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Are you worried about defending yourself against a younger, faster or stronger attacker? In this self defence video, we provide practical self-defence strategies specifically designed for adults who are more vulnerable due to being older, smaller, physically weaker than the average person, or those with physical limitations.
We start by discussing the importance of de-escalation and ways to avoid conflict altogether. You’ll learn effective de-escalation tactics that can help diffuse a potentially dangerous situation before it turns violent.
But what if you can’t avoid the confrontation? We show you how to create a distraction to buy yourself valuable time and opportunity to pre-emptively strike. Next, we dive into the best striking techniques you can use to defend yourself, including how to leverage your body weight to increase striking power, or use improvised weapons from everyday items.
Whether you’re older, smaller, physically limited, or just looking for effective ways to protect yourself, this video provides a comprehensive framework for staying safe in dangerous situations. No matter your age or size, these simple yet powerful tactics will help you defend yourself when it matters most.
I'm 77 in a month, 5'6" & weigh about 150 lb. I am, however, fit & agile as somebody much younger. I get asked to show a license when I ask for a senior citizen's discount & can still play soccer & ride 50-mile jaunts on my racing bike (the same Trek 7500 model Lance Armstrong used in the Tour de France), but I know I will not stand a 50-50 chance unarmed against a much younger, much bigger person no matter what "tricks" I know. If he's a street fighter, he not only has his own tricks, he's no doubt used them many times. I've been in some bad neighborhoods where I've been singled out as an easy mark. One thing I DON'T want to do is injure my hands – I used to be a studio guitarist & still like to play every day & jam on weekends. However, I rely on situational awareness & a few handy tools. I concealed carry appendix style a Glock 19 gen 3 with a red dot, green laser, co-witnessed iron sights & one in the attic where it is legal. At close range, I don't even need to bring it up to aiming height, just point & shoot with 16 Hornaday Defense 9mm expanding cartridges, but have never needed to fire it at a person. Just the sight of the laser dot on a person's center mass takes all the fight out of him – and any friends he has with him. I can put 2 into center-mass of 5 separate targets from a draw in 3 seconds or less (a requirement for passing the final in my 2nd year of training), so you're going to need a rather large bunch of friends to get a gun on me & it's doubtful most will stick around if one or two go down. When someone has grappled with me, they were going to try to keep me from drawing & bringing the gun up (I can draw & fire in under a second after decades of competition) or try to take my weapon. To make space, I concealed carry to the left side of my IWB holster just on the weak side of my centerline where it's always available for my off-hand, a ShivWorks El Niño T-handled punch-blade in a Kydex sheath. If I'm in a state where my concealed carry permit is not reciprocal and punch knives are illegal, I also have a ShivWorks double-edged Clinch Pick (which is legal in every state, including California & New Jersey). Even a weak 80-year-old with a walker can create space on just about anybody with a 2 1/2" double-sided blade sticking out between the knuckles of pointer & middle finger or an equal fixed-blade knife where they don't expect the spine to be hair-popping sharpened, and where trying to defend against it will guarantee a VERY BAD day. Anybody can be taken down or backed way back with these little toys. In my right front pocket, I carry an old Jerry Janosz Ka-Bar 7505 folding tactical knife and can deploy it in a second while he's still busy trying to fend off the ShivWorks in the other hand. [Note: I have also been a knife collector since my teens & have over 100 knives]. My EDC includes NPE toys I don't talk about & even my wife doesn't know are there. I have had incidents in or around bars in very bad gangbanger neighborhoods in places like Kansas City, KS, Oakland, CA, Manhattan, Brooklyn, North Philly & Jacksonville, FL over the years, touring with my bands, and have been approached with some frequency by individuals & small groups, but have always been able to neutralize the situation. I do know some Krav Maga, taught to me by the 2 retired Israeli IDF special forces soldiers who taught me my combat marksmanship skills, but I don't practice it. I have not needed to strike a bare-handed blow since 7th grade. After a jab or three with the punch knife or Clinch Pick, a solid knee or foot in the groin & then to the head gives me that much more time to get out of Dodge – which is my only goal. I have no interest in fighting, just getting home for dinner.
