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Real Life Self Defense presents IN 4 LANGUAGES- Richard Douieb, Eric Quequet, Eric Laulagnet, Franck Ropers and Michel Carron, 5 self defense experts give …


32spartan11 says:

I agree the training and punishment my body has been through is why it
wouldnt bother me like it would some people hopefully shunterfunt realizes
a strike to the ribs may work for some or even most people but if he was
ever unlucky enough to fall into a situation where the person was trained
he could potentially put him in a bad position with an almost useless
strike to the ribs

mxfng says:

Did I just see a bunch of buff white guys beat up much frailer minorities?

f00kumofo123 says:

the hell you talking about. In states people have to protect their lives
every day with guns and shit. third world life style is not to be copied –
it is to be resented and ashamed of.

Stephen King says:

0:34… Hey, mister, I was just going to ask if you had the time. đŸ™‚

mbeaus says:

i know, i want to see what it really looks like

Jeff Chernicky says:

thats a risk you’d have to take, attempting to do a RL bullet-dodge in the
manner that was shown here couldve easily resulted in a section of your
head on the pavement

Julian123123123 says:

Total rubbish

amazingdany says:

If my life was in danger, I’d fight dirty: eye poke, kick kneecaps, hair
pull, curb stomp, crush that attacker’s hoo hah, etc… Stuff women would
do but hey, I wanna live to see another day!

maxthecat122 says:

nah id just piss on him

Dante Sparda says:

nt baddd

JON123KO says:


shoulung says:

ever noticed that in a martial artists mind your life is always, like
walking along not paying attention, then all of a sudden a big scary man
runs at you and starts punching. then the said martial artist reacts with
life saving super speed. being perfectly calm he throws a few quick strikes
and then throws the opponet. the opponet then just gives up and lays there
until police arive, at which time you are given the key to the city for
saving everyone from the random come up and punch you guy

ckd04 says:

I really do hope that was for show. A lot of that would get you jurt worst

mrgorak321 says:

yeah your right

Robzsz says:

0:10 he did Jin Kazuma’s combo lol

niko989 says:

LOL nur aufpassen wenn dann mal die Freundin von hinten kommt und einem
Ă¼berraschen will

julius says:


mudbaby0769 says:

Fuck you and your “gang” bullshit

mudbaby0769 says:

lol. Say it to your face? I figured the internet is the best next thing if
you take into account I have no clue where you are. Why should saying it to
your face make any difference? Did that not get my point across already?
Someone obviously told you gangs are cool and you are tough if you are in
one. All the gang fights i see are dumb as hell. I know anyone who fights
like that where I live gets dropped on their fukin head. What makes
gangmembers fight good? I dont see them training anywhere..

MrRoboto81 says:

Because we all know this is how fights are in real life…with attackers
telegraphing their moves from a mile away, and so inept that even a 5 year
old could take them down. Sure, it would be nice if all real life fights
were nice and neatly choreographed like the movies, but sadly, they’re not.
Bottom line – when it comes down to it…all martial arts training goes
right out the window in a real street fight. It’s about nothing more than
base survivial instinct.

savilo21 says:

wtf are these guys doing all those guys are trying to get directions from
them fuck there mean đŸ˜›

xerazia says:

Not even trying to sound like a tough guy, but if some guy jerked me by the
shoulder while I was pissing at a urinal I would probably go off worse than
that. Haha.

hamdendanske says:

a lot of these seem to brutal in my eyes… I know in real life you’ll
probably get further by attacking really violently but I thought that self
defence was to pacify or get the upper hand… not to kill the opponent
like at 00.50… that knee in the neck is a deathblow…

dragonmastersteve says:

lol nice one!!!

2elf says:

good vid men hope u can upload more self defense techniques videos

Scanthor says:

These techniques only work if your attacker lets you do theses techniques
to them. If you are aware of your surroundings you are less likely to be
attacked. You could help some else which my justify your brutal come back.
Don’t any of you know of the Law& Martial arts??

Ryan Lannen says:

If you are being attacked on the street you can assume that the person
attacking you intends to do you great harm or kill you. This would justify
any force necessary including deadly force to neutralize the attacker. The
faster you can do this the better.

ColeYounger88 says:

@mrroboto81 yeah genius, i dont waste years of my life and hours of my day
training for it to go out the window, im mentally prepared and physiclly
prepared, thats like saying our in a battle all of our military soilders
and marines lose all there training, fuck off

caio933 says:

LOL at 0:35 “excuse me i wanna wash my han- ouch!! ahhh!! why you hitting
me? WTF ouch”

Thomas says:

That guy at 0:31 was fucking fast. I still like my karate though, striking

esxfallen says:

0:26 i lol’d

KausticX says:

I like how the “assailants” are playing along with the strikes. Want to
train for real? Try actually hitting one another. All you’re going to learn
by almost hitting people is how to almost hit someone. Protip: In “real
life” an attacker isn’t going to throw one strike and then hold still while
you do whatever you want. Favorite: 0:38, when the guy just falls on the
floor. Makes me think of Nigil Powers. “Why don’t you just go ahead and
fall down. Go on.”

henrykazuo says:

0:37 lol that guy probably just wanted some help or he wanted to know what
time it was HAHAHAHHA

Pigeon On Fire says:

WTF! Are these really experts, cause most of the technique were too useless
to even bother doing. i admit, the first echnique was good, but the rest,
why the hell are you going to punch over and over again, when you can just
kick them in the shins and run.

davidruedy says:


someoftheair2 says:

unlatch the car door makes a great scissor weapon or in buddy’s case while
grabbing the weapon arm boot the door open to easily pluck off assailant’s

ShibuBaka says:

Learn to spell. please?

daKDG35 says:

Yes eric

g0ya88 says:

lol in 0:35 maybe the guy just wanted ask him something

Lachie K says:

WOOOOOW!! This actually helped me alot thanks!!!=]

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