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Jim Wagner my self-defense instructor: Throwaway wallet in a robbery

SUBJECT: Throwaway Wallet PURPOSE: A decoy wallet for a robbery or execution NUMBER: 5.01 Armed Robbery of Person SECTION: 5 Armed Robbery Defense COURSE: Cr…


uddoss says:

i always carry 10 wallets. in case i get robbed 9 times in a row.

erick gainor says:

i dont know how old this shit is but i live in the hood! mutha fuckas HERE
shoot u anyway money or not! c’mon man ur a cop,right?! aint nobody(dub
neg,so what)gone wait for ya’ll to get there OR call ‘fake 1 1′! if the
robber is close enough
he WILL get sliced the fuck up…THEN i take off,but he wont be able to
chase me wit a hacked jawline!!!str8 up!once the wallet is thrown a BIG
blade will follow,EMEDIATELY!then he’ll hear my nikes squeekin’ the fuck
out.and FUCK deployment…i walk with folder IN HAND ALREADY as much as i

Dunja Sadler says:

Great advice on the throw away wallet Jim , especially about not having any
adress where he can find you .

nehorlavazapalka says:

I’m getting one right now. You have to pass law test (about three days of
study) and show proper handling of the firearm (though you may get jerk
commisars). It takes about two months. It is shall issue. The same goes for
austria, slovakia and estonia i suppose.

Fred Bazoo says:

Your allowed to conceal carry? Are the permits for this easy to obtain?

Fred Bazoo says:

Seriously….Have you blown a gasket? Throw a wallet in some crackheads
face so that you can pull a “Bruce Lee” on him?? Isn’t it better to jujst
get your ass out of there?? I know its not sexy and macho but at least your

nehorlavazapalka says:

there are no restrictions on other weapons, only tasers are almost
impossible to get. You may buy bulletproof vests, though.

holysoks1 says:

“The worse thing to do is nothing. That’s most people.” truth.

Varg Elysia says:

Put cards of businesses and people you hate in your throw away wallet

EverydayCutlery says:

So I assume you’re not interested in the deception tactic illustrated at
9:15 of the video? I was thinking of making some photo copies of some large
bills myself until they mentioned that part. Actually, just keeping some of
my real money in the fake wallet seems even cheaper and easier than trying
to create a good counterfeit, and certainly more convincing if someone is
stalking me and watching me pay for things out of the same fake wallet I
would be giving them.

toonfishbrot says:

hey, i came to your channel with the hand signals video, and i instantly
loved your videos!! 🙂 really great stuff, i would love to see you one time
on one of your courses. 🙂 Be A Hard Target. p.s.: this saying is awesome.

Jim Wagner says:

kushxtc: What? a person can’t outrun a bullet? No kidding. You’re assuming
the armed robber is within touching distance. Watch the video again and
pick up the finer points. This is a technique when you are in out-of-reach
distance and you know the criminal is going to execute you. Be A Hard

holysoks1 says:

Nah, a wallet to the face is a good tactic, it’s also trained in the event
of an attempted theft while approaching your car, if you feel the need to
get in a scrap with them, throw your keys in their face while saying you’ll
pass it to them, that distraction could enable your first blow to actually
do something.

holysoks1 says:

rule of thumb, but if you need to actually defend yourself, or you feel the
intent of the attacker is to kill you, YOU BETTER HAVE TRAINED A FEW
METHODS OF INTERVENING. For you the situation I described leads to your
death and loss of property, possible loss of life on witnesses/people with
you. My method leads to a greater survival chance, which is what you’re
looking for, don’t test fate, it’s less likely to test you.

Bryan Goh says:

Can’t you add in fake identification along with the throw away wallet? like
put fake money in it, and then put fake identification cards like where you
live, phone #, etc. and those identification cards will have the phone # of
your supposedly home address which is really the police station’s call
number and their address instead of your’s? it will look like it’s real,
but when they go rob your house, they end up at the police station.

holysoks1 says:

Don’t get me wrong, I realise your point and concede that giving up money
is a better survival tactic than attacking out-right, but I wasn’t
addressing that, I was replying to something that someone else said. Do
what you have to do to survive.

holysoks1 says:

If I can kill the gunman without taking the gun, I will. I’ll use the
distraction to close distance, not try and out-run the bullets, it’s really
not hard to aim a pistol, and they won’t even have to point shoot, they can
take aim if you’re running away, which means they’ve got every opportunity
to calmly gun you down. Running at them causes stress on their part, far
greater chance of them making an error.

EverydayCutlery says:

That depends…what if you find yourself stranded in an urban area with
“duty to retreat” laws?

Diggy Snop says:

Your exactly right. Never run from a guy with a gun unless that is your
last and desparate option. This guy knows nothin lol.

BongShades says:

always the black man….

holysoks1 says:

Massive hole in this, you shouldn’t RUN away from a gun, out-running
bullets is not a viable option. Take control of the gun, that or re-direct
it the moment you throw the wallet in their face, stop them from being able
to USE that gun, a palm to the face, kick to the knee, anything really that
causes extreme pain or bio-mechanical means of diverting/stopping the
correct aiming or usage of the pistol. Could mean TAKING the pistol from
him, that should be the no.1 part of gun defence.

Alexander says:

Is that from a song? hehe.

nehorlavazapalka says:

well, austria and czech republic have concealed carry much like in the US.
There are places with sensible laws.

ely1camb says:

i used this idea when visiting a few didn’t famous European city’s and
lucky i never had to practice it yet.

Noir4321 says:

That sounds like a really bad idea. When a gun man has you in his sights,
for mugging you or for something else, you better believe he’s gonna be on
edge. Any slight thing could set him off and make him pull the trigger, if
he sees that you’re not willing to cooperate then he’s more likely to shoot
you if you make a sudden move. Best to keep a calm demeanor and comply with
his demands as long as they are reasonable. Losing 30 dollars hurt less
than a bullet.

holysoks1 says:

You run from a guy with a gun if they’re distracted and you have a very
close source of cover, or it’s your last and desperate option.

knowledgeisthepower1 says:

when u throw the wallet at him and he has the gun at u, isn’t that going to
cause him to flinch and tighten up and likely pull the trigger- just

Jim Wagner says:

knowledgeisthepower1, yes, there will most likely be a flinch response and
a pulling of the trigger. I cover this in the video. Then again, he may
just decide to shoot you anyway for the fun of it. So, once again, be
prepared for SUBMIT, FIGHT, or FLIGHT. Be A Hard Target.

EverydayCutlery says:

Yeah, if you’re living state side in a rural area where we still have a few
liberties left intact, I can see why you wouldn’t be too concerned with
using this system anymore. I liked the setting for this video being in
urban areas of Europe; those poor SOBs have NO rights!

dundeemantronic says: t-shirt 🙂 When are you going back to Bulgaria,Jim?

FallenShortFilms says:

what kindnof video is this!? “Throw something at his face, run and hope he
only catches your fucking arm!?” you can’t give this kinda advice to
people. if it were me, throw it at him yeah, but lunge the cunt, bite his
fucking arm off, grab a rock and pulverize his face in, anything to ensure
my family get to see me again and i them.

Noscul Grab says:

Hi Jim. Thanx for your vids but I want you to show a self defense against a
guy who instigates a fight. Should I hit first and do a wing chun tactic
wind mill attack or a punch after punch or Krav Maga? Thanx for your vids
once again. I love the wallet idea.

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