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Krav Maga Self-Defense Techniques: Palm Strike, Ear Slap, Headbutt Attack In this video, the Jarhead Dude shows you how to execute the palm strike, ear slap, and headbutt attack so fast that your opponent…


bigzeke smith says:

That would kill a man !

Jesse Jamison says:

marine looks tough

Tyler Russell says:

If I remember correctly, the instructor is this video trains marines.

Claire says:

Thank you for the great tips.

Sebastian Meinsen says:

Nice contribution, man. I’d never mess with you, ’cause I really love my
ear-drum. Kepp up the good work, bro.

blusuck says:

just use your ninja stars next time

Justin uberbacher says:

thank you for the tips, this is good stuff to know! :)

Rich says:

Very good!

SoccerFrenzy says:

Or you could just tackle him from the hips.. Don’t be such a idiot and wait
for someone to be pinned down.

Foxy MaryJane says:

Thank you! 

Nicolas Aske says:

Hahahaha this guys great.

MrAaronch says:

Thank you for sharing brother it was excellent. Semper Fi!

Max Loh says:

lol what’s up with the face mask

I am the real Flash says:

What’s up with the mask? Are you that ugly that you hide your face?

aaron scared says:

Very good video served me quite !!

Vincent LESAINE says:

hahahahahaha bullshit!!!!

Mark Tuovinen says:

And your wearing a mask why?

BloodRedCypher says:

this is awesome. please continue making

shaolinfingajab says:

“Hopefully” rupture his eardrum lmfao! brutal!

John La Sala says:

Very effective technique to throw your assailant off guard.

ealdie24 says:

too big to be an ninja, so he became a marine

onxiaftw says:



wow this rocks

miracle244100 says:

why wuld he be a usmc sniper?

GripItNRipIt82 says:

Jarhead dude? Thats like calling a black guy a nigger to his face! Marine
will suffice!

virlupus300 says:

Nice vid! I favorited, thumbs uped, and subscribed!

Thomas Sternburg says:

waiting for more !!! dont let me wait too long 😛

Alexander Irigoyen says:

Clench Your Teeth & Use Your Hairline Area, Then Strike

Shaun O'Connor says:

The answer is in the vid, watch and l9isten, the whole point of regular
practice is you build up an automatic response and cruciallySPEED!!
remember, the initial stance suggests you are aiming for a peacefull
outcome. but that same stance , if your opponant chooses to ignore that
cue, quicly moves from defensive to offensice so, remember observe. and
react!! if you don’t get the teqhnigue down pat you could lose precious

ThGuy757MC says:

What if my opponent has arms?

Mark Griffiths says:

Why are you wearing a mask? Are you a criminal?

alfons volkert says:

Krav Maga is a Combat fighting technique, that means you are using it to
kill someone else in hand-to-hand combat and it can be used in sef-defense,
but it’s originally devoleped to be used in combat!

sedanon says:

Hm, i guess i will try this when my gf gets cheeky next time

Rizla Rizzle says:

The problem is attackers if high on adrelinin most likely will not feel the
painful strikes enough to stop the attack.People fight and break noses and
don’t know that it’s happened.To stop the aggressor need to switch them
off, put them to sleep or stop their breathing, ie chin knockout or rib
attacks to effect breathing,otherwise they will keep on coming based on
their pain tolerance and determination.

hoanganhptit says:

I liked and subscribed.

odahilys says:

and by right i mean the right side of the chest under the pecs and above
the ribs. this is used to gauge the distance of your opponent so when you
bring your dominant hand (ie right hand for righties) to smack the cerebral
cortex, it will land in the right spot and you wont be too far away.

swimjet1125 says:

It’s much more lethal than a punch when you palm their nose. The danger is
striking the nose so hard you damage their brain.

quad616 says:

Youre very good at recording

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