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Self-Defense Is Racist?!

One of our most importance rights is self-defense, and, in most states, the ability to ‘stand your ground.’ But our friends at The Root aren’t happy with that. Chad Nationalism, American Nationalist, & Internet Bloodsports MERCH: MORE RESPONSE VIDEOS: BACKUP CHANNEL (PLEASE FOLLOW!) // SUPPORT // PATREON: STREAMLABS: FOLLOW // GAB: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: jalls95 MY PODCASTS // Nationalist Review (Sundays) SOURCES //


LazyStoner says:

Why is that fat pigs face so shiny?

Nomad 1-4 says:

So much cringe

james staggs says:

My God I hate that woman and I'm not at all ashamed of that fact.

ShortbusMooner says:

Our sheriff kicks ass- he's not going to consider charges against the 'stand your ground' guy. I love my state..

Nozomi Sasaki says:

I can barely stand to look at that fat, ugly retard, let alone listen to her speak. I'm surprised that she's literate enough to read the lines that are written for her .

mattdaddyful says:

I was raised to NEVER use the LORDS name in vein and the N word…50 years later I still abide by that…But she is THE N word…Trump 2020…MAGA

Lick ThePussyJuice says:

Human beings have something called pattern recognition. It is human to be biased. If you know that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, it is natural to stay away from black neighborhoods at night. We are told to not have implicit bias which essentially tells us to not be human and observe the world around us. Black neighborhoods are typically the
most violent and most blacks are killed by other blacks yet she isn’t complaining about that. Black lives don’t matter when it comes to black on black crime. This woman is a complete bigot. If a white person had a video up stereotyping blacks like this, the outrage would be deafening.

CameronComix says:

"Living while black is getting harder and harder." Say that to the slaves in the 70s.

Judson Hammond says:

How dare you Sir, how dare you use facts and statistics to debunk her fake ass funk.

Some Asshole says:

I am a racist but I don't want to hurt black people violently, verbally discriminate against them, nor take away their rights. I see black people as a man sees a woman with many red flags. The negatives outweigh the positives! 🙂

Julian the Apostate says:

So many lies, anecdotes and false equivalencies.

Nomad 1-4 says:

James you are the best youtuber right now. Please keep fighting the good fight

Nathan Santos says:

You know it's getting bad when you have to consistently say "what may be their worst…yet" almost every video addressing these entities (I don't feel comfortable calling them people, maybe arroggent people)

pyropulse says:

The dude was a homeless transient schizophrenic destitute vagabond.

I also suppose this means that blacks are ultra-racist against whites, since whites are over seven times as likely to be murdered by a black than a black is to be murdered by a white, at least the logic of these race peddles.

Aulkraen says:

Criminality is the new black entitlement.

The Anti-Christ says:

Are you a white person? Have you ever punched someone in the jaw as they tried to rape your girlfriend and cut off your arm? Did that person just so happen to be black?

Welp your racist

-Lil Orinoco- says:

What is your outro music?

adam gastech says:

Be good if they were all bodies.

Owen Kahn says:

Cancer; noun
Definition: A serious disease caused by the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
Synonyms: The Root; The Root; The Root; The Root.

krisluvkev says:

To some blacks who only see themselves as victims anything and everything is racist.

Isnipe4u says:

Lovin the Weird Al' photo at 10:00 XD

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