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Women’s Self Defense Ground Defense | Protecting Yourself From Being Mounted And Pinned

Women’s Self Defense | Ground Defense: In this video we demonstrate a ground defense technique for women. This is a great counter move for a person being pin…


Jamie Pelaez says:

In this video we demonstrate a ground defense technique for women. This is
a great counter move for a person being pinned down or for rape prevention
where the person is often pinned to the ground.

In this demonstration Sifu Phu shows what happens when a man mounts a girl
and pins her hands down and what she can do to counter this.

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#GroundDefense #RapePrevention #WomensSelfDefense

Enter Tai Chi says:

woman’s Self Defense Ground Defense
#womens #self #defense #ground #rape

David Friant says:

Awesome video every woman should watch this.

Roger Maddy says:

Thanks, guys. Another great one! Thanks for making these videos. The
Internet might actually still be good for something. ;)

jason harris says:

You Rock!!! ….Bow…

eloop76 says:

Awesome!! Great job all around

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