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Fred Armisen’s Guide to Dance and Self-Defense

Fred Armisen generally goes places where he does not belong. Found at the Odd Obsession in Chicago, ripped off of VHS.


Go Pro says:

He did the robot. LMAO.

redblackshirt says:

What Youtube would look like in the 90’s.

Ethan Sturgill says:

Massive Attack!

barbaric37 says:

I am dying

Spaghettaboutit says:

Just last night I saw Fred at a A&Q in Orange County at the Observatory and
someone asked him about this. He said it was made in the 90s. -I hadn’t
heard about it till then, golden shit….he also said this was this first
stuff that he did.

AmiaM Mag says:

Where’s the rest of this?? I gotta see it

pinkskies21 says:

LMFAO at 13:23 at the picture of the baby scrolling on the screen

zfan2591 says:

He’s not a bad tap dancer haha

yeahmansoul says:

be safe gang !

jermed2001 says:

I almost passed out from laughter!

Kelly Nguyen says:

poet girl was awesome

g3rberbaby says:

so in love with him

Sarah Dameron says:

Fred Armisen is a genius.

heyitskirsti says:

this is fucking gold

Tylor Gransbergen says:

very early Fred Armissen

culturedgraffiti says:

Fred is so cute

mizzipaul82 says:

Rule #3: Christ is always watching.

scauman says:

this is great! fred is hilarious!

George Johnston says:

You didn’t figure out this wasn’t real until then? Your a real genius.
Thanks for sharing that info.

Becca Schall says:

@8:17 Portlandia prototype!

Dallas Scott says:

did anyone else laugh at 2:30 anticipating him

karitakon says:

the guy has not aged a bit

peekaboots01 says:

He was very attractive in his younger years, that Fred.

d2thag says:

Lol @ round 2

alex costa says:

kitten spines** wtf is a kidney spine?

Sol Rizzo says:

3:30 OK It’s killing me I cant remember what song this is, I have hurt my
brain too much so I’m ready for the answer please!

Evalover44 says:

who else heard moby in the beginning?!!

Elsa Green says:


Moonhowler3 says:


Vegan Byrd says:

I remember seeing the pen/gun thing on some Comedy Central special. Didn’t
know it was Fred. I knew right away what this was when I started watching
it. I hope this got him on SNL.

ghostofdayinperson says:

HOW DID HE GET ION THWEUrhsdfkg there?

Alyssa Silver says:

Has anybody tried that email?

Bessie Holland says:

what land are you roveing?

ghostofdayinperson says:

He’s the first Borat. Before Borat. OH YEAH. I marry him.

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