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Exercises in Futility – Self-Defense for Snowflakes

Watch me roast some trouble-making snowflakes as they fail miserably at performing basic calisthenics and self-defense techniques. GYM APPAREL & COACHING ► SAVE 20% ON SUPPLEMENTS (ELGIN20) ► OPTIMIZE YOUR SUPPLEMENT STACK ► USE MY FAVORITE PRODUCTS ► FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: Comedic Juggernaut Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License “ZERO” video by M. Vesely


EVans Love says:

I'm sure his hat matches his sports bra… lol!

derek LYONS says:

your next video should be the extreme right wing ,yes the white supremacist

PT111111 says:

Roast the new Crossfit documentary "Fittest On Earth"!!!

LastManStanding says:

If there is such a thing as the gay mafia, it's Antifa.

Joe Davis says:

when are you doing more gym fails? that's your best shit. although this one is funny too. damn snowflakes.

y m says:

No more gym idiots?

Xristos Rizos says:

Well done Elgin, now all the fascists are going to idolize you, you idiot

Ewan Flean says:

Rectal buccaneers, rofl!!!

Razik 5 says:


Will H says:

They oppose heteronormative gym cultures, but justify what they are trying to do by quoting Mark Rippetoe. Like I said about the new David Vincent song (which correlates to this pretty well), what a sad pile of trash.

UnitZER0 says:

I am not a shining example of a physically fit human male. If you need your couch/fridge/stove/bedroom moved, I'll do it, as long as there is pizza and beer afterwards.

And I'm in better shape than these betas. This is sad.

thechrisasaurus says:

This is the most Beta thing I have ever seen.

Method2k5 says:

I've seen 10 year olds inflict more harm to the air with a fart than those weak excuses for punches during their shadow boxing session. If they think they know how to fight now they should also consider taking out a hefty life insurance policy also.

John Smith says:

1:55 did everyone miss this. Ned Flanders is missing his leg.

Luke Cagle says:

LOL this is the best thing this channel ever has. LOL just before they halfway mark, "ZEROOO#

JustinTheSmexy says:

PLEASE do more political related commentary you're fucking hilarious and spot on

PurpleJerry ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says:

the only self defense they need is a shirt that says "im an antifa"

rob saxon says:

main thing you need for a fight, a willingness to fight in the first place. also it would help if you had a decent amount testosterone so you don't have the hips of an 9 year old girl.

Zyzzus Christ says:

Do more gym idiots elgin

Cristian Bravo says:

90 % of trolls in the comments sound and look like this lol

Enshadox says:


nasty nate says:

Damn our world is so fucked up. You pretty much will be gainfully employed with all this source material.

johnny Doverylittle says:

looks awkward…

james clarke says:

wow. what a flowery, fairy funtastic, fuck fest. Thanks elgintensity, as a martial artist I just cringed soo hard I think I sprouted a tumor. If they can't grasp the basic form of a squat, they wont be able to form the technique of a jab none the less everything to follow. I would say I feel sympathy for them if they get into a fight, but they look like the types that would faint at the sound of a burley queef.

Aidan Pierce says:

I'm 15 years old and high school right wing football player. Those pussy as boys couldn't even stand up to me and they are college dropouts that weigh 250 min. The most I would pay for that class is my 75c gender wage gap

Legendary504 says:

I could care less what they are I just want to beat the piss out of them for everything

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