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instant karma – bully fail – self defense – instant justice – Episode 19

instant karma – bully fail – self defense – instant justice – Episode 19


chinasucka you buy says:

Russians are dumb.

atomic says:

holy ads

Kieran Provaux says:

Lamborghini one was found to be fake

Jack Horton says:

Damn, I was enjoying this until you started playing that jungle music! :{

Blake wolf says:

"It's a prank, it's a prank, it's a prank" yea so you think it's ok as long as you say that? No….no it's not.

HerrKaleu777 says:

@5:59 what happened to that toe?

Mitch Pieters says:

That what the guy in the black Skoda did was to show that retarded driver that he was driving left for no reason at all. Still wasn`t appropriate though.

NutKracker215 says:

Thumbs down some of that sh*t was just straight bad guy getting away. Too bad because there was some good ones but you ruined it, by Felicia!

Tony Edwards says:

East European dick heads!!

R3D says:

think you could find shittier "music"?

Don Pruitt says:

broken window on lamborghini is staged. Denver dealer wanted chipped window replaced.

Alvin Akbar says:

There's laughter, and there is black laughter

sl0ptart says:

That Mcleran video with the skateboarder is so fake.

Gamer Boi says:

The last one is the reason I hate a lot of my own race, BTW I am white, most whites are racist, I am not, If I were racist, The majority of the black kids in my school are close friends, some of which I actually grew up with…….. Whom I am so close to, they don't really care if I'm white, as long as I don't use it in a racist comment, or say "nigger", I can say nigga around them anytime I want…

Lyndia Walden says:

Just a regurgitation of the same videos. EPIC FAIL!!

no yes says:

all he needed was a white shirt, long chin, no brains, 7 or 8 double shots of boose, a young brother, and bam, HE's a Tube Star. TWICE, stupid shirt.

no yes says:

2 clips in a row give new meaning to, "hit that fucking car sooooo hard with my face", the a nap now

no yes says:

my mac needs smellOvision. Anyone else thinkin tOe jAm ?

no yes says:

………… sorry whoa, what happened, I was looking up her short shorts, had the spot flash before my eyes, and somebody got knocked the flock out, so, was that her spot or knot

no yes says:

BEST YET!!!!!!! dude knocks himself down after facing up his bro, he and the whole train laughed. cool dude, nice crowd!

no yes says:

kept waiting for Sherrif joe to run in. Dust him and I would hit like.

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