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Chinese Police self-defence

Chinese Police self-defense.


Fox Kin says:

police “self defense”

AndroidGZS says:

If the Chinese police resort to that method then they will just magically
turn fat.

DragonGodSoul says:

sometime its not all about shooting the person. For example “if person up
close to you and trying to kill you but your not able to pull out your
gun”. That’s when these kind of self defense comes in handy in close
quarter combat.

AndroidGZS says:

But somehow… the guy in red still acts in a normal speed.

forthegod says:

cuz of dat all cops of usa are fat lazy shit eaters =)

alexanderchavezrt says:

Damn! This guy is not fucking around!

Shaibi Shanmukhan says:

wow i found a cool way to get much more likes on facebook! have a look at
this: bit.ly18Eb5KO

Khal says:

He’s really old now, no chance of beating that lil dude =)

Davi Stanesco says:

Looks like jujutsu

elguapotetigre says:

lol this is not Hapkido…This is Chinese police Jing Wu Men

AndroidGZS says:

The style is called “Sanshou” and was developed by the Chinese military.

AndroidGZS says:

That is Chinese police uniform and Chinese characters at the end. The style
they are using is Sanshou.

EpicHotCheese says:

What kind of material art style is this? Or is it some sort of military
combat style?

Jenna X says:


svord00 says:

even a field medic from most of the special ops could bring him down

Yokiki1984 says:

STRENGTH IS the BASIC Let the police do the same thing to Schwarzenegger

raglanheuser says:

who the fuck attacks a police officer by slowly placing their open palm on
the other guy’s shirt?

assbutt analman says:

go chinese police!

Li Winstom says:

to be more specific, this is a chinese SWAT

Chiang Kai-shek says:

That’s how they disarm and detain Falun Gong, Buddhist monks, and
pro-democracy protesters

Yamino Tenshi says:

I feel bad for the guy in red.

Neymar da silva says:

ya se como se llama la cancion se llama fort minor Remember the name

Neymar da silva says:

whom I designed the name of the music please the nesesito

David Jamison says:

That’s Hapkido and I don’t think these guys are Chinese. I think they are

MrMengemeto says:

which is the martial art? Aikido or jiu jitsu?

gidoen amoako says:

what do you know about them anyway?? you a chinese??

AirsoftShizsAndGigs says:

That guy is in true pain lol.

Day Man says:

I could be wrong, but I believe these are Judo moves.

svord00 says:

what is the fighting technique is he using?

Jaylynn Garrett says:

I’m sorry I got offended.

luis chen tan says:

this works very good but i dont think with knife. is noob form to use
knife. give space to him to get the knife.

FATCHUable says:

i can only tell u that is FAKE….chinese police are not that good on
self-defence , they only use a rod or gun or shield , just one word
“Rubbish” !

FreshDesignsGFX says:

They speed this shit up..

Rayan Slim says:

Roundhouse looks very TKD…

Rempel23 says:

you know, I am going to give you sometime for self-reflection. You are on
Youtube, correct? taking a comment seriously, as if i am personally
offending you. Please take sometime to reassess your life, because I don’t
have time to spend on your ignorant ass, sorry.

Rempel23 says:

Well, it was a joke, so i genuinely don’t give a single fuck, i cant tell
you how many people i had to tell this was a joke, it’s obvious.

Tanipazita says:

Me like!!! the chinese police

DragonGodSoul says:

I know I’m just saying that its a good thing to know some CQC, but i didn’t
missed the point that it was a joke since once i reply he sent a message to
me; So I was just telling him about what i think.

Aura T says:

China is one of the most populated cities in the world. A gun and lots of
civilians arent exactly the way to go. what happens if there’s a stray
bullet? what about all the witness’ who watch a person get potentially shot
dead and the trauma they may experience? Have some common sense.

Jaylynn Garrett says:

You surely sounded like him in that comment. Do you not know how harsh that
comment was? A dude’s son was killed and the guy called the cops, big
mistake, the cop beat the crap outta him.

Rempel23 says:

OK. first of all, i do not think everything is a joke, you don’t know me.
Second, and take note Daniel Tosh is NOT funny, he is a D-bag, do not
compare me to him in any scenario. And i can only hope that when i die
people will be laughing and happy, not sad and mourning the past, it’s a
waste of time. i agree death isn’t funny but it isn’t something to be taken
so seriously, we live, we die, that’s life, make the best of it. and
lastly, you should take things less seriously. it was a single joke

Bandogge Mastiff says:

THIS IS ALL JAPANESE JU-JITSU! identical to the syllabus beyond any doubt!

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