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right of self defense in Canada

Info Description Meeting No. 51 SECU – Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security Location Wellington Building – 425 Scheduled Thursday, Dec 1, 2022 11:03 – 13:04 2 Hours Actual Thursday, Dec 1, 2022 11:03 – 13:04 2 Hours Contact Information [email protected] Information website Does fair use exist in Canada? The Canadian Copyright Act allows the use of material from a copyright protected work (literature, musical scores, audiovisual works, etc.) without permission when certain conditions are met. People can use fair dealing for research, private study, education, parody, satire, criticism, review, and news reporting.


S M says:

I am comenting in this way so as offer the idea of a futur that i hope and wish I am wrong and never happens:
Self defense is a right and a natural
Behavior who are they to try to take that away except to make everyone vulnerable.
Without self defense will leave a portion of the population vulnerable to the coming of forced assisted suicide that is not far of and in order to make this a reality the ability to resist must be removed this means above all the ability to use self defense in unlawful use of force on those who do not comply with governmental rules that end up being draconian such as the
Nonsesicle attepmt to sell to those struggling or are out on the streets homeless and the unfortunate people who loose everything
That its in their best interest to end their life at some point will become
Forced under the guise of a solution to societal problems that those who are below the poverty line will be sectioned off as a drain on society and unfixable
(Dissedents political opponents enemies of state and the general non compliants) and float the idea all over like they will be the new unvaccinated.
This time it will be take the governments proposal or get assisted suicide it will be the best solution to a pandemic of poor and down troden they will claim , and defending yourself will be a blaten defiance of the law and will be a
A reason for ligitimate use of deadly force they will claim
If you have'nt been able to see the bigger picture you might want to open your eyes to what is looming on the horizon cause this is only the start they clear this hurdle to make gun ownership and self defense a criminal offense it will be smooth sailling for them to slowely solidfy
This authoriatarian campaign
To turn the public into submissive cattle for their experimental drugs and policies of total control to test on. Be very affraid and concerned
This is a horror that cant be reversed once implimented and why would they not do this for them it would an effective way to dispose of oppositional barriers to their one world order they dream of.
The one thing that will help
Understand this is think of all the deplateforming that happened due to the rufusal to bow down and take the vaccine and praise their measures; any who stood up were attack and attepmted to deplateform this time around
Standing up will cost you everything and will put anyone who ends up loosing it all in the social bracket
Of nedded to be culled to preserve the fragile and limited resources
That will be in short supply at the futur time.

Robert Mc Kinley says:

Anyone who punishes self-defense is MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!

william buwalda says:

Globalist agendas to disarm. Read wef 20230

flyingoneranch says:

If he doesent want you to. Use a firearm you will half to use a knife club sword What his friends like. Any dam thing you can get your hands on will work seeing you donโ€™t have armed guards protecting your ass like that puke trudope

Mr B says:

Very well said

abell seaman says:

Calkins offers a mind numbingly EVASIVE ANSWER regarding our right to defend ourselves!!!!
Our LIE-beral run legal system has been SO THOROUGHLY GUTTED that TWENTY YEARS AGO – when I caught a knife wielding THIEF trying to HOT WIRE and steal my car – and I chased the guy and thank God he turned his back on me as I tackled him – so I did not see his knife and managed by accident to knock it out of his hands into a snow drift…………….so he could not find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I held the guy for the cops and they questioned him just a little and found he WAS OUT ON BAIL for SIXTEEN PREVIOUS CAR THEFTS that he had been caught for………………………and this DOES NOT INCLUDE the thefts he made and got away with after wrecking the cars…………………the guy is the EPITOME of LIE-beral hug a thug Catch and Release GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The case went to trial and I tried to appear as a witness…………….but a cop came by and informed me: NO trial today…………….isnt that your suspect on the phone down the hall and I said yes………………..and cop explained the guy was calling and telling his lawyer to GO HIDE as witnesses had showed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course THERE WAS NO SUBSEQUENT TRIAL as the matter was PLEA BARGAINED in the usual VILE LIE-beral style and in the course of things – the knife that the thief DROPPED magically became MY KNIFE with which I had ALLEGEDLY ATTACKED THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Years later somebody who had the same name and was the right age got arrested for trying to steal gas to fill a jeep he had stolen…………………… has to assume it was the same guy who was and is a Career criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liberals long ago decided that operating a legal system that would deal logically with criminals AND DRUG ADDICTS WAS A WASTE OF THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alvin Flamand says:

