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How to Escape a Wrist Hold | Self-Defense

Watch more Basic Self-Defense Moves videos: Learn how to escape a wrist hol…


Monika Danis says:

ineffective what is opponent is too strong?

Christopher McCann says:

The second grab is poor. A guy or anyone will have enough strength to hold
it off. Pressure test it. You should look to turn the other way and grab

KJER says:

Saves troubles and energy by just punching them on the throath.. No need
for all this bs… Someneone grabs you at your wrist.. U spit in their face
then kick em in the balls and or fist them on the throath.. Taaadaaaaa! 

idontgiveafuckaboutyourwaroryourpresident says:

I nominate KJER for best comment. Go for the soft parts- balls, eyes, neck.
Try crushing the adam’s apple or their eye with your thumb going fast and
straight in, this is intensely painful. (Try to one hold hand up to hold
off they’re incoming arm while you do this.) Another one is (if you have a
few extra moments first) to quickly make a sharp edge by breaking off a
nail, and cutting them either in the eye or across the carotid, they should
bleed out and quickly die, if not you’ve still got a good cut in. They will
probably continue attacking or whatever but you’ve got them seriously
injured and they will need to stop shortly. 

idontgiveafuckaboutyourwaroryourpresident says:

Another addition to what KJER said is spit in the face/kick in
balls/stabbing fist into the adam’s apple from the side as they keel over.
At this point they should be immobilized or at least in a position for you
to finish them off with a real weapon or get away if you have the chance

jose guerrero says:

I like her her cute

Gooner20 12 says:

Wrong…not affective or quick like other techniques!

Michelle Urbanovitch says:

But u can also bite them. Like if the crab ur throat from in the front u
but ur chin down and then bite them like really hard. That happen to me
once but I bite them so hard that that my teeth marks are super deep lol 

Fahad Al-Mansour says:

Background music. 

adventureoleprechaun says:
Guru of Random says:
Håkon Guttormsen says:
RobbingTheHood123 says:

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