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Trailer of the DVD 228 KAJUKENBO Hawaiian Self-Defense Bande annonce du DVD 228 KAJUKENBO Hawaiian Self-Defense.


HellfireExecutioner says:

Kajukenbo! Doing MMA since before it was trendy..!

dokokai says:

Yes Kyokushin trains with Kata. A lot of the same ones from both Shotokan &
Goju (Taikyoku 1-3, Pinan 1-5, Yantsu, Tsuki no Kata, Kanku, Sushiho,
Sanchin, Gekisai Dai and Sho, Tensho, Saiha, Seienchin, Seipai. Garyu
(which was created by Oyama while developing Kyokushin in the early days).
The biggest focus of Kyokushin though are the Kihon (basics) & the full
contact bare knuckle (no equipment) Kumite.

Jerry Stinnett says:

You keep insisting that my style doesn’t work in the streets. I need to let
you know a little about my background. I’ve been training in Ed Parkers
Kenpo since the early 80’s. I have also trained in Escrima, Akido, and
Silat. I have had jobs as a doorman (bouncer) a bodygaurd and verious types
of jobs were I have had the need to use my knowledge in the arts. Kenpo the
way Mr.Parker taught it has saved my face on several occations and my life
on one. Being aware of a name doesn’t mean you have

dokokai says:

@danbau08 ~using predetermined moves. We have techniques that we train over
& over but the goal is to be reactive to the situation. Free fighting
trains the body & mind to read the timing of your attacker & react but what
comes out as a defense is never a planned movement. Krav Maga is the
closest representation of what Kyokushin does with the street training.

Jerry Stinnett says:

If I go to the eyes you can bet it will only take one attempt. As for good
kenpoist there are several, Frank Trejo, Martin Wheeler, Jeff Speakmen,
Larry Tatum (however I do have some differences with Mr. Tatum) Huk Planas.
On the Mat series is very good also but probable a little over your head.
I’m interested to know what art do you think is a true fighting art? Keep
in mind MMA is a sport. Even then some of the best have studied Kenpo.
Chuck Liddel and Frank Mir just of the top of my head.

publikenemy187 says:

It was actually created by 5, not three. And it actually was street tested
to improve the method. JKD might have the same philosophy and beginnings
too, I wouldn’t know.

dokokai says:

@mitsuo39 Did you even read any of my posts before replying? It sure
doesn’t seem like you did.

Marvin Jr says:

kaju ownz!

killaruna34 says:

@dokokai i gotta say, i’ve been watching Fight Quest, on Discovery channel
with Jimmy and Dough. really, beautiful sport! today I’ve been out here in
Holland for eventually Kajukenbo schools.. without any luck:( probably
Holland doesn’t know the sport:( such an pity! friendly greet,

KuriSakamoto says:

@MrByaeger Thank you for clarifying that to them, many just don’t
understand the diference..

Jon Miller says:

Shorin-ryu Karate but I thinking about Genbukan Ninpo Bugei since it’s a
complete martial art system that combines 18 Ninja disciplines and 18
Samurai disciplines.

dokokai says:

@danbau08 The critique is not that there is no blood or broken bones but
with the unnecessarily high quantity of strikes shown in one defense
example & the unrealistic expectation that each strike will be delivered
perfectly & that the attacker will stand there cooperatively while the
strikes are delivered. The point is that attackers aren’t always instantly
incapacitated with the 1st or 2nd strike & get this…they may even fight
back & not wait to get hit even though they may be getting hit.

tamashii14 says:

Are these videos available in the USA??

GuamKomudo says:

So what are you saying? That the human body can withstand all your strikes
and they don’t work??? =P Kyokushin is a very good martial art, and you
probably know that the average human is not as prepared to take a beating
the like the kyokushin body is… I would say that a solid Kyokushin Karate
punch to the body on a normal person would give you enough time to get away
from the person… Kajukenbo is part Karate as wel las boxing and other
fighting arts combined, but it’s 100% street

danbau08 says:

I sometimes wonder what people expect to see in a self defense demo? Blood
and Bone??an actual fight or ko in a bout is the only acceptable vid? Looks
like a decent technique to me,and done with a reasonable amount of
intensity and accuracy too,considering some,.Kyoku’ doesnt do something
like this? What when y’all practice your defense you bust each others
chops,arms knees and face?Yeah right.I find hard and full contact necessary
too but come on these critiques are just looking for fault.

