Someone grabs you, how do you defend yourself and get out of their grip, here Sifu Kevin shows some simple steps to get out.
#attack #grab #boxing #selfdefence #selfdefense #selfdefensetechniques #martialarts #trainingtips #bjj #streetfight #kravmaga #defendyourself
testicles never crossed his mind. Good and effective punching needs far more practicing than one thinks.
It's smoke come out of their ears time… great job THANK YOU
Do you know what to do when your last name has a G but it's a mason symbol?
I like your personality
I have no idea if this is the best idea.
It's happened to me at the back of a corridor pinned to my car … It's definitely a real thing.
I talked the guy down.
After thought I decided I should have talked them down it was road rage.
I am a fan of martial arts I don't like fighting though
I'm a fan of wing Chun
And you have a feeling like you were someone who went through something.
I've been to the bad place where they lock you up before. Maybe you ?
Anyway I decided the bad place is tough you can't show weakness ots also too political.
In the free world when I was in that situation and talked them down … When that didn't work
I felt like my best option would have EITHER been to strip the grip
Hard with your back to the wall ….so I could have pushed forward first if it failed
Or more than likely tie up
Then charge forward walking them back then try some grappling like judo wrestling BJJ.
I'm a fan of wing Chun from back when it was a street art.
I was born 70s 80s era.
Jkd and wing Chun were powerful street arts and so was boxing.
I hate hitting people and swear it off but at the same time being nice … Sometimes in vusiness jail or crime …
People take advantage of you.
Bad. Really bad.
You have to be aware of all truths.
Lol! “Pew-pew tiiime!”
Hey pick on somebody your own size😅😅
“It’s pew pew timeee” 🤡
This is how real martial artist face such incidents.
Respect for him ❤
🤣🤣🤣 love your humour
Situational awareness at all times. Never let anyone place their paws on u n the first place.
Imagining some street thug “tapping” from his wrist being twisted is hilarious
Idk, I don't have time to learn martial arts in my 30s, I would rather conceal carry and let the criminal deal with the consequences.
I love his self defense videos 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 thank you for these quick tips