RAPID FIRE – What to Tell Police [After a Self-Defense Incident]
Do you know what to tell police after a self-defense incident? Learn what you should—and shouldn’t—say to the police after a self-defense incident. Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and Emily Taylor discuss words and phrases that could work against you when you’ve just defended yourself.
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You know until you go through it you don’t know. I was prosecuted and they told the jury I was guilty because I called a lawyer. I even lost that on appeal.
This is terribly wrong advice. The only thing you need to say is “I will answer anything once my attorney is present”. Just FYI the moment you take this guy’s horrible advice you shift the burden of proof from prosecutor to yourself. Absolute terrible advice to give a small description of what happened while saying you had to defend yourself.
Your blood pressure will be sky high. Tell them "I'm feeling very ill I want to go to a hospital." then make absolutely no statement without an attorney present.
Don't forget to follow up by asking for an attorney. You need time to collect your thoughts. I took some force-on-force classes a while back, and the instructor would, immediately after we either were 1) shot or 2) shot the attacker, ask us questions about what literally, seconds before, just happened, and across the board, overwhelmingly, we answered most questions incorrectly.
We need to do away with Mental Health Court and instead we need Disabilities Court. Born with Bladder Extrophy I was Richland County 1967 March of Dimes Twin. I was an Armed Private Security Officer for some of my working life and in South Carolina Private Security Officer has the same authority as a Deputy Sheriff to enforce the local and State Law's on the property we are paid to protect. Whenever you leave one Private Security Company and go to the next you must be issued a new South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division Private Security Officer certificate for that Company. I was a Private Investigator with Pinkerton's Investigations. I kept trying to find a Police job but they didn't want to hire me because of Birth Defects and Urostomy Bag. So I then became a Correctional Officer for about 6 months and I felt like I was not making any positive changes around me I didn't feel like it was the place for me. Back to Private Security I went and I enrolled in the EMT class at Midland Technical College Beltline Campus. I Disability Retired from Richland County Emergency Services EMS Division in August of 2001 after my third parastomal hernia hernia Surgery my Doctor said I could no longer lift people for a living. I am not an abled body person or the average person I am physically much more vulnerable to physical attack than the average person. And 8-year-old girl is strong enough to hit me in my abdomen causing serious bodily harm and or death for example. I had an incident in the condominium complex where I live at was airing out my grievances with the property manager. He knew that I knew that both he and the president of the homeowners association burglarized my neighbor's home. My service dog had to use the bathroom so I took him outside and noticed the property manager's pickup truck backed up to my neighbor's unit and the president of the HOA assisting the property manager loading up my neighbor's property into the pickup truck that the property manager owned. At the time I looked at them today guys what's up and they said they were helping my neighbor clear outer home so she could sell it. But I didn't think much of it after that until my neighbor came back home she had led everybody to believe that she was not coming back and she was selling her home. The property manager in the President of the HOA never expected to see her back on the property again as far as a news she had moved to lake placid. Upon her return from lake placid she called and told me that her stuff was missing at that point I advised her yep sure is h o a president and the property manager were kind enough to back up the property managers pick up truck and load up your stuff and get rid of it for you so you could sell your place. I had a problem with the property manager trying to tell me that I could not access the swimming pool with my service dog this is a swimming pool that my regime fees pay for me to use. This is a private swimming pool not a public is swimming pool. I got a phone call from a service dog organization that knows me they advised me that the property manager here was calling them and asking them inappropriate questions about myself and the service dog. They thought that I needed to know that my property manager was up to something they didn't help him very much other