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Women's Self-defense Seminar with Rener and Eve Gracie

Rener and Eve Gracie give a live Women’s Self-defense seminar from their home on Mother’s Day 2020! The techniques covered are from the Women Empowered program based on the principles of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Share with all the awesome mothers in your life! Get access to over 30 free online Gracie Jiu-Jitsu lessons for a limited time at To learn more about becoming a Women Empowered Certified Instructor, visit Please SUBSCRIBE –


Jimi Richmond says:

Rener is so in love..

Ras Alghul says:

Eve is so pretty

Marie-Pier Ruel says:

Thanks for this video! 🙏 You're the best!!!!

Dr. Gerald Groves says:

Absolutely awesome !!!

Museme Me says:

State of Maryland has no stand your ground law.

Museme Me says:

Well pepper spray is strapped on my wrist it’s gonna be hard to get out but I also train jiu jitsu for just in case.

Anna Coley says:

I’m 11 months too late…but I would have loved to have won this programme. I’m from Christchurch , New Zealand. I teach self defence to girls in schools but I’d love to learn this programme and take it out to women in New Zealand, it’s awesome!

argon says:

You-guys are such an amazing couple; I wish the world could learn from your example; thank you.

L Rydning says:

How do you effectively shrimp out if you're on a soft bed? I find it easy to shrimp on the floor, but in the bed the badguy just pushes you down and you can't shrimp out properly. Can you show how to deal with this one?

Ceetiguila Moreno says:

I stumbled upon this. The first thing I said to myself was : oh my God I wasted my Mother’s Day… lol

On the bright side I didn’t have to cook that day

Thank you so very much from that only putting it on the physical part but also on the psychological part as well as wanting to expand dairies teachings to everybody.
In these days a lot of people are worried about price or to say it affordability.
May you be able to keep expanding this and bringing it out to the rest of the public making it as readily available as you can.
Thank you

priyanka says:

thank U so muchh

NOAH Lie says:

Wauw amazing!!!

CC Murphy says:

Who would dislike this?!

Khaleesi says:

I would love to learn jiu jitsu, but my bank acct says no🤷‍♀️🚶‍♀️

Clay Sharanowski says:

This is a great thing, Never stop

J Allen says:

Eve has become such a great teacher you can see it in her no partner demonstration skill and in her abilty to control her partner and have Rener turn her to allow us to see specific details.

Yasmin Malik says:

You guys need to get into school. Amazing work guys. X

Doug Martin says:

The only Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Iowa costs $300.00 a month.

Gerson Hubner says:

I have been practicing jiu-jitsu for 16 years and the difference is clear. These are for the defense and escape of the victim. I think that Master Renan should put more aggressiveness and teach the girls to put the filthy rapist to sleep

astr0grace says:

Would you be able to do a video on women's self defense from face down on stomach? There's not many videos on it which make me think it might just be about preventing from getting to that point, but if not a breakdown on it would be cool! Thanks

ani hoba says:

Powerr frame is brilliant

ani hoba says:

Both of you Are Awsome ,really helpfull techniques thanks alot

jaws978 says:

Fake self defense techniques! You literally got pregnant from this guy

Imagine if would've been multiple opponents

Dawson Devine says:

I know I am late, just seen the video, would love to teach it to women shelters in my area in Lachute and high schools (futur special care counsellor). Use to teach a all women self-défense and I really miss it. Very empowering 💕 you guys are awesome

Frankie Cal says:

Next video: How to protect yourself from a stinkface.

Tough Luck Fitness says:

Subscribed, great stuff

Mr Bjj 101 says:

Feels a little irresponsible.

Jessica Nunes Music says:

What if you're allergic to shrimp?
Just kidding, thank you so much for your work and providing this for everyone to learn.
You guys are amazing!! 💖💖💖

NRV Traditional Karate says:

So inspiring! Have a pink belt from WE 1.0. and will definitely pursue We 2.0 in hopes of being an instructor one day!! Thank you Gracies!

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