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Karate In Modern Self-Defense Systems–oPD9AA We always find it amusing when people claim to create new styles or systems. Ultimately, we’re all human beings therefore all styles are related and restricted by the same laws. This video shows popular modern self-defense systems and their much older counter-parts found in traditional karate. We are a group on a mission to return Karate to its roots through the use of Kata as self-defense. For seminar information, send us an email at: [email protected] Like us on Facebook! Check out our website! Instagram @karateculture


Dave Edmondson says:

I appreciate the way karate culture uses their vids to break down the arts.

Colin Smith says:

I think there is deeper information in the forms.

Forms are made up of "sparring sets" – 對打 (dui da):

A "sparring set" is a paired drill.

=> *A form is an explicit, formalised construction of sets of drills*.

Read chapters 4 & 5:

It gets very interesting from P47.

So kata/forms have an explicit structure:

Alex Zaharkevich says:

Attention, people: do not invest, do not join – Fake 100%.

John Doe says:

Great! I love your work! Keep going guys!

Alexander Gustavsson says:

Few things that works in real life. Apat from that after self def learn to fight for max it then a martial art then many martial arts then spirit for ex meditation . Me like tai chi. Chi sao. Jkd basic, aikido,karate, boxing._ Go out of martial arts and beyond.

Kenpo4 Christ says:

Love your channel. Good stuff.

Jason Shibley says:

I train in Gjj (Bjj) and in Muay Thai and I have much respect for this art.

Brodie Woods says:

Think I saw a little bit of each of my favourite martial artists in there, its all there, just gotta look!

ZestyManifesto says:


Anthony Clark says:

Any empty hand combat can be called karate.

saeed alshamsi says:

Your both are wonderful. I hope to meet you both in Okinawa someday. The style that I followed is Shorin Ryu Seibukan.

Matt Mosley says:

Another classic upload 😀 These are the videos that everyone neds to see. All the Karate-haters (MMA/BJJ heads) need this in their lives.

Mike Reis says:

Anyone who's been practicing and training martial arts before for all the labels started to flare up like a bad STD, should have already noticed this. Especially since many of those out there utilizing their "Reality Based" system are trained in formal martial arts. They just cut out kata and just added more boxing styled workouts instead. I'm glad you guys show this in your videos it helps those who thought it was a joke…you know because their wannabe MMA buddy said it was…that there's more to the fighting arts than just an MMA gym.

Ali YÜKSEL says:

you should update videos more frequent

Dipayan Degtyarev says:

90% of RBSD is glorified LARPing though.

Altair Félix says:

It´s a fact.

Vega K says:

To study the old is to understand the new.
The old and the new.
It is only a matter of time.
In all things must one have a clear mind.
This is the Way.
Who will pass it on truthfully?

Gichin Funakoshi

Angelo Mauro Caivano says:

Ottimo! Very good, very intersting! Saluti da Roma, saluti dall'Italia!

FightClubStellingen says:

Who is the guy at 0:26?

ComplexBlackness says:

You're not going to find Karate instructors like this
listen to what he says about violence, how many Instructors tell the kids or their adult students that?

Listen to what this man says

My take
what the RBSD instructors in the video are doing is cutting away what most people don't care for. Teaching in a way that one can learn right away, and not take years to learn.

TMA/Karate went wrong, but many karate schools simply do not teach like the RBSD do. Giving the students a false confidence, that will get them hurt.

Most Karate schools have websites with Kids plastered all over. Basically a daycare with kicking. Plus many of the adults don't really want to fight.

It's the westernization of the Art, the money aspect that water it down.

Synergy says:

Been watching your videos for a while now, have to say that I love the cinematic style of editing some of your videos have, especially with some stunning soundtrack choices 🙂 Creates an awesome vibe of disciplined martial practice. Where do you find your soundtracks? Oss!

metalema6 says:

What kata is 0:48 inspired from?

Andrei :D says:

So beautiful!

Storyman says:

Karate works. For that matter traditional martial arts as a whole work. Until modern "new" systems get that they're going to hamper themselves re-learning and re-discovering stuff that arts like Karate have already gotten figured out for years upon years.

Shadow 69 says:

Gotta love karate

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