshadow says:

I saw an instruction was a VHS Cassette from the 80s teaching the theory
from the decades before. Didn’t know these techs were taught, still or
again.. In my position of an experienced instructor for military, law
enforcement and private protection services it is part of my responsibility
to protect and to serve those who do not know better or

Sheikkailija says:

I know alot about momentum, using opponents power against himself, going
with the flow, adapting to opponents movement, directing his movements etc.
I know some about judo and its very far from anything i would call
self-defence. And i understand that u should never try to pin or throw a
moving target rly.. This is basics… Cross block followed up by a headbutt
? That is 100% unrealistic and i dont even wanna begin to name all the
things that are wrong with that “effective” technique..

Sheikkailija says:

Beaten up gangmembers… Yes u love to talk about that. And i dont believe
u have beaten that many. U sound very young with all of your posing. How
old are u ? 15-19 ? Also u saying u have beaten up gang members doesnt
impress me at all. U have no idea who u are talking to yet u assume alot
about me when i only came to speak the truth and my honest frustirated
opinion.. I have nothing to prove to you. U do your thing. If a day comes
when u really wanna learn true power come visit me. Peace.

MrTigerinshadow says:

maim the victim. If you’re lucky he makes mistakes and you can stop him and
even disarm him. Not Kali-style with underarm but by smashing his hand or
arm by brute force against an solid surface and surely not by cross
blocking and twisting and locking and and and. Knife attacks and fights are
no duels with fair behaviour and gentleman attitude. They are fast, dirty
and lethal. In WW2 a top japanese Karateka master and military
CQC-instructor taught soldiers ancient traditional techniques out of

BobbyElgee says:

The x-block takes the dangerous edge of the knife a little too close to my
femoral artery to be my technique of first choice, but that downward
x-block looks like a good way to get your hands on someones leg if they do
a straight kick to your solar plexus, ribs, or groin. Of course I will
remember this defense if anyone has a knife headed toward my groin and hope
to use it effectively.

Bob Fitzpatrick says:

hey mr tiger dude, i think i should inform you that you are an inept
bodyguard if you can’t disarm a guy of his knife using this technique. At
sixteen years old, i’ve been in numerous streetfights with the gang bangers
in the area i live in, and anytime i was attacked with a knife, i used
techniques very similar to this in order to disarm them.

Sheikkailija says:

If u would try this technique agaisnt anyone that i know who comes from the
streets as they say.. U would most likely die. Ever heared of adrealine,
shock effect, emotions, most common attack with a knife “sewing machine”? U
simply dont have time to do this kinda crap even if u bruce lee fast and
can keep that speed in a real life and death situation in a unknown
enviroment etc. And when someone attacks u with continous movement u cant
do things like this at all. Wake up to reality please..

Bob Fitzpatrick says:

it definitely did, and if you want to see my training to prove it, I have
two training videos up on my channel demoing weapons training, and my hand
to hand combat training.

Bob Fitzpatrick says:

I think you miss the point, reality is, a cross block throws off a person’s
balance, without balance, you CAN’T use continuous movement. If you knew
anything about basic martial arts like Judo, you would understand that you
don’t try to throw or pin anyone who is moving, you check their momentum,
and then use diversionary tactics. So a cross block, followed up with a
headbutt for instance, is incredibly effective. As I already said, I have
beaten gang members using these types of techniques.

Daniel Skipp says:

no, he couldn’t.. unless he was a real Shaolin Master.. and even then.. you
and I certainly can’t.. it is BS and he should be ashamed

MrTigerinshadow says:

(continued) can not do better. Being a bodyguard, doorman and security
staff and instructor myself I got in many bare hand and armed incidents. In
these I got attacked numerous times and survived them all, including
killing attempts by racists, but in most cases I got cut. Even a scratch
should be considered a cut. May techniques of many-a-styles have worked in
ancient times nowadays muggers, killers, drug addicts, drunk sociopaths and
psychopaths do attack with extreme rage and determination to

TheChosenOne462 says:

but when u block the attacker also has his left hand so he can use it? so
what do u do after u got him in a lock?

MrTigerinshadow says:

our presence and not the past. Teaching means passing the fire and
respecting the ashes of our fathers. Let me conclude without being a nerd,
in the words of Mr. Spock: Please think twice, put everything on a test and
live long and prosper. Thank you for reading, sincerely yours Tiger in

stu bridgewater says:

Sound cheers

kilwinningkungfu says:

Yes, I think with this type of block you should stick a nice little kick in
somewhere at the same time, just to occupy his mind slightly while you slam
the technique on. It’s a good technique.

Kerry Miller says:

yeeeeeeeeeeah that never happened

Sheikkailija says:

I dont even know where to start…. Jesus christ… I see so much bullshit
self-defence videos that i dont know what to do except feel bad and a
little mad… I really wanna stab this guy with a fake knife and see how he
does this. Pleace never teach this again under the name self defence…
People gonna get killed if they use this unless its a total braindead
zombie who attacks them with a knife like your student.

Frank F says:

this might work but u have to make the grab with the right hand almost
simultaniously with the block

ranandom says:

What if the guy retracts his arm and stabs again and again? In an enclosed
space, could you actually get this block off effectively against that kind
of attack?

Bob Fitzpatrick says:

again, post a video of your supposedly superior technique, until then,
you’re just a poseur who is full of shit. I happen to be very experienced
using weapons and defending against them, and actually have videos up to
prove it. You on the other hand are making bare bones assumptions with no
proof or realistic basis to show that you have any idea what you are
talking about.

Daniel Skipp says:

People still teaching this X-block and wristlock nonsense ought to be
prosecuted. Sure a genuine kungfu Master might be able to pull it off…
but your average martial artist is committing suicide trying this shit
against a fast determined stabber. Just smack the arm away while
backpedalling until you can get the distance to run. Maybe kick him if you
are really quick and balanced. Grabbing the arm may be instinctive but it
is generally a really bad idea unless the stab is real slow and obvious.

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