than to say you cannot inquire about the nature of a person's disability he is not a client of ours. At this point I'd had it with everything to do with that property manager. Taking an old cell phone putting in an airplane mode and using it as a body camera I went and wanted him to confess to what he had done and if he did confess then it would just be between the board members the victim and that's it. He did not want to confess to me I would see him in court. The property manager didn't ask me if I was threatening him I said nope I will see you in court I have a good day and much like a judge with a gavo I pounded my fist on the desk I told him that I would see him in court then again as I'm leaving he's yelling are you threatening me and he's trying to get up from his desk. Again I said nope see you in court and I close the office door I got about eight steps away from the office door at this point of my life I was 150 lb 5'6 in a man twice my weight over 6 ft tall had every advantage over me arm reached leg reach mind you I got about eight steps away we're within 21 ft in South Carolina we have no duty to retreat I was in the process of retreating I fell threatened and pursued my IDPA and Security training plus the IDPA training competitive shooting My heart was racing I never wanted to take a life I'd save a life before I take a life a punch spinning around in pointing my firearm at him he stopped South Carolina's concealed weapons training is all about shooting to stop. I had my CWP and it doesn't really cover what to do if the Act of meeting his show of force with deadly force is enough to stop him anyway my thoughts were I was standing my group and I shouldn't have to fear prosecution. They said I was only immune if I had shot him. He was coming at me he was verbally threatening then he realized when I yelled loudly step the !!!! BACK!!! He then assumed the surender position showing me his hands and then asking me if I just pulled that off to which I told him yes I did and I have it on video. He then turned his back to me returning to his office and shutting the door. Much like where you are does your Court have an ADA Coordinator? Ours did not. I'd be forced to go to a Court where the prosecutor is now in control of the criminal court dockets and he was able to get his golf buddy judge to sentence me to 5 years suspended on 3 served and 5 years probation. So judge shopping, non-compliance with Title II of the ADA, violations of the separation of powers doctrine at our state constitution and United States Constitution. All kinds of my rights were violated and now my second amendment rights have been and are being infringed upon to this day. In the state of Georgia it's a Misdemeanor but in SC it's a Felony. Oh well I tried to fight them back on my own but I can't afford an attorney. Case Law K. C. LANGFORD III here in SC and I had my rights violated in 2015
I was told by a Sheriff Deputy and a local police officer to state what happened and that felt I had to stop the threat.
You know until you go through it you don’t know.
I was prosecuted and they told the jury I was guilty because I called a lawyer. I even lost that on appeal.
I was im fear for my life definitely works if youre a cop
Law enforcement self defense demo techniques cops protect crame defense against criminal
This is terribly wrong advice. The only thing you need to say is “I will answer anything once my attorney is present”. Just FYI the moment you take this guy’s horrible advice you shift the burden of proof from prosecutor to yourself. Absolute terrible advice to give a small description of what happened while saying you had to defend yourself.
SPOT ON! 25 year deputy sheriff in patrol and investigations. Excellent information. Rehearsed, canned statements can come across disingenuous.
When I had to do a CCP corse our instructor said USCCA isn’t gonna save you ALWAYS plead the fifth
Oh, I will "call my attorney"
Wo the F***k, has an attorney
Who endangers more people than armed idiots afraid of their own shadow? Guns are for pussies
Or, “I was sitting at home and a black kid knocked on my door. I had to shoot! He was going to kill me!”
It’s heading right for us!
-South Park
Your blood pressure will be sky high. Tell them "I'm feeling very ill I want to go to a hospital." then make absolutely no statement without an attorney present.
Thank you for your episodes. Very informative
Don't forget to follow up by asking for an attorney. You need time to collect your thoughts. I took some force-on-force classes a while back, and the instructor would, immediately after we either were 1) shot or 2) shot the attacker, ask us questions about what literally, seconds before, just happened, and across the board, overwhelmingly, we answered most questions incorrectly.