Brilliant. Im 64. I did ten yrs kickboxing training until 53. I learned the art of a massive back handed slap. I have only had to use it once in a real situation. Devastating 😅 . Quick step in askance to the attacker and wham . He went arse over tip and I didn't have to plead my case to the police . Obvious self defence. When he was down i just wagged my finger. Game over 😅
Ive been training in Martial Arts from early teens and was blessed to have a Karate (sensei) teacher who taught us mixed martial arts where if we were attacked in the street we should immediately counter with an attack to the eyes and the groin. However, ONLY use this if you can run away thereafter bcse if the Police gets involved they'll almost certain going to side with the agressor… Why ? I dont know, maybe its bcse of the attack to the eyes
Fighting is for animals, so when you fight, fight like an animal. Also, GOD created man, Samuel Colt made them equal. An 80 year old, 100 pound woman can defend herself against three 250 pound, strong, young men if she has a firearm and some training including situational awareness and the willingness to take a life. Hesitation can also be a killer. Commit and fight as if you life depends on it. Also as we age we should avoid places/areas where alcohol is involved and the likelihood for violence is higher. I'm in my 60's, have trained in American boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai kickboxing and Aikido when I was younger and over a span of 25 years. In spite of that I avoid problem areas and carry a gun. Leave me alone and we'll get along just fine.
I’ve been training, sparing and been in tough street situations over 20 years. . I can say with certainty that in America, you can NEVER touch another man with intention to calm or de escalate a situation with aggressive opponent. THATS VERY BAD ADVICE. Maybe that works in other countries where they accept close proximity less than 18 inches but not in America. American men have slot more self pride & confidence. Physical touch of opponent is guaranteed to lead to repercussions and retaliation.
Hi guys, the king hit is called king for a reason, sometimes when you are smaller, weaker and don't have any other options it must be used, the attacker has made up his mind and there is no way out of it. This move has never failed me and I am mid 50's, before the guy is ready to punch l look over his shoulder and say don't worry about it big fellow or use a name, 100% of the time the person has turned his head to see who l am talking too because no one wants someone standing behind them, this move exposes the side of the face and jaw beautifully, it also screws up his fighting stance, one night at a pub, l said to a guy l know you will kick my head in but my mates at the table over there might not like it, you guessed it he turned to see how many these were, sometimes having a plan and thinking outside of the box can help, love your videos guys keep up the great work.
I'm 71 and can Parkrun, 3 miles in 28 minutes. I am fit. However, I doubt that I could last long upper strength wise with a 20 year old guy. Thanks for this. 👍
My brother lives in London he's just turned 64 still quite fit but has started carrying a cane bought it France got a metal rod running through it and a big ball hand hold
I carry a tactical pen but what a need is a pencil, a fvcking pencil. 😇 Seriously, yes. Situational awareness is your friend. Some guys are just looking for a fight, and most of us are not looking to go nuclear. My de-escalation method is really just a lot of silence. Most yappy dogs tend to calm down on their own. So far so good. Stay safe, people!
I taught my daughter three points to aim for if she is ever in a bad situation……. Knee's,nuts and nose. They all hurt like hell and can give you the opportunity to get away from the situation. Also carrying a small LED flashlight with a strobe function can disorient a person enough to allow you to get away, if the light is bright enough it can work in the daytime as well
Good to see someone recommending striking vulnerable points which some people on YT say not to strike because it's dangerous. Of course it's dangerous and I'm always bemused by this. I'm 72 now and fortunately no one picks on me anymore.
From my experience I would advise against touching someone to calm them down, I am getting on for 60 now and have never reacted well to strangers touching me and in the past reacted to it instantly, that I got from my Martial training but it was very old school. Also building up the aggressor while you seamlessly shrink is a tactic I have used before and found that purposely doing that to the point the other guy thinks he is in control and then flicking the switch is very interesting to watch and normally they have no clue what the hell happened or how to deal with you suddenly being in control and they are in trouble, of course the decision to hit first has to be there in this case, but hey I was a young man and liked a bit of a ruck. Still, courses for horses do what your gut tells you and remember to look after yourself and keep fit, it's not impossible to defend against a younger person but I can tell you it's all up hill and takes about 3 weeks to recover lol.
I trained from the age of 12 until the age of 17 in full contact kickboxing and shot plan karate. Over the years I’ve done a couple of months here and there in different combat arts to expand my skills and add to my defense tactics but I have a deformed right arm that’s small and has always been that way from birth it can’t make a fist and it’s thin. Even like that when I was 18 I fought two grown men and ended up getting arrested for beating them up bad enough that they needed an ambulance to show up and take care of their injuries. That came from training 16 hours a week for 4 1/2 years straight. So combat arts and a fighting school not a place that only trains without pressure testing is what made me effective. Now I’m 42 and out of shape either 15 years of no training so my effectiveness is probably low but just two years ago I had to defend myself against a 32 year old male trying punch me and his wife trying to stab me but I used a table leg I picked up and left them with swollen heads. He told everyone I was fast so I think my training kicked in so anyone that says this stuff is useless. Or any martial arts is they don’t know anything. It’s about the students willingness to learn and passion as well as the teachers ability to teach.
