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Chintya Candranaya Self Defense Unrehearshed

Chintya Candranaya Self Defense Unrehearshed #Chintyacandranaya #selfdefense my social media account FB : @chintya Candranaya Instagram : @chintyacandranaya business inquires : CP (anjar) +6281928001620 Manager click this link for watch Chintya Candranaya Self Defense Part 1 :


Flo Nez says:

Thanks sayang

Salmonjohn Salmonjohn says:

Sedap kaki chintya..kena kat leher nak rasa😅…kalau cekik best

SavageRealist LittleIdealist says:

Can you make videos with bigger men? I noticed all the videos I've watched, the men are similar in size to you. Most men I encounter are bigger than me in height and weight.

Suryavanshi Kushvaha rajput says:

I m from india

JoseManuel Cirujano says:

Don't fight so near of edge of floor!!!

jeremi kill says:

Ka upload vidio self defense pke kuncian semua ka,krna mungkin gak semua org bisa melakukan pkulan cpt/tendangan seperti kaka…
Trima kasih🙏🙏

Asghar Blade says:

Sekali kali mbak peragakan jurus pencak tunggak baku
Biar lebih kece badai

david furlong says:

Good work again Chintya. I especially liked the detailed technique in this video

Laercio Alves says:

Sua técnica é incrível que performance parabéns!

Humbahadur Gurung says:

Thanks medam

xlbronco says:

Great fighting! HIT ME BABY! I LOVE YOU!

pico 740 says:

God you are becoming better and better, faster, so professionnal. Keep doing this way. One thing you should learn to your fans is that when you hit with hands or legs tell them that your hand or leg MUST COME BACK FROM THE HIT AS QUICK AS YOU CAN. So the opponent can not grab it. We'll see you in hollywood i hope so much. And keep your beautiful and charming smile Chintya.

ツAriel L says:

You are beautiful person and soul

Utasav Biswas says:

Best self defence

mark s says:

That parking garage is an interesting place! There's a bad guy behind each pillar!

Subba Sui says:

Bravo pour votre vidéo 🙏👍💖

Glenn Bryan Bacus says:

Okey ! I Want To Learn That !!!

Glenn Bryan Bacus says:

707th Approved !!!

Jermaine Weekly says:

Amazing Video Chintya🔥💪

Aku cukup sengsara Siap ganti says:

Mbak cintya sudah bersuami belum…?

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