This is a kangaroo court…Its a farce beyond belief….This group of bobble heads are part of the tyranny of this government..Not one of these idiots know dick shit about fire arms. This is going to be ugly for law enforcement, who would want to be a cop, going to remote areas to confiscate someone's fire arms they use for survival…its enforcement will quit their jobs …just prediction. not conspiracy theory

Alex says:

I just can't believe how STUPID these liberals are. It proves that this bill has nothing at all to do with anything remotely related to public safety.

Saddle Tramp says:

A free people may avail themselves of firearms if they so wish. Slaves and subjects may not.

Tank Anderson says:

Everything the liberals are doing , is to cause civil unrest and break social security society , this is the worst form of leading government regime , creating more terrieny than anything of Good , dethrone and strip them of any right , Power is with the People that make Canada great , you liberals are making this country the worst we have ever seen .totalterrism liberals you picked the wrong fight with all Canadians .You disappoint everyone and the people of the world know this , Save the Canadian Constitution bill of rights and freedoms , because all Canadians love Canada and not you Mr Trudeau or Mr Mendiceno total disgrace you all are period .๐Ÿ’œ Canada .

357lockdown says:

Why do politicians think that they can control crime by taking good peoples rights away? Even here in the States where our right to firearms is a Constitutionally protected right, we have to constantly fight these people off like wolves. The problem is that they always come back for more. They are never satisfied with what they get, they will be back for more.

Ken says:

Even a Cooey 22 cal. bolt action rifle with the tube magazine under the barrel will be illegal. That is how stupid this bill is.

zeus says:

This link shows where 'common sense" simply doesn't exist with Justin:

Hey Yu says:

Self defense is natural born given right that cannot legitimately be given by nor taken by any government

EC ATV And Outdoors says:

We need to have separate laws for cities vs rural areas. They are not the same, nor require the same laws/bylaws

It reasonable to not have guns in a major city (yes some people in the city hunt) or allow tractors on roads. But in rural areas, these are a part of daily life, as is horse riding, ATV riding, and wood burning stoves.

natson wang says:

It has nothing to do with the hunting or shooting. Firearms brought us freedom and democracy and someone's want to remove them from us. Liberals are basically crimals who want to clear any potential threatens

Gomberg Map says:

The SCUM from YouTube just DELETED my quote from MAGNA CARTA. Magna Carta is a binding part of the Constitution of Canada. In 1861-67, the founding fathers were unable to reduce the British Constitution to writing in order to enact it for Canada. Therefore, the device of the Preamble of 1867 was adopted to import into Canada all the great British constitutional documents as LAW here, including Magna Carta. Therefore, Trudeau's gun grab is unconstitutional. YOUTUBE THEREFORE JUST DELETED A PART OF THE CONSTITUTION OF CANADA to silence its being quoted. If this comment lives long enough for you to read it, think that over. These private mass media companies are destroying NATIONAL sovereignty and constitutional liberty of anyone they please by simply squelching comments.

Tara Deleeuw says:

Difficulty looking at MP Calkins ,crimes against his own people

B. Bowman says:

The Right of Self Defense Gone along with FREE SPEECH and The Right to Assembly. Really think another PM will change that

You Tube says:

Freedom for USA and Canada ๐Ÿ’ช . We got to support each other. The right to self defense and protect those around us.

james holliday says:

This right here God's work keep up great work.

King David the DUKE says:

How do you know when a US or Canadian Politician is lying?? Their lips are moving.

B F says:

So… I can buy a .50 bmg swap the barrel for a .22, let the .50 bmg barrel in the same case and it would be a legal firearm…
And how would that help fight gun violence?


Liberalism is destroying Canada.

Jason Brown says:

Well done! Thankyou!

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