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I'm 77 in a month, 5'6" & weigh about 150 lb. I am, however, fit & agile as somebody much younger. I get asked to show a license when I ask for a senior citizen's discount & can still play soccer & ride 50-mile jaunts on my racing bike (the same Trek 7500 model Lance Armstrong used in the Tour de France), but I know I will not stand a 50-50 chance unarmed against a much younger, much bigger person no matter what "tricks" I know. If he's a street fighter, he not only has his own tricks, he's no doubt used them many times. I've been in some bad neighborhoods where I've been singled out as an easy mark. One thing I DON'T want to do is injure my hands – I used to be a studio guitarist & still like to play every day & jam on weekends. However, I rely on situational awareness & a few handy tools. I concealed carry appendix style a Glock 19 gen 3 with a red dot, green laser, co-witnessed iron sights & one in the attic where it is legal. At close range, I don't even need to bring it up to aiming height, just point & shoot with 16 Hornaday Defense 9mm expanding cartridges, but have never needed to fire it at a person. Just the sight of the laser dot on a person's center mass takes all the fight out of him – and any friends he has with him. I can put 2 into center-mass of 5 separate targets from a draw in 3 seconds or less (a requirement for passing the final in my 2nd year of training), so you're going to need a rather large bunch of friends to get a gun on me & it's doubtful most will stick around if one or two go down. When someone has grappled with me, they were going to try to keep me from drawing & bringing the gun up (I can draw & fire in under a second after decades of competition) or try to take my weapon. To make space, I concealed carry to the left side of my IWB holster just on the weak side of my centerline where it's always available for my off-hand, a ShivWorks El Niño T-handled punch-blade in a Kydex sheath. If I'm in a state where my concealed carry permit is not reciprocal and punch knives are illegal, I also have a ShivWorks double-edged Clinch Pick (which is legal in every state, including California & New Jersey). Even a weak 80-year-old with a walker can create space on just about anybody with a 2 1/2" double-sided blade sticking out between the knuckles of pointer & middle finger or an equal fixed-blade knife where they don't expect the spine to be hair-popping sharpened, and where trying to defend against it will guarantee a VERY BAD day. Anybody can be taken down or backed way back with these little toys. In my right front pocket, I carry an old Jerry Janosz Ka-Bar 7505 folding tactical knife and can deploy it in a second while he's still busy trying to fend off the ShivWorks in the other hand. [Note: I have also been a knife collector since my teens & have over 100 knives]. My EDC includes NPE toys I don't talk about & even my wife doesn't know are there. I have had incidents in or around bars in very bad gangbanger neighborhoods in places like Kansas City, KS, Oakland, CA, Manhattan, Brooklyn, North Philly & Jacksonville, FL over the years, touring with my bands, and have been approached with some frequency by individuals & small groups, but have always been able to neutralize the situation. I do know some Krav Maga, taught to me by the 2 retired Israeli IDF special forces soldiers who taught me my combat marksmanship skills, but I don't practice it. I have not needed to strike a bare-handed blow since 7th grade. After a jab or three with the punch knife or Clinch Pick, a solid knee or foot in the groin & then to the head gives me that much more time to get out of Dodge – which is my only goal. I have no interest in fighting, just getting home for dinner.
"Cluck, cluck, cluck"
"Yes, i am a wonker"
Brilliant. Im 64. I did ten yrs kickboxing training until 53. I learned the art of a massive back handed slap. I have only had to use it once in a real situation. Devastating 😅 . Quick step in askance to the attacker and wham . He went arse over tip and I didn't have to plead my case to the police . Obvious self defence. When he was down i just wagged my finger. Game over 😅
Ive been training in Martial Arts from early teens and was blessed to have a Karate (sensei) teacher who taught us mixed martial arts where if we were attacked in the street we should immediately counter with an attack to the eyes and the groin.
However, ONLY use this if you can run away thereafter bcse if the Police gets involved they'll almost certain going to side with the agressor…
Why ? I dont know, maybe its bcse of the attack to the eyes
I'm 80. woman, knackered…what can I do ??
Finger rings are huge tactical disadvantage
OODA loop. Observe, orientate, decide, act by John Boyd, worth a read.
Fighting is for animals, so when you fight, fight like an animal. Also, GOD created man, Samuel Colt made them equal. An 80 year old, 100 pound woman can defend herself against three 250 pound, strong, young men if she has a firearm and some training including situational awareness and the willingness to take a life. Hesitation can also be a killer. Commit and fight as if you life depends on it. Also as we age we should avoid places/areas where alcohol is involved and the likelihood for violence is higher. I'm in my 60's, have trained in American boxing, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai kickboxing and Aikido when I was younger and over a span of 25 years. In spite of that I avoid problem areas and carry a gun. Leave me alone and we'll get along just fine.
canada 70 yrs old great approach converting some of my excercise movement to self defence played soccer when young very mobile i love the KLAK
Steven Seagal plunges chopsticks into his opponents
I’ve been training, sparing and been in tough street situations over 20 years. .
