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The Reality Of Self Defense With Guns

You might not like it, but you need to see it anyway…


Ryan Hackett says:

Well, since I live in the UK, I might as well be living on Mars for how
applicable American gun videos are to me. More peppers, I say. Yes, Quite.

Tripandfall321 says:

Stupidest comment I have ever heard. If you find yourself in a fair fight
your tactics suck. If you threw away your gun for a knife because the
attacker had a knife and you got stabbed and died you would feel pretty
stupid if you weren’t dead. Who cares about “fair” in a defense situation.
A lethal instrument is a lethal instrument no matter what form. You want to
have the biggest advantage possible, screw the guy coming to get you…he
knew the risks and accepted them. The arrogance of you….

masterskyrunner says:

If we had a system like Switzerland where every male is mandated to carry a
concealed firearm for defense and to have military training with it, our
crime rating would be so low man.

brunster64 says:

The effects of rape last a lifetime no matter how long the rapist takes.
Shooting a rapist isn’t murder.

1000hightower says:

Most people are idiot’s I never had a problem when I am on my own, But the
more people there are the more stupid actions.

Josh Wollman says:

A responsable gun owner stops both.

MrKalilwincher says:

You are awesome your comment just made my day.

Eric Keithley says:

Thats wat the target range is for bum rush my wife i gurentee u will be
dead before u get close enough to do any thing and yes at close corters one
can grab a gun most women carry in their purse and leave it in their purse
and shoot thru it i wouldent count on peper spray cause the real potent
stuff isent legal for civilians thats kinda fd up but any way i would kill
a rapest even if he was raping someone i really dont like all rapest should
die im sorry u disagree ya ill bet rapest would

R3n4R7u6u says:

Women feel the effects of rape for the rest of their lives, you fool. It’s
better for a woman to feel the guilt of killing her would-be rapist (not to
mention her potential murderer) then for her to go the rest of her life
feeling vulnerable, afraid, and victimized. Get off your high horse and
this “30 seconds” nonsense too. Rapes can last hours.

khonsmosis says:

Hey Jeff, I would be interested to hear your opinion on the Trayvon Martin
case. Who do you think is at fault? I happen to live in Florida, where the
incident occured, and the big thing here is the “Stand Your Ground” law.
What do you think?

mike says:

If the gun is pointed at you already there’s really not that much you can
do, especially point blank. From a distance or if you are not the primary
target you would have enough time to pull out a gun. The way you showed it,
your gonna have to know some basic self defense or else your screwed. Guns
are great for self defense until they get the drop on you at point blank

Nick Galbraith says:

Well, it depends on what laws your country has. Australia (where I live)
has ‘equal force’ laws, but if you live in America, by all means run out of
your yard to shoot the kid with a bag of candy if he makes you feel

Steven Spahn says:

may be a dumb question but can someone please help me answer this: if
someone was running at you with say a metal rod/baseball bat or a knife,
would it be acceptable to shoot them?


The only real value I see in shooting silhouettes of someone aiming at you
is target acquisition practice. However, in a real situation, things are
brutally simple and you will automatically do whatever you trained to do.
Gun handling and situation response are key. If you’ve ever been in another
kind of life threatening situation, a self-defense situation is pretty much
the same. You’re just using a gun under the same stress. Shooting another
person is painful but you’ll do it if you have to.

smketr876 says:

You have demonstrated that YOU are a complete moron.

bookiehillbilly says:

Guns are OK to use. And if you would have validated my comment even more
you would have seen that I implied that you can use them for self defence.
Anyways, there should be at least more strict gun laws and scannings , not
banning them all together. The fact that a man with a medical condition got
a gun is beyond me. Plus, guns are here to stay, because it’s not that hard
to make a gun. In a week it is possible to make an assault rifle with
plenty ammo.

vgman94 says:

Now, I’m not one to overblow rape as a fate worse than death. But it can be
compounded by a beating and/or other things, and it can last more than 30
seconds. However, I feel tasers and martial arts are better in such a case
than handguns. However, if the assailant is trying to murder you, go ahead
and kill him without a second thought. Although if his/her (women commit
crimes too) intention is to rape and then kill, well, we all know the
obvious course of action there. Kaboom.

wikieditspam says:

There is a level of comfort with firearms in Switzerland, but they do not
have very lenient laws surrounding them. If I’m not mistaken, there are
regulations of how much ammunition can be stored in one’s own home.


