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BJJ Self Defense Sucks

No Kaylens were (seriously) harmed in the making of this video. Why does a really good martial art have really bad self defense moves? Let’s find out! My Twitter: Thanks to Metrolina Martial Arts for letting me film in their gym! Their channel: (Metrolina MA does not necessarily endorse any views expressed in this video. I need to be really clear about this. My rampant criticism of everyone in the world is not necessarily reflective of the views of Metrolina Martial Arts’ instructors or students.)


Armchair Violence says:

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video are not necessarily held by the owners, instructors, or students of Metrolina Martial Arts.
My views are completely my own.

Bill Usher says:

Video suggestion: moves from bad martial arts that work

marco maneja says:

great vid. can you make video on comparing leglocks for bjj vs mma?

Antonio Aguilar says:

There are two front choke escapes in Krav Maga and both involve some sort of striking; either to the face or a knee/kick to the groin. Both are simpler than the BJJ ones you showed. The rear choke escape has some similarities to what you showed. We turn the same way and step behind but we also do a pluck at the hands and try to slip our head out. If it fails you still end up in a headlock rather than a rear choke.

Chris in China says:

Dude, her feet left the ground! šŸ˜‚

DJ Stephens says:

Ok number 1) Great Video. I would like to address 2 maybe 3 points (as if anyoneā€™s cares). 1st the front choke. This is not only SUPER common but VERY dangerous. I have witnessed for own eyes 3 occasions when someone has gotten choked to unconscious with this two hand choke. There was another that I didnā€™t see for myself but the result was fatal. All done by someone that was big enough to do it effectively. I do agree with the strike and more strikes but the immediate danger has to be addressed as well. The headlock the video is referring to is ALWAYS taught out of context. You never take a person backwards when there leading forwards. The defense works because their already leading backwards. If there not then take take them forwards 3rd. Thank you for your In-site in the rear-naked escape. I have been questioning that for YEARS. I teach it the same way you do but I have always doubted myself because Pedro teaches to go the other way and I had ASSUMED he knew best