I can say with certainty that in America, you can NEVER touch another man with intention to calm or de escalate a situation with aggressive opponent. THATS VERY BAD ADVICE.
Maybe that works in other countries where they accept close proximity less than 18 inches but not in America. American men have slot more self pride & confidence. Physical touch of opponent is guaranteed to lead to repercussions and retaliation.
Hi guys, the king hit is called king for a reason, sometimes when you are smaller, weaker and don't have any other options it must be used, the attacker has made up his mind and there is no way out of it.
This move has never failed me and I am mid 50's, before the guy is ready to punch l look over his shoulder and say don't worry about it big fellow or use a name, 100% of the time the person has turned his head to see who l am talking too because no one wants someone standing behind them, this move exposes the side of the face and jaw beautifully, it also screws up his fighting stance, one night at a pub, l said to a guy l know you will kick my head in but my mates at the table over there might not like it, you guessed it he turned to see how many these were, sometimes having a plan and thinking outside of the box can help, love your videos guys keep up the great work.
I'm 71 and can Parkrun, 3 miles in 28 minutes.
I am fit. However, I doubt that I could last long upper strength wise with a 20 year old guy.
Thanks for this. 👍
My brother lives in London he's just turned 64 still quite fit but has started carrying a cane bought it France got a metal rod running through it and a big ball hand hold
I carry a tactical pen but what a need is a pencil, a fvcking pencil. 😇 Seriously, yes. Situational awareness is your friend. Some guys are just looking for a fight, and most of us are not looking to go nuclear. My de-escalation method is really just a lot of silence. Most yappy dogs tend to calm down on their own. So far so good. Stay safe, people!
I taught my daughter three points to aim for if she is ever in a bad situation……. Knee's,nuts and nose. They all hurt like hell and can give you the opportunity to get away from the situation. Also carrying a small LED flashlight with a strobe function can disorient a person enough to allow you to get away, if the light is bright enough it can work in the daytime as well
Good to see someone recommending striking vulnerable points which some people on YT say not to strike because it's dangerous. Of course it's dangerous and I'm always bemused by this. I'm 72 now and fortunately no one picks on me anymore.
Joe peci wasn't defending himself in casino, he surprise attacked the guy in the neck with a pen.
I remember seeing a video of Bruce Lee where he said " if you get in trouble, start kicking knee caps… If you get in real trouble… kick them faster!"
Do you hot a video of what to do if someone breaks in your hous with a gun, it's been a nightmare I have? Thanks for sharing all this information ❤
From my experience I would advise against touching someone to calm them down, I am getting on for 60 now and have never reacted well to strangers touching me and in the past reacted to it instantly, that I got from my Martial training but it was very old school. Also building up the aggressor while you seamlessly shrink is a tactic I have used before and found that purposely doing that to the point the other guy thinks he is in control and then flicking the switch is very interesting to watch and normally they have no clue what the hell happened or how to deal with you suddenly being in control and they are in trouble, of course the decision to hit first has to be there in this case, but hey I was a young man and liked a bit of a ruck. Still, courses for horses do what your gut tells you and remember to look after yourself and keep fit, it's not impossible to defend against a younger person but I can tell you it's all up hill and takes about 3 weeks to recover lol.
Welcome to prison.
Too much talking
I trained from the age of 12 until the age of 17 in full contact kickboxing and shot plan karate. Over the years I’ve done a couple of months here and there in different combat arts to expand my skills and add to my defense tactics but I have a deformed right arm that’s small and has always been that way from birth it can’t make a fist and it’s thin. Even like that when I was 18 I fought two grown men and ended up getting arrested for beating them up bad enough that they needed an ambulance to show up and take care of their injuries. That came from training 16 hours a week for 4 1/2 years straight. So combat arts and a fighting school not a place that only trains without pressure testing is what made me effective. Now I’m 42 and out of shape either 15 years of no training so my effectiveness is probably low but just two years ago I had to defend myself against a 32 year old male trying punch me and his wife trying to stab me but I used a table leg I picked up and left them with swollen heads. He told everyone I was fast so I think my training kicked in so anyone that says this stuff is useless. Or any martial arts is they don’t know anything. It’s about the students willingness to learn and passion as well as the teachers ability to teach.