We need to do away with Mental Health Court and instead we need Disabilities Court. Born with Bladder Extrophy I was Richland County 1967 March of Dimes Twin. I was an Armed Private Security Officer for some of my working life and in South Carolina Private Security Officer has the same authority as a Deputy Sheriff to enforce the local and State Law's on the property we are paid to protect. Whenever you leave one Private Security Company and go to the next you must be issued a new South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division Private Security Officer certificate for that Company. I was a Private Investigator with Pinkerton's Investigations. I kept trying to find a Police job but they didn't want to hire me because of Birth Defects and Urostomy Bag. So I then became a Correctional Officer for about 6 months and I felt like I was not making any positive changes around me I didn't feel like it was the place for me. Back to Private Security I went and I enrolled in the EMT class at Midland Technical College Beltline Campus. I Disability Retired from Richland County Emergency Services EMS Division in August of 2001 after my third parastomal hernia hernia Surgery my Doctor said I could no longer lift people for a living. I am not an abled body person or the average person I am physically much more vulnerable to physical attack than the average person. And 8-year-old girl is strong enough to hit me in my abdomen causing serious bodily harm and or death for example. I had an incident in the condominium complex where I live at was airing out my grievances with the property manager. He knew that I knew that both he and the president of the homeowners association burglarized my neighbor's home. My service dog had to use the bathroom so I took him outside and noticed the property manager's pickup truck backed up to my neighbor's unit and the president of the HOA assisting the property manager loading up my neighbor's property into the pickup truck that the property manager owned. At the time I looked at them today guys what's up and they said they were helping my neighbor clear outer home so she could sell it. But I didn't think much of it after that until my neighbor came back home she had led everybody to believe that she was not coming back and she was selling her home. The property manager in the President of the HOA never expected to see her back on the property again as far as a news she had moved to lake placid. Upon her return from lake placid she called and told me that her stuff was missing at that point I advised her yep sure is h o a president and the property manager were kind enough to back up the property managers pick up truck and load up your stuff and get rid of it for you so you could sell your place. I had a problem with the property manager trying to tell me that I could not access the swimming pool with my service dog this is a swimming pool that my regime fees pay for me to use. This is a private swimming pool not a public is swimming pool. I got a phone call from a service dog organization that knows me they advised me that the property manager here was calling them and asking them inappropriate questions about myself and the service dog. They thought that I needed to know that my property manager was up to something they didn't help him very much other than to say you cannot inquire about the nature of a person's disability he is not a client of ours. At this point I'd had it with everything to do with that property manager. Taking an old cell phone putting in an airplane mode and using it as a body camera I went and wanted him to confess to what he had done and if he did confess then it would just be between the board members the victim and that's it. He did not want to confess to me I would see him in court. The property manager didn't ask me if I was threatening him I said nope I will see you in court I have a good day and much like a judge with a gavo I pounded my fist on the desk I told him that I would see him in court then again as I'm leaving he's yelling are you threatening me and he's trying to get up from his desk. Again I said nope see you in court and I close the office door I got about eight steps away from the office door at this point of my life I was 150 lb 5'6 in a man twice my weight over 6 ft tall had every advantage over me arm reached leg reach mind you I got about eight steps away we're within 21 ft in South Carolina we have no duty to retreat I was in the process of retreating I fell threatened and pursued my IDPA and Security training plus the IDPA training competitive shooting My heart was racing I never wanted to take a life I'd save a life before I take a life a punch spinning around in pointing my firearm at him he stopped South Carolina's concealed weapons training is all about shooting to stop. I had my CWP and it doesn't really cover what to do if the Act of meeting his show of force with deadly force is enough to stop him anyway my thoughts were I was standing my group and I shouldn't have to fear prosecution. They said I was only immune if I had shot him. He was coming at me he was verbally threatening then he realized when I yelled loudly step the !!!! BACK!!! He then assumed the surender position showing me his hands and then asking me if I just pulled that off to which I told him yes I did and I have it on video. He then turned his back to me returning to his office and shutting the door. Much like where you are does your Court have an ADA Coordinator? Ours did not. I'd be forced to go to a Court where the prosecutor is now in control of the criminal court dockets and he was able to get his golf buddy judge to sentence me to 5 years suspended on 3 served and 5 years probation. So judge shopping, non-compliance with Title II of the ADA, violations of the separation of powers doctrine at our state constitution and United States Constitution. All kinds of my rights were violated and now my second amendment rights have been and are being infringed upon to this day. In the state of Georgia it's a Misdemeanor but in SC it's a Felony. Oh well I tried to fight them back on my own but I can't afford an attorney. Case Law K. C. LANGFORD III here in SC and I had my rights violated in 2015
What is your opinion on asking for medical attention and invoking right to counsel?
You guys are awesome I don't know how you don't have a million subscribers.
Fueling algor.
The "fear for my life" thing has become so ingrained that people think it is a major component of the justification for self-defense. It isn't.
How about, I want to fully cooperate with the aide of my attorney, I invoke my right to remain silent
Curious, when police are involved in a questionable shooting do they seek legal advise before writing a report or giving a statement?