I am a felon as per a fist fight. I am legally not alloud to own a gun? And
no bullet proofing. Is there any thing else. Oh. They swabbed my mouth.
From a bar fight. 6 vs 2= job loss /agg assault./ and if I own a weapon and
I’m caught with it. I go to jail. For five fucking years. I am a good man.

wikieditspam says:

They’re implying that rape is the answer?

Jennifer W says:

FUCK YOU BRADY BUNCH! That’s coming from a 21 year old WOMAN! So you don’t
think rape is that bad huh? Ok then, lets play that game. Let me go get a
strap on, a really big one. Then I’ll have some friends of mine hold you
down, tie you up, whatever I want really. Then we’ll see how you like being
penetrated against your will. Maybe we’ll make a a little movie so everyone
here on youtube can see it. Oh we won’t kill you… you’ll kill yourself
most likely, after everyone sees the video. o_O

Jennifer W says:

He drew the handgun and pointed it at the camera… I wasn’t intimidated or
worried at all. In fact it barely even phased me. My first thought was
“viridian laser”. My second thought was “I want to take this gun, kill him,
and keep the laser”. I think there is something wrong with me.

ChazOneZeroSeven says:

what the fuck kind of comment is that?

ShyGuy1919 says:

It must be ok for liberals because they’ll just automatically abort the
baby, too.

blackswordshinobi says:

you do have point even im training think someone try kill me

Sylvia Ncali says:

It’s not a crime to shoot an intruder in your home in self-defense.
Everyone knows that if someone bought a gun for self-defense purposes sure
they have thought about what they may do if xyz happens. But no one can
predict 100% what they will do because a lot of times the intruder too has
a premeditated plan and they are the one initiating a crime.

jbvap says:

felony assault charges from just a simple bar fight? Seems like you might
be leaving out some details? If not I apologize, it really wouldnt surprise
me the government would charge someone like that but it just doesnt sound
right. Did you use any objects as weapons?

edgybob1 says:

Truer words were never spoke!

frother says:

What gun is that?

kipleeharley says:

Hi,Jeff.Just subbed your channel and commented on it! Good video but
waveman1500 is right you need a diversion! Check out my video’s. Stay Safe!

Nick Galbraith says:

Yes, I did carry a weapon. The place was on a river (hydro-electric), the
same river that people were panning for diamonds in upstream, we’d get a
body come floating down to meet us occasionally, but not that often. There
were 10 of us, and the weapons we used were ones bought locally so there
was a knock-off Dragunov,, two FALs, a G3KA4, three Type 56s, an MP5A2, our
team leader managed to get himself a FAMAS F1 and I carried an R4. There
was also a DsHk set up by the front gate.

Bullit44 says:

And in the 20th century alnoe more then 250 million people were killed by
their own “protective” gun outlawing mommy states. I am sure some of them
were children as well. Sandy Hook was terrible of course. However it should
not be the excuse to kill millions more “legally” as in Russia, Germany and
China. “it can’t happen here” is the wail. We have an administration
obcessed with the murdering Mao.

Nevir202 says:

I have to disagree, if I were ever in a situation where I felt I had to
pull my gun I would be way beyond seeing them as a kind person as they
would have to be engaging in something terrible for it to get to that point.

ChickenNDumplins1 says:

your a stupid cunt

r0y02 says:


badsugarterrors says:

What if they are drugged up or mentally ill and intend on killing you
anyway. They have a knife or a pipe or worse have a gun. What do you do
then? Throw the gun at them and run?

WhiteOreo16 says:

Its the other way around rape lasts forever..that person has too live with
that their entire life but death is just that..death..theirs not anything
that can harm that person. or even their family having too worry about
anything happening too them because they are dead. family is still sad but
will cope eventually.

TheThetudor13 says:

spooky even while on you tube! thank you !

chrisroor says:

That’s misinformation. Every male IS NOT mandated to carry a concealed
firearm. Also, every gun has a serial number and must be registered with
the government

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