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Self defense slingshot!

The Slingshot Channel brings to you a video about a slingshot with built-in exchangeable tear gas and two automatic folding knifes, attached to the tips of t…


Jaaahhh says:

fucking brilliant

Hamad Hamedzad says:

I wana see Joerg sprave in last scarface movie scene, with the slingshot
instead of the Monster M4


If you draw and the handle breaks off while the knives are up, you are

Jesse Cruz says:

This is simply diabolical! I love it and I’m totally eating it up!

John N says:

If all that blubber wasn’t bad enough, now a world-class weapon to kill.

Dana Reinhart III says:

What do you think of someone using a cheap daisy slinshot? If sk which
bands would you reccomend? 

OoKARMACoO says:

May I ask what knives those are?

RexTheWonderDog1 says:

Thumbs up if soon after 1.04 you hoped to hear a scooter crash into the

Max Rijnsoever says:

sickk! but when you open your left hand, the slingshot throws back and the
knives are in your neck… so its pretty dangerous

KidCaribbean70 says:

You have lost your damn mind. I do like your sling bow, however.

Billthesheepdog says:

and the other guy pulls out his Glock and kills you dead. Doesnt seem so
great to me anymore.

Cretaal says:

That looks like the perfect non-lethal defense. Put some pepper filled
paint balls in there and you have full range take-down power. You are a
genius and an amazing craftsman! You have even showed me the merits of a
hand catapult that set it above modern firearms and even modern bows.

usa73r says:

I think the design would work best in a conventional slingshot design with
a single fold out blade from underneath and the Pepper spray can as the
handle so that the spray nozzle is situated in the “V” of the slingshot.
Having the blades situated in the position of your design does not allow
for effective use of the blades. It does look like a mean bugger though.

Dustin Browning says:

There is also a thing called a shotgun

Maple534 says:

i want to buy 1

TheRobDude115 says:

Why does this guy need a slingshot to defend himself, just look at his

MrGoodbytes says:

When you think about it, blasting someone with teargas so they are near
defenseless then the amount of strength you can put into a hit with
something held upright in your hand like a club with knives attached, could
do some damage. Not to mention the fact that its a slingshot, and that is a
lot of metal flying through the air at your head..

Brendan Smith says:

I’m surprised he didn’t make miniature nukes to shoot from it 😛

ifuhearmyshotimissed says:

cool and all but… i prefer my 9mm

Doug Voyles says:

thats all cool and all but does it blend?

paulius45 says:

for a big guy like u u dont need the self defence slingshot lol

snakerman2612 says:

sick weapon. u could see a guy with a giant sword and be like i’m cool

Lvduggo69 says:

Slim frogin de doigin ! Richen ger frichin. Slingshotin der knifin re
snappin in da facein. Nice jobin !

MrTHECRAZY17 says:

i got a good slingshot i just dont know how to aim it … help me?

Wayne123q says:

Wie schnell wirdn so ne Murmel wenn sie abgefeuert wird?

diorccmars says:


marus163 says:

Weapon of mass destruction

Caneric90 says:

Die Springmesser sind nicht illegal im eig sinne sie dürfen nur nicht
geführt werden da sie einhändig zu öffnen sind und somit für einen
“hinterhältigen” angriff benutzt werden können.

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