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Self Defense Tutorial Videos Be Like….

Self Defense Tutorial Videos Be Like…. New Album :​ New Single : My Shop : Tour Tickets : Join Side+ here : Sidemen Clothing : Main Channel: Second Channel: Twitter: Instagram: Spotify: TikTok: Facebook: #Shorts


real4champions says:

Not the clap

I am a noob says:

I like his bullet dodging style.

Lok Chai says:

I tried it and I am now in hospital. Great

Nitesh Chandra Pavan K says:

“perry the platypus the philander”
i just died 💀

Smity_JNR says:

I forgot who the guy in the video was again can someone please tell me

ThatGuyDave says:

This guy will never be funny…

Mary💋23 y.o - check my vidéó says:

The way he said “give it the clap” got me

Celia 💖cHAt WiT ME {I'M HERE} 🤳 says:

I started to die of laughter when he fell at the start

💞Renee Т@p т0 Ch̴a̴t̴ ̴ ME 💞 says:

Bro I love these videos this stuff is actually funny thank you jj for entertaining us

🔥F-'ck M'-e - Check my P'ro'fi-le🔥 says:

As an Indian, I can confirm this is what Gandhi did for self defense without hurting a single Britisher. Legend says that they’re still haunted by the man with the stick and round glasses in their dreams.

♥️KeshThara♥️Fan says:

I started to die of laughter when he fell at the start

Sumit Swami says:

What code ksi show on screen?

Monkey D Goofy says:

so you tellin me that entrance wasn't funny enough!??

Xxgolden2thxX The golden tooth says:

yo who is that guy

Sohaib Elkouaa says:

brooooo the way he dodged they bullets is priceless

andrive says:

Great reaction JJ

LB Monkey says:

Jesus 🤦‍♂️

justmpilom says:

Even the bullets are no match

Alex Smith says:

How jj will beat jake paul

Big Fan says:

The fact that jj is not laughing makes me laugh

Rahul Nair says:

Aint this the "stop fuckin recording' guy??

MOFASSE666 says:

indeed, these self defense videos are totally jokes haha… the only one I could recommend to watch is human weapon tv show… that's where you learn some KO moves and really hurt your attacker and probably claiming your cell in the jail too.

when you are attacked out of nowhere, your brain will forget all of these self defense bs.. without proper training and good physique, useless lol

80M says:

not funny didn't laugh tiktok is cancer

Xander Blaze says:

Deji probably has a better chance if he trains with this guy

Kefka Bal says:

Not only i got robbed and shot at but I also got served a restraining order against me for some reason. Now i dont see them muggers anymore, it really works.

Lami says:

Cringe af ‘’

AgentDamo Network says:

I started to die of laughter when he fell at the start😂😂

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