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If You Learn 1 Self Defense Technique, Make it This One!

DISCLAIMER: If you want to be proficient in self defense, then you must train 3-5 times a week. However, if you only learn one fight technique, practice this one! it’s what I believe is the best and easiest-to-follow street fight technique. Subscribe to fightTIPS► FOLLOW: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |


bendadestroyer says:

Make sure people know to actively bring the kicking leg back instead of letting gravity do the work.

sener says:

Why use a palm when you could punch instead?

martialartstutor says:

My theory on your thumbnail…
You specifically chose that one to PLEASE two different crowds:
Crowd #1(Traditionalists) : Oh that looks like kung fu! Yes!
Crowd #2 (MMA practioners): What the hell is this kung fu looking stance? ….clicks video … oh it's actually a legitimate combo.

I know I fell into the crowd 2 category 😛

Tang Mingchen says:

Just tell them to kick balls, straight away 😂

Phil Johnson says:

Why open handed?

DoodleDude1331 says:

Shane what would you recommend for an overbite. I just got a double sided (boil mold) mouth guard and i cant even get both sets of teeth in it. Would an single sided be better or even worse? Should i just try out different ones? I dont want to get a custom one because of cost and inconvienience. Thanks

Joshua Quinones says:

Why open hand? Is it because it causes less damage to you or is it something else?

jamel7781 says:

Damn, why'd you let the dreads go? musta got tired of them being in the way. I've been growing mine since 2012, and they have gotten to the length where they are a burden during training. I get hit in the eyes constantly by an errant dread.

Tony Draws says:

So the go-to for an untrained fighter is really an overhand slap? That seems like it would be hard for a noob to deliver with a significant amount of deterrent force

Thefatmagicdog says:

Hey shane i was wondering if i could use my back leg instead of my front for more power, would it be as effective?

Barbaric Artist says:

(this is Mr Punch!! I just changed my name) but anyways, you're camera looks awesome!

Robert Duffield says:

two finger jab to the eye…fight over…

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