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People Who Have Had to Kill in Self Defense, Did You Ever Recover Psychologically?

Fresh AskReddit Stories: [Serious]Redditors who have had to kill in self defense, Did you ever recover psychologically? What is it to live knowing you killed someone regardless you didn’t want to do it? — LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES! ▶ Want to watch more amazing Reddit stories? Check out our playlist! 😀Check out our second channel for even more r/AskReddit videos! #Reddit #Updoot #AskReddit


K P says:

16:36 “About 11 years ago (late 1999)”

Hey dude sorry to break it to you, but that was 21 years ago

•Aqua Katie• says:

His roommates: Hey boss can I have tomorrow off?
Boss: Yeah sure, but why?
His roommates: My roommate killed a robber and we are still in disbelief
Boss: Oh oka- WAIT WHAT?!
His roommates: Thanks! Bye

TheBritishWolf says:

Never be afraid to kill to survive. It's instinct. Your life is your life, you need to defend it even if it involves a claw hammer and a LOT of blood splatter. You might feel guilty, but it's you or them. Repeat that. Because the second you start feeling bad is when you hesitate. And hesitation gets you raped, mugged and murdered. Survival is everything. They put themself in this position, not you. They're the ones throwing their life away, you're the one protecting yours.

And if you don't feel guilt, that's natural. If you don't feel guilt, that's your animal hindbrain saying "YES! We survived!". Don't feel bad about not feeling bad. You survived. That's what matters.

Jordan Colemere says:

Who else is purchasing a gun after hearing these stories?

DareToBeDeviant says:

It's not so much worrying about ending the other person, but rather the aftermath with police/court/jail if it comes to that. Depending on where it takes place and evidence, there's the possibility of getting off free OR serving a decade behind bars. I've been through so much BS that shooting a home invader would only be a minor inconvenience… then going back to bed. We're all different. Even hardcore military personnel are haunted years after having to take a life while stationed overseas because quite often it's something they shouldn't have had to do but was for the safety of others.

LL says:

Never bothered me, the assholes got in over their heads.

Jake Browne says:

My buddy was being carjacked and hit with a lead pipe when he pulled out his gun the guy hit his arm causing the gun to go off blew the crackheads melon smooth open my buddy seems to deal with it okay

Lmfaoing Around says:

People die if they r killed

smaug1224 dounowdawae says:

Taking advantage of a little kids bond with you is evil incarnate.

i would happily go to prison for murdering a rapist who tried my little brother, what about you?

Roos Skywalker says:

God, I wish this was legal in the Netherlands. If you kill in self-defense you will be charged with murder. If you incapacitate a burglar in self-defense you will be charged for assault. You always lose.

Davtwan says:

Thankfully, robbers wanting to kill people are the exception rather than the rule.


I never clicked so fast in my life

Jeff says:

I had to kill the fly because he tried to put viruses on my food

Rave Homard says:

16:30 there’s a simple answer as to why they rush. If they where smart they wouldn’t be there in the first place.

Shadow realm Dude says:

And this is why we need a second amendment

Turtle Squad says:

Ok either this video was recorded 10 yes ago or the writer meant 21 instead of 11 yrs cus 11 years ago is 2009 not 1999

Scarlett RXD says:

Something is wrong with me… I wanna kill someone…… ON GTA OBVIOUSLY LOLOLOL ok I’ll stop

AetheralMeowstic says:

ooeorr rueuvoo ruruv kvooki u dudue

butterlord 3317 says:

“I broke your bat sorry” most badass thing to say after killing somebody

Mellodee Klemmetsen says:

You currently have 999 likes and 9 dislikes… I’m tipping the scale and as of rn I am your 1k like

comical Devil says:

I wonder if it was fun

darwin morden says:

Intellectuals imagine what emotions people should feel in such circumstances and rub your face in it till suicide is the result. After an extremely emotional event a counselor would drive me to suicide. I chose as my mentor an uncle who survived the Italian campaign long ago. Yes, I was messed up for years but I survived where intellectuals with no real world experience would have killed me.

cityhunterinak says:

to the army guy who shot 2 robbers and anyone who had to deal with people dying due to robberies I'm sorry you have to deal with that but your not the one who decided that there lives were worth a tv and a laptop they decided your tv and laptop were worth there lives

James O'Dell says:

Dead guy on floor 1: what happened here? 2: Sorry I broke your bat.

Joy Georgina says:

wow died from ONE hit of a bat!

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