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Takeshi Miyagi says:


Nicky Pulrazer says:

Oyama took on Bulls?! Putin ain’t got nothin on Mas Oyama.

Sutu Beck says:

why is this the most important kata?

Tonqer says:

so cute :-)

Klash_89 says:

05:51 she was laughing 😀

jscarpa2002 says:

Also I think he needs a clorets. It sounds like he has a sore throat

cupaniopsis1 says:

This is awesome, I was just finished Shenmue 2 and these demos remind me of
when you run into thugs down at the Beverley Hills Wharf.

PunchlineTransformer says:


cupaniopsis1 says:

I mean that in a good way.

Fox Hunter says:

oyama is founder of kyokushin karate.

deepwaters6969 says:

@MasterNinja1990 I think most styles including the ones geared toward
women( ie WIng Chun) rely on speed an power too much. And most of us are
not that fast or powerful. I was very fast indeed when I was young. Now Im
old and slow. So I have focused my fighting strategy to those ares of the
body that are soft on EVERYONE: eyes, knees, groin, throat, fingers,
elbows. If i hit you with in those areas with any force at all it with hurt
OR disable you. And then I can escape. THAT is selfDEFENSE.

FullMetalAmerican says:

Mas Oyama doesn’t walk into gangs….he walks through them lol.

Stiffonda Reefah says:

This old man likes to live dangerously

Ferry Y says:

poor attackers….they get several times beaten up by the same old man and
lady on the same day 😛

likn sheter says:

10:00 xD

TheMikamika229 says:

Tensho kata this a very hard kata.

Salinda Samarasinghe says:

How to download this video?

Godson Stephen says:

This is a very nice video…. Felt like start practicing again…. thank
you very much

jaish58 says:

Mas oyama was a master of daito ryu aiki jujutsu and he included some of
the moves in kyokushin karate

PunchlineTransformer says:

At 4:00 there is an arm bar used (kotegaeshi from Aikido) didnt know that
it is used in karate.

Mrmonde13 says:

the vid looks like 90’s porn.

likn sheter says:

6:10 that looks funny 😀

comrad1986 says:

U are a hero !!! i miss my kyokushin days !! Osu !

deepwaters6969 says:

@MasterNinja1990 because KYOKUSHIN is mostly about power. And these
movements are not made with power nor neither are they made to vital pain
points. Old men and small women can’t hit as hard as young strong men.
That’s just the way it is. Even Mas himself gave up killing bulls after he
reached a certain age. What ever style you pick as your self defense should
be tailored to your size, speed and strength. A soft kick to the ribs of an
attacker only makes him angrier.

Mider999 says:

its old what do you expect.

TheFudokan . says:

wtf!!?? do you know what the fuck are you talking about??!! do You know who
was boby lowe???

Ash26Ken13 says:

I don’t think I’d be able to hold in my farts doing their Tensho katas.

Golden Boy says:

I think there’s a fair chance that this video will drive people away from
Kyokushin, not towards it. A really crappy demo. It’s a shame.

deepwaters6969 says:

KYOKUSHIN is a good style however this video is crap.

Reith Zeus Estores says:

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