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I Took a Realistic Self Defense Test

I Took an Insanely Realistic Self Defense Simulation (or 3) from Ryan Hoover over at @Fit To Fight Republic. Please make sure you guys go check out their website if you’re interested in finding good quality self defense training!! For my stuff, go to


Fit To Fight Republic says:

We did a review video covering the scenarios and discussing the training limitations – check it out:

Omar Ghosn says:

How does one get over the "I cant gouge this guys eyes out or slam the woman into the floor because they are employees"?? One would use any force necessary…any! But you would NOT if you knew this was a drill…how does one mitigate that during training?

Mutan T says:

Yes I have not been in that situation,
but in the first scenario: Hammerfist in the face of that guy Till he is done the girl gets a side kick and will hit the wall. Can take her knife now. Second scenario: auf you took the knife away let her go. You are not a cop! Get out the Situation. Third situation: well done but check the hurt for other weapons.

Pamiiruq Sorrell says:

This is fascinating stuff. Even though it's simulated, it's probably a lot more realistic than not. Things definitely don't go the way they do in movies!

Samuel Brooks says:

So you pretty much at a disadvantage in these controlled scenarios because you know it's a controlled test.

Lu Zhang says:

If this was pre 1990's, it would've been mostly correct. However, we're in the cell phone age. The biggest mistake is not pulling out a (simulated) 911 call almost immediately, even calling and leaving it on speakerphone. Quickly Assess situation, get safe, call for help. The rest is do as best you can.

Obviously this wouldn't if you're immediately jumped, but even in the first situation there was enough time to assess and make a choice.

I think the biggest take away is that you can train yourself to react calmly.

High Carbon says:

Sweep the leg Johnny!

S S says:

Oh man, that was a great way to kick it off. The thing that doesn't make sense though, is that in reality, you would be using deadly force and obviously your not gonna go ham on the op4.

Crafty Veteran says:

I love this. Giving me flashbacks. Great training, people don't realize how many different ways situations can go down, and how so many variables can change the outcomes. You definitely did pretty great overall, especially considering this area of spontaneous self defense/third party encounters was newer for ya.

CALAdminWaffle says:

This is a great video, I liked how you took time to reflect on what happened with each situation.

But damn the screaming actually lead to my parents to come to my room and ask what on earth I was watching.

Marcelo castro マルセロ カストロ says:

bro a lot of self defense gurus should take those tests

ScottGarrettDrums says:

See, while you guys may believe that I'm just some internet d-bag, this is what I'm always talking about when I say that mutual combat and self-defense are different. I live in the kind of area where stuff like this, and worse, happens and I've experienced far too much of it first-hand. The "untrained drunk guy at the bar" measuring stick is wrong as is the "if I can't do it, nobody else can either" perspective, and these scenarios illustrate why.

Dmares Kira says:

Realistic my A. No hitting, no biting, eye gouging. You did handle what
You were given amazingly

BZUnderdog says:

Idk if Seth would see this but tbh this is a huge reality check for me. Seth is a big guy, 6ft I believe he said in 1 video with icy mike. He knows how to fight. So seeing him doing this simulation is making me more inspired to train to defend myself and my loved ones more. Even if there’s a situation where I may not be able to beat the other person due to their size and or their access of a weapon. Great video!

Philip Hubbe says:

Yeah if I have to defend myself from a guy that has goons I’m screwed

Computer Crazies says:

You are looking for entertainment rather than self defense if you watch stuff like this rather than buy a firearm, the channel owner has no chance to compare against any average CCW in defense preparedness so you may as well be watching karate kid while you do your training montage because that is the amount of fantasy you have to be willing to indulge to take a channel like this seriously.

Emil Bors says:

patetic u got no clue

Czech Death says:

Scenarios are superimportant. Also I see many people doing fighting sports shitting all over Reality Based self defense, but also people that train just that shitting all over sports. IMO the answer is to do a fighting sport and RB self defense.

Mans says:

very intresting.

is it discouraged or encouraged to try and get yourself out of the situation, like you feel that you don´t wanna risk it if it´s random people? or like not directly engage but to call the cops and film?

Raymond McVeety says:

Ah the old ring my doorbell to distract me while a second attacker teleports to my back room ploy

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