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Fight Tip – Self-Defense Against a Bat or Club

Learn the secrets of taking on an attacker armed with a bat or club. These self defense tips will give you the best chance of winning a fight when your attac…


Barry Smith says:

the ‘sweet spot’ the ‘center of percussion’

Justin Starr says:

I would like to see that stick go faster than 2 mph

dezinfectant says:

is it me or this guy’s voice really sounds nice? like a movie narrator..

Budsygus says:

Mom jeans? Check. Cell phone holsters? Check. These guys are obviously

Dee M. says:

Your opponent Isn’t gonna just stand there with their hands on their hips
and let you attack them with a stick, I hope you know! They’re gonna use
their arms to block your swings, then take it and use that stick on you

wmpyr says:

having seen the full video, I’m surprised that they didn’t actually
demonstrate this point on each other.

Sylvester Hale says:

very practical !

Ryan Kalinowski says:

I feel obligated to point out that the 60-75% rule is incorrect. Physics
tells us that the greater the radius, the greater the rotational force. The
tip of the stick is the most dangerous. That being said, an unskilled
attacker may be more likely to make solid contact with an area slightly
behind that, whereas the end of the stick may land a glancing blow.

Sebastien Lemay says:

so get hit one time trip and get killed lol

rabdhall05 says:

Awesome professional advice. I will be ordering your DVDs and other
materials. Thanks!

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