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MMA Fighters try Women’s Self-Defense techniques

What happens when you try those online self defense techniques against a resisting opponent? A duo of Mixed martial artists try out the techniques taught in a women’s self defense video in order to find out. How much is reality? and how much is fantasy?


random guy says:

To all the girls asking "what do we do then?", always carry lube and be ready to spread those legs.

Mike Hare says:

That bear hug move is taken from a Kung Fu technic in fact she's mixing two technics into one. Bear hug free and bear hug pinned and she's doing both incorrectly.

four fourths says:

Lol, oh the glorious levels of fail on display… thanks for the laugh guys.

Duane Stovall says:

if you notice the self defense video was filmed in a big city, a gun free zone! the only option there is to die tired…lol.

Alexa Mackenzie says:

I think they exerted more energy with fake techniques than just going to a real class and actually learning how to fight

there shouldn't be women's self-defense it's all the same it doesn't matter what your gender is

if you try to change what has worked for decades you're just going to weaken it

Good video

Truly Infamous says:

Use your wrist/palm area and push up into the person's nose at a diagonal angle as hard as you can while kicking the person in the balls. The person will be in immense amounts of pain.

untseac says:

Obviously these don't work… self defense is a lot more aggresive than people usually think.

Vesuvius says:

Great video, I shared it because I keep seeing people post fake self defense techniques on social media.

As for keys, whats your thoughts on holding it in a hammer fist position? That's one of the other ways I've seen people told to use them.

The Spark says:

This needs to be tested on a regular bloke attempting to "pacify" a girl. If a girl is up against a skilled fighter, no, those small tricks are not going to work. If she is up against the average Joe who isn´t expecting any sort of "technical" prowess the surprise of the act alone might catch many off guard. I am not saying the tricks work, I am just complaining about the test subjects :).

Donatello Nerd says:

only chance as a woman in these situations is to scratch, bite, and go for the weak parts of a male, hit to the growing, grab and tear on the ears and lips and sting to the eyes, and all of that without any hesitation or mercy. If a male opponent gets you into a position where you can't hurt him these ways… well then it's over. Best tactic for females, run, scream and hope people will notice…

Elay Sieukfp says:

lmao so funny.
the only way is to run away and scream as high as one can.
i would if i got the perfect chance kick his knees make him break them/fall then run away. if i even would be able to make it.
Fingers in eyes are good in theory but doesnt work in reality.
I have trained kickboxing for 3 months only but i would never ever try to hurt him, I would just try with all my power to get way from him. I wouldnt have a chance vs a big man no matter what

Enzo Tatsuro says:

thanks Lina Marti
now i know what not to do


About the first technique… could be effective depending if the kind of floor… over mats is inneffective.
About the second one… at the beginning you are intentionally joking… even she is not so bad 😆.
About the third and other ones; she is out of distance… yeah you are r right.

Marc Wittkowski says:

I'm not sure how I got here, but I'm glad. That was fun and informative at the same time- great job^^

Nobody Special says:

It seems like these guys weren't even trying.

LiamOneLoop says:


LiamOneLoop says:


AntrAcsA says:

OMG this is awesom 😀 I laughed so hard

vidyaWolf says:

I lost it when you brought yourself in a worse position than you were before with that cringeworthy wristhold trick.
Not that any of that other stuff didn't give me headaches.

Red Inside says:

hahhaha… I laughed so hard.. these guys are so charismatic

monseur black says:

the socond one was legit up to a certain point. you could free urself from the grip. but he didnt hold u like the video. what i dont understand was the weird last crap at the end she did.

Daniel says:

Well to be fair, most muggers are:

A) not trained fighters
B) generally dont expect resistance, especially from women

That being said, i too cant see those "tricks" working in a real scenario. In all honestly, there really is no easy way to become a fighter, who can hold his own in a surprise situation, that takes time, no matter what martial art you train. The best way to avoid being mucked or worse is to plan ahead, so that you never walk alone in some dark sidestreet. Thats s really the only thing you can learn fast.

6Q4 Ninja says:

Pretty sure you guys should be co-producing vids with Bullshito 😀

pinkiedestroyer jr says:

that block with the arm and then punch seems viable if you do it at the same time. block punch at the same time

tabz says:

she probaly saw those techniques in some action movie lmao

zpetar says:

Rule #1

Never fuck around with opponent who is in dominant position. Compering size and strength of man vs woman without any skills man is always in dominant position. If you don't disable man in 1st attempt it could only enrage him even more.

4:05 Step on his foot and walk away??? This only could work if she broke bones in his foot and even than it is questionable.


Now I got it. Those techniques did't work out because of that Superman costume. Try it again without it.

Mistwalker 94 says:

Just do every dirty trick you can think of. Eye poking nut kicking biting ripping ear off.

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