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Kid Snippets: “Self Defense” (Imagined by Kids)

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Theodora Ashcraft says:

As a person who has gone to Tae Kwon Do classes… this is hilarious. XD

FortyTheRapper (DoubleYT) says:

So people have taught me the pledge of alligence incorrectly my whole
life… cool..

iNXTGeek says:

The Vulcan neck pinch at the end xD

Belle Clarke says:

Kid Snippets: “Self Defense” (Imagined by Kids)

isabel mariano says:

And the Star Wars mind thing lolololololol

jp tab says:

That blonde is so pretty. I wish i had a face like hers!

isabel mariano says:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Star Trek out the wazoo!!!!!

MCgaming123 says:

This is a trashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Megan Giles says:

You can get a red belt and then dye it pink.

Joseph Swafford says:

0:51 is that a peircing in her throat?

Sammi Tran says:


tomkelly00 says:

She’s hot. Js

Paul Miller says:

All of these actors are fantastic. In each video they’re all so animated. I
love it!

Kevin Wilt II says:

2:01 Live Long and Prosper

Teh NinjaKitteh says:

XD Star Trek sign. ” Live long and prosper. “

Alexandria Rodriguez says:

Kwai Ton Do lol

jade elise says:

That’s the end of our lesson, now go to sleep haha god Kids know how to end
a story hehe

Aidan Patrick says:

“I will not tease my kui ton do” so cute and funny

bob mcboberson says:

This is funny when she said or twelve because last night I went to bed at
three and I was so tired the next day

MzNCNYC20 says:

I like how they show the actual kids at the end, lol cute, Love these

Han Dinh says:

I do taekwondo… And this is HILARIOUS

jonathan christian says:

both of the girls are pretty

ryan romero says:

These snippets are really funny and me and my dad like them alot but we
think it would be really funny if you had the kids telling the stories and
the older people acting it out on the same screen side by side, Im 10 years

Aidan Souther says:

practice not promice dummy!

Mackenzie Polcha says:

this is the end of the lesson… now go to sleep

Jordyn Thielke says:

then go to sleep!! lol

Leah F says:

the ending is so funny end of the lesson now go to sleep(pinches shoulder)


Blondy is so cute with she where my girlfreind

Christian Powers says:

I think this was boring

partykingsrule says:

Wait…isn’t that the same design on the bandanna that the Karate Kid had
on his? After watch the movie, my brother and I took a marker and made our
own and ran around like Ralph Machio. 

lupuspitts says:

She tried to jedi mind trick her! Bahaha!!!!

Goerge washington says:


Jordyn Thielke says:

love the one the library!

Brenda Williams says:

hehe mama

ShinkaTV says:

ending got me. thumbs up

cookie bot says:

Kid snippets is so funny. The cop one is awsome!

Stacie Carter says:

LOL now go to sleep

Anna Kemmer says:

LOL Loved it!

ElveeKaye says:

I love that gong in the background!

Josie Allsbrook says:

LOL star wars “i am not wearing jewlery” 

LadyVenom Way says:

2:06 is ridiculously cute!

MissSparkleSparkle says:

These are so fantastic!

djtbeb says:

thats so funny

DragonLover123 says:

hahaha. yeah. 😉

Yuichi Sasaki says:

2:41 xD

kipamides says:

I’ve watched so many of these wonderful clips that when I talk to my
Grandchildren, I visualize them with adult faces while I listen to their
kid voices! Love seeing more gals in the Snippets, my Granddaughter likes
these too. Thanks for brightening our days!

Amaya Malhas says:

why do u watch it

TheSandwichAftermath says:

“I am wearing less jewelry…” Aha. I see the Jedi Mind Trick doesn’t work
on Tae Kwon Do instructors…. Note to self: don’t try it in the future…

Precious BS says:

Happy Birthday DJ!

Heather Upton says:

Say iPhone 5 times.

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