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Self Defense? Woman Pops Her Trunk.. Shooting & Killing A Man With A Rifle At Gas Station!

“Homicide investigators with HPD said a woman who shot and killed a man in a gas station parking lot may have feared for her life. The confrontation occurred…


Johnny Charles says:

Ya maybe she should have let him stab her a few times. Then laid down got
raped. After she started to pass out from blood loss then it would have
been justified to shoot him. LMAO The comments both in the video and in
the comment secion are ridiculous. A man twice her size threatens to rape
a women at a gas station with eye witness. Then she pulls weapon points it
at the ground and tell him to get lost. He then tried to cut her with a
knife. Only then does she shoot him in self defense. People are tryign to
say she’s murder. Life must be fucking hard for black people in Texas

Ronald Samson says:

Killing another human being wont help anything. This could probably have
been solved with pepper spray.. Savage nation you have over there. 

Nolan James says:

A dead thug is the only good kind of thug. Violent criminals never change,
they will always hurt more people if given the chance. Furthermore, it
costs around 60 thousand dollars a year to house a prisoner and they
receive 3 meals a day, and numerous privileges all on our dime. Over the
course of a lifetime in prison that amounts to millions of tax payer
dollars for feeding and housing the most evil scum on this earth. Expand
the death penalty, cut out the bullshit appeals, and keep our streets safe.

M. McReynolds says:

If only more people carried firearms we’d have a lot less black trash on
the streets. This woman is a hero like Zimmerman! 

crowdcor225 says:

The guy made a threatening movement at her AFTER she pulled the rifle from
the trunk. A justified shooting? Yes. If nothing else, the dude that
attacked her will never be able to do it again.

Angel 7 says:

somethin happen outa wa wa west…lool

SuckMySweatyBallz says:

Texas is trying to make people stop fucking with people. They’re doing this
by allowing citizens to use deadly force against an attacker. It’s making
people think twice about acting stupid because in my house (Texas) 3 people
live there and all 3 have Concealed Weapon Licenses and plenty of guns to
go around. No responsible person wants to shoot someone but if they’re
forced to I think they should. The more innocent people shoot attackers the
less attacks will occur. 

Joe Holtz says:

Good for her. That woman was right to defend her life. A huge man with two
weapons coming at her and threatening rape should be killed.

Dave Spinn says:

Did he say Y Y West?

Stephen Baker says:

Obvious self defense. That scumbag harassed, threatened and then hit her
(with pocket knife?), for what reason? Because she shot down his sexual
advances? He came after her even after she pulled a gun. She actually
showed a lot of restraint. sounds like she rid the world of a rapist and
possibly murderer.


Are you kidding even asking this question ? The man had 2 weapons and
punched her in the face. Good for her for having the insight to put the
rifle in her trunk after his failed advances from the day before. My guess
she already knew he was capable of something violent. Congratulations on
keeping yourself alive young lady !

lakeem cisco says:

Popped the trunk on him classic 

TheConpuentes says:

I thought you can protect home, vehicle, or business if threatened.

lakeem cisco says:

Popped the trunk on him classic 

Lavell Duncan says:

A young women in Las Vegas is being charged with 1st degree murder after
fatally shooting the man that brutally beat her. The family is seeking help
in hiring a defense attorney please visit this site to read the full story
and see very graphic pictures of her injuries BLACK EYE, SWOLLEN FACE, and
BITE MARKS ON HER BODY please lend your support by donating and helping
spread this story. http://WWW.GOFUNDME.COM/DDZBLC

riaan schoeman says:

Wtf people on one deserves to die he didnt hurt the women she should have
gotten in toe her car and phoned the cops

James Madison says:

if a 200 pound man comes at a lady thats 140 pounds and is known that male
species of human are 20% stronger, and that male had a knife yes, then it
was a justified self defense case.

roger twaddle says:

Good for her! She did the world a favor.

hilarytg says:

Not guilty self defence

Chedda Go says:

he shouldn’t have put his hands on her

Chedda Go says:

he shouldn,

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