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Teaching ‘The Vamps’ Boxing & Self Defense Techniques

Follow ‘The Vamps’: GET MORE FIGHT TIPS▻ So James McVey (guitarist for The Vamps) reached out to me and asked if I would teach him some.


PikUpYourPantsPatrol says:

I got no money, is it possible to teach myself martial arts? Why or why


Shane can you teach us savate (French kickboxing)

MikeGinuforce says:

Connor looks like he could be your younger brother haha

Petko Apostolov says:

Strong dudes doing one plate on smith machine for 2/4 ROM.

ThatGuyonYoutube says:

I think it’s awesome that if someone reaches out to you for help or advice
that you’ll do this, hard it find people with those traits anymore. Nice
video, keep them up!

אריאל טלביץ' says:

1:27 the guy dont know how to bench, teach him Shane.. elbows 45 degree,
arch the back… he will snap his shoulders 

G9StudioZ says:

Please… not the smith machine….. smith machine is awful mate, also
makes it easier to lift

Fobia™ says:

Shane, did you ever train in Capoeira? (Pretty sure I said it wrong, ahah)

TK101Warhammer says:

Shane that was amazing, good job teaching the underdogs and they did great
for first time, teach them foot work and step with every punch is probably
more important than punching itself! God bless.

jeroen egberts says:

Hey shane great vids man :D. When does Ant come back :p?? 

James Moore says:

nice shane

joey kranicki says:

Shane i thought you were from philly 

the Cabazorro says:

Shane can you tell me how to strengthen my muscles and get speed and power
without developing mass? I don’t mind how hard the workout is, I just
REALLY REALLY need to know.

L1nKo64 says:

Who the fuck Are the vamps?

FreakDreamer X says:

Shane,what are the top 5 tips when sparring a jerk who is trying to pick a
fight for fun?Even tho we tried to talk to him and walk away,but he doesnt
listen and still continue doing so?
Ps: Im an inexperience in fighting,whenever im in a fight,my chances of
winning is a complete 0%,and i do follow ur tips in this channel except
that when the fight starts all i did is dodge his attacks and i have a
small amount of stamina

NewMusicNetworks says:

who are these dweebs? this aint the lost boys.

Bartek Janicki says:

at the beginning of the vid the tall guy on your right (my left) needs to
pull his pants higher 0-0

LilNinjaxoxo says:

Im officially a fan of the vamps! OMG! Connor and James=babes!

2GunAssassin says:

I’m very impressed with your patience and very understanding attitude
towards these dudes. I remember when I first started boxing my instructors
would be very judgemental and not so understanding when I would throw an
incorrect punch or even having bad technique even while knowing it was my
first time not to mention not even the students wanted to help.

Very selfish individuals. I hope these giys recognize how honored it is to
be trained by a person like yourself. Keep up the gr8 videos man.

Remington Rojas says:

Was expecting a lot of hate for these guys considering they look like
Justin Bieber/one direction but was surprised how civil it is. That makes
me glad to be in this community.

Tyler Jones says:

Damn Shane you’re getting so many opportunities since you moved west, proud
of you brother!

Egor Semeniak says:

That’s a pussy way to bench at 0:39. Lower the weight and go all the way
down to your chest.

LeoSol13 says:

Hey, Shane. Do you think you could do a tutorial on the helmet guard at
some point? I tried using it once in sparring but I don’t think I did it
right and I ended up hurting my partner doing it

Alex Luthor says:

Lhhhhh. they dont want to be worldstar’ed

Luis Gomez says:

i dont giv a fuck about the vamps its jb whose ass i wanna kick


It surprises me that someone who obviously looks after there body by
lifting etc, hasn’t tried any form of martial art (I don’t know whether
this sounds weird, but it makes enough sense to me, haha).

Rosie Newton says:

Love them :)

Bultra Studios says:

Jeeze Shane first you teach the Peace Keepers and now Cleberties. I expect
youll have your own movie soon.

marcuelcajon says:

Are u every coming out to San Diego?

Alanis Hindle says:


Young_Shakz says:

Their not that famous yet for people to go and fight them

muzz1255 says:

I would like to hate on them but I’ll just keep it to myself lol. Anyways,
Good work Shane.

Adrian Luevano says:

How do you beat a rusher ?

InsomniacBobo says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

monsterwicker says:

God bless you all,
Jesus is with us,
Praise the lord,

joeblundell71 . says:

Seen them live, they’re awesome

alexthewrathful says:

Nice video Shane 🙂 keep it up. Remember to breath in when you take it down
and breath out when you push it away from your body

sQeki says:

Gonna break your shoulders with that tecnique boys. First let the bar come
allway down to chest and secondly dont push with ur shoulders at the end..
Put ur lats behind and tight packet is ready.

Nadhir Nasir says:

What should i do first Shane? Train Muay Thai first then lift weight or
lift weight first then Muay Thai

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