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GUN DEFENSE FROM A MUGGING SCENARIO #1 #kravmaga #selfdefense #gundefense #martialarts



simeon Gaad Darius says:

Ce qu'il oublie de dire. Le bruit de la détonation rend sourd plus la perte de moyen quand vous avez une arme pointée sur vous-même 😮

Mason says:

Anyone watching, if someone has a gun or a knife to you just give them what they want. A wallet can be replaced, you can cancel your cards, you can't cancel a bullet in the chest and trust me they'll pull the trigger way faster than you can get the gun away from you.

Kid Bradley Brondial says:

Just listen to the person with the gun safest way

Kuro says:

I’ll be honest, this is genuinely fucking useless, this won’t help you whatsoever in a mugging situation, let me break this down: a Famous boxer back in the 90s/80s who was known for his impeccable strength got his wallet stolen from some guy, he told his son to wait whilst he chases the guy down, he gets to the guy, very close all up in his face, the mugger however had his gun in hand, the boxer knew this, you can guess what happened next, but he was shot on the spot and killed, over a wallet, need I bring up more situations of pro’s trying to stop a mugging. Also, a guns bullet is faster than you moving your arm to grab them, reactions exist and if their fingers are on the trigger, just give them your money or whatever, not worth dying over

ClusterX says:

If someone is holding you like this
Why dont you land a kick in his nuts
I think it can affect a bit

C Moon says:

What's the points of this video? You're offering no solutions… if there is more to this scenario in another clip my I suggest you lagel it "part 1" etc. And reference related clips via a link?

Cleveland Williams says:

The key is never point a firearm whether in attack or defensive mode, in close range. You always have to maintain distance; and if you don’t or cannot keep distance the firearm is kept close to the body not at full extension. That way if prepared to shoot in defence, when they come close, always push them away.

Sprog Johnson says:

Whatever fella, his finger is on the trigger. Fixed scenarios have little effects.

Minh Duc Le says:

Just increase your reaction time

Charbel Shwairi says:

I didn't listen to what was being said, but you need to know that attackers are going to be much more aggressive.

Devin Leon says:

All the other ways was wrong this is the first step to doing it right the first time

Technology-Glitcher says:

If they pull out a shot gun your fucked

Brad Smith says:

New watch: $120
New wallet:. $40
Cancel credit/debit cards: $0
Money in wallet: $variable
Cost of a new life: Priceless because you can't buy new lives.

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