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How to Defeat Dudes 19: Boxing Tactics for Self Defense This episode is dedicated to Russel Bakewell, who asked me for Shadow Boxing combos for self defense. Thought I would take it a step further, and introduce simple boxing tactics (plus a few bonuses) that would be useful in street fight situations… And throw in Jean Claude Van Damme for the hell of it. Russel, I hope you don’t mind. 😉


richard alvarado says:

Learn to throw good body shots especially with your non dominant hand ( left hook for right handers or right hook for a lefty ). Good head movement and slipping, rocking and rolling with punches because these are skills that 99% of regular Joe's or even street thugs and felons don't have, only professional level or high level amateur fighters have these skills.

Cloppa2000 says:

My wife wanted something that went from 0-100 very quickly… I bought her a set of scales!!

Twist Wuoch says:

that backround looks like that scene from juice and dj gee q scared as fuck against the wall

Robin L says:

00:29 – I randomly forwarded the video to see some action. You scared the shit out of me xD

SuperSatan 4 says:

Dope info not funny actually cringey, still worth watching tho

Thanasis Channel says:

Tomorrow is my first boxing lesson. I am almost 14 years old and I have some strength and I did not know much, but I actually learned A lot from this video and I subbed

Arthur Chan says:

Lovely Video! Excuse me for the intrusion, I would love your thoughts. Have you researched – Chireetler Dread Free Rule (should be on google have a look)? It is a great one of a kind guide for learning self effective defence moves minus the normal expense. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my buddy at last got great results with it.

Riordan Plows says:

tell u what…acid in a pepper spray can …fight time one punch slip spray…no joke quickest way to win a death match…

Namayi Zeddy says:

Appreciate Video! Excuse me for butting in, I am interested in your initial thoughts. Have you considered – Chireetler Dread Free Rule (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? It is a smashing one off guide for learning self effective defence moves minus the normal expense. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my friend Sam after many years got cool success with it.

Red J says:

funny and informative. i like it.

Serhan Ogan says:

He's scary just by looking, plus a trained fighter?!?
Just like Joe Rogan says:
"Man this guy comes on to you and fucks you at will, and there's nothing you can do about it."
(for Brock Lesnar)

Dave Overbey says:

If you will please YouTube me Dave Overbey as I have created the rotor propeller protector, The nucleus atom head protection, The arm lift blockage blockade, the scoop n swoop, the leg brush over w/spin in elbw stab. the batter, batter swing smash n bash, the tidal wave splash over, the washer agitator & spin cycle, the choppy water splash across, the under over loop, smack & whack, the arm wrestle & curl weight lift leverage in place of the muscle hustle.The paddle wheel deal & a parade of other advice & tactics to fighting smarter not harder. Please respond with your opinion as I am now 64 going on 34 L.O.L Thanks I don't need the fight but give me a thumbs up if so you liked.

andy chang says:


Bourbon Bear says:

I'm right handed but I prefer to fight in a southpaw stance.

Samjap August says:

lmao you guys are funny mann great video thanxs!!!

Jay D'Cruz DOF says:

I get bashed up at school and I'm actually so happy I came across this channel. Thank you

1sean campbell says:

got me chop

1sean campbell says:

real rap nobody fighting anymore straight pop they behind

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