Anubis Saibot says:

amen fallen, defeat does not mean your style does not work, it simply means
that you lost that fight…..that’s it!

dokokai says:

@MrByaeger ~but if people are taught & practice regularly just a few
effective techniques, that should be enough to get them relatively safe
enough out of most stituations. It’s true that most attackers aren’t
conditioned in the traditional sense & your point is taken, but some are
very tough in general & many have been hardened in jails & prisons which is
a type of training in itself! Thanks for the conversation. Best wishes to
you & your students & take care. OSU!!

dokokai says:

@mitsuo39 With too many of the younger Kyokushin instructors teaching now,
Kyokushin is focusing too much on tournament training. I have said that in
the past & agree, but it was not made for sport fighting. It was modified
for sport fighting. The techniques are much more brutal than you will ever
see on youtube with tourney videos. With the old school Kyokushin
instructors (myself & those who taught me) we still train for street &
ignore the tournament modifications. Don’t get confused~

Yourmomishre says:

@nerdswers The legal targets in kyokushin r limited. I have seen people
from kyokushin enter kickboxing and have to relearn from day one because
they cant defend and get ko from face punching. Thats why the majority of
kyokushin fighters in both mma and k-1, take up boxing/muay thia. If we are
arguing about taking the most punishment in the midsection and legs, then
yes, kyokushin wins hands down. But considering that most idiots on the
street “head-hunt” i wouldnt talk any further about it.

UnionCityTopTeam says:

Nice Vids!

Jerry Stinnett says:

your more than welcome to come and train with us, or if you ever get a
chance to train with Frank Trejo or Huk Planas they are our mentors now.
Our technique is to always have a check while imparting as much damage as
possible. We do use dummy attacks…most martial arts do, however we try to
“dummy” realisticly. The techniques we use are just a springboard to ignite
your own imagination on what can and should be done on any given attack.
Mr. Parker said that repeatedly.

KJ Klingsheim says:

Thats cool! I gotta learn that!

Yourmomishre says:

@nerdswers In Kyokushin, there is no grappling, eye gouges, or hit to vital
areas (which is what kajukenbo/kenpo focuses on) or face punches allowed in
both sparring, or training besides their kata. So you really cant use
kyokushin as an exact measurement. You can take a lot of punches/kicks to
your mid-section, is a better ‘comment’, when it comes to using Kyokushin
as an example, since this is what they do. I took both IKO1 kyokushin, and
World Oyama, and quit both, i have years of kickboxing

Marvin Jr says:

yea mostly in basic and advance techniuqes.

ryandrumkid says:

@ComputerIlliterit Judo actually is part of the Kajukenbo fighting system.
it also includes karate, jujistsu, kenpo, and chinese boxing (kung fu)

Kent Darden says:

@kajukine Bruce probably did. He was alwyaslooking outside his art. And
remeber , Kajukenbo was started before Bruce Lee thought up JKD.

Kapamaru Jujitsu says:

Xmm dont know if its just me but this looks a lot like Wing Tsung

cali4jose says:

i want to lern kajukenbo

slimmy thompson says:

Warmed-Over Ed Parker forms Real Hawaiian Art is (Lua) see: youtube Lua

ethan shepherd says:

This is just mma, not the sport in a cage mma but it’s mma.

dokokai says:

@mitsuo39 Clearly you have no knowledge of Kyokushin at all. Yes, Karate
generally focuses on the one blow philosophy, but Kyokushin does not train
that way in either giving or receiving strikes. We practice a multiple
strike approach but the Kajukenbo techniques demonstrated here are a lot of
wasted, overly rehearsed movements even though I realize it’s mostly a demo
to get people interested in the art.

