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Russian KGB Self defense #mma #ufc #boxing #bjj #selfdefense #kravmaga #streetfighter #fight #kongfu


William Jenks says:

If you feel confident in landing a punch then you are already a bigger threat than this bad guy

Charles Melchiorre says:

Great for warfare, not so hot when the lawyer's show up.😮

Terje Furulund says:

Didnt work on the Ukrainans

Pichet Kullavanijaya says:

correction: the FSB now.

Стас Штайнерт says:

Какое КГБ?)) Это система стрела-тренировки в зале!

Владимир Смолянинов says:

Хорошо работает с неподвижным соперником



Mtechnik says:

Poseł Korwin Mikke 😂

Luis Diaz says:

Looks like some sambo mix. Russian sambo is a good martial art.I studied mostly in kajukenpo under agung Tony Ramos.I like Brazilian jujitsu and Mui tai as a good base. ✌️

Базай says:

Любимый удар ..по яйцам, ну да …выше то и не достанет😅

O V says:

Terrorists organization "russia".

Just Looking says:

I felt that eye jab all the way over here in Virginia. 😵

hornitus nevalis says:

Russian KGB is the bullshido but wearing boots on the mat.

Frank A says:

sound like KGB same CIA from american smile

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