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How to Position Yourself for Self Defense

Get a free self defense video: ► Learning how to position yourself for self defense is a crucial element of your personal protection. There are many different martial arts system out there teaching a linear fighting stance. Even though that fighting position has been taught for several years, it might not be the best option in a street fight. Being in a linear stance, removes certain offensive strikes since you only have access to a limited striking range. Also, this leaves your back vulnerable to your attacker. What you want to do instead, is to mimic a boxing stance, but with the only difference in having your hands open in a passive demeanor. This way, you are showing no signs of aggression towards your attacker. That specific self defense stance, puts you in a favorable position where you can strike from a natural stance surprising your attacker. By launching a non-telegraphic strike from a passive stance, you can suddenly stun your attacker with a unexpected strike. Furthermore, the self defense passive stance offers you an excellent body positioning for defensive purposes as your centerline and facial area are covered with your arms and legs. This makes you ready to move frontwards or backwards really quickly. Your strategic footwork is all covered with the self defense positioning tips that we are teaching in this video. We hope that you enjoyed these self-defense tips. An effective way to train for streets fights is to learn an efficient reality based self defense system. Here’s our complete set: Leave us a comment down below… We always love to hear what you have to say. Share the “How to Position Yourself for Self Defense” video with your friends: Best Fighting Stances for the Streets More Self Defense videos: Purchase the “Common Attacks” video : Stay safe, Nick Drossos and Patrick V Code Red Defense® ►


Zen-Dragon says:

Good points 🙂

Evil Goku says:

New channel name? haha

Von Ace says:

Other systems call the passive stance, the fence, the spear, whatever you call it it's a really effective self defense tool that creates a barrier physically and mentally for a potential attacker or someone who's just drunk and getting too close into your personal space. I work at a Casino and I had to use the passive stance a couple of times for drunk dudes getting too close. They were not violent, just drunk. Even drunk, people react quickly when you put your hands in a non threatening way, between you and them. They will try to get closer but they won't try to get past your hands. Before I saw the fence, drunk people would get too close for comfort because I didn't put any barrier up to stop them. And it made things really awkward. But with the fence I'm able to establish a physical boundary between me and another person and I'm more comfortable communicating with them because their not exhaling alcoholic halitosis in my face at point blank range

VR P says:

Great video and very useful for me. I'm a police officer in Europe (in Serbia to be exact) and here we don't get much hand to hand combat training. In the academy we had free time in the gym and there was a punching bag and a pair of gloves and that was it, we didn't even have an instructor. So if you could keep making videos like this or even some that are specially useful in police work I would be really thankful

Guus says:

Its so easy to see what instructor has real life experience and who has not, if the person has not it looks so unnatural and unrealistic, i dont get why other people dont see that too

Guus says:

Thanks for the info, this was something i was looking for
Think you have the best modern days self defence system out there

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