Ron Esteller says:

Well reading this I see it turned into a Kaju vs Kyoku. Both arts are great
arts with hard tough guys, and not so tough guys.. just the nature of the
beast I have been Kaju for 43 years and have trained with a few Kyoku guys,
I loved working them, and they loved working me, we spar with no equip
other than a mouth piece and cup optional, stupid, but makes you block
better. TBC

Matthew Borge says:

The real secret of Kajukenbo (and any other system that works) is that they
actually practice in a very hard core realistic way – if they’re doing it
right. Anyone that trained in Hawaii ended up with some serious battle
scars. You learn by doing.

dokokai says:

@GuamKomudo So when exactly did you miss the part where I said Kyokushin is
for street defense and only the newer Dojo’s have become misguided in
focusing on the tournament training?

dokokai says:

@chimibert We train for street self defense using punching to the head but
since we don’t use protective equipment we don’t make contact. What you see
here on youtube is almost always tournaments & training for them. It is a
modified version of what we actually do. People make the mistake in
assuming Kyokushin does not train for the face. The older Dojos &
Instructors (myself included) DO train for street self defense. No one can
condition the groin so we train to avoid getting hit there~

Sablicious says:

ALL martial arts ‘work’ when the assailant is a training partner. Ask
Steven Seagal! lol

monkeymaster81 says:

Kajukenbo has a lot of different stances, and generally people will shift
their stance as they’re fighting. And in many of the techniques that we do
involve kicks to the groin, knee, or pretty much anywhere, except generally
above the chest. But part of Kajukenbo is being able to react to anything,
so when that guy walks up and randomly throws a punch, he is just going by
instinct, and it was a hard position to use a kick in.


Respect! it has a nice flow

Ilan witwit says:

@nerdswers i have trained and competed in muay thai since im 14 (I am now
29) I have been doing bjj competitvely for 9 years. Both are sport style
mma fighting styles that everyone loves. I think they are great. But
honestly you are vastly underestimating the skillsets and benefits of other
arts. It is pure ignorance to assume mma training is better than kakukenbo
or any other style (EXCEPT TAEKWONDO WHICH IS BALLS) 🙂

dokokai says:

@chimibert ~The purpose of full contact fighting & conditioning the body
for it is that IF you miss a block, you will not be afraid to be hit or
completely freeze up & shut down when you get hit. It is not to strictly
absorb as much punishment as possible although we can withstand a lot more
than most people due to conditioning. With the fear of getting hit
eliminated, we are free to focus on protecting the face/head & groin.Don’t
get hung up on what you see from only watching Kyokushin tourneys

dokokai says:

I’ve been training in Kyokushin for over 27 years and teaching it for the
last 18 of those 27. One thing you can be sure of is, the human body can
withstand a lot of punishment before a confrontation ends. If any of you
have tried to fight full contact as Kyokushin does you would know it’s not
always so easy to take an opponent out or down or knock them out. I have to
give you credit “nerdswers” for recognizing a bit of that.

dokokai says:

@GuamKomudo Also I did not say the body can withstand ALL the strikes. I
said that the human body is more resilient than this Kajukenbo video
demonstrates. Attackers aren’t going to be so co-operative & wait to be hit
as this video implies they will.

dokokai says:

I am a 3rd Dan in Kyokushin Karate with over 27yrs experience training. The
last 18yrs I’ve been teaching it as well. We teach our students from white
belt by gradually introducing them to full contact so they are slowly
building up a tolerance & gaining conditioning. Yes injuries occur but they
also occur when protective equipment is used. That is the nature of
anything with contact. Look at football…& they wear a lot more equipment.
More injuries happen in that sport than almost any other.

chimibert says:

@dokokai I am reading your response right now, and in essence I agree a
hundred percent with you. Besides, is really hard to actually reach for the
groin, eyes or neck, those are well protected both technically and
instinctively by any person you may encounter with.

Mocktezuma111 says:

“nerdswers” Agreed This is some McDojo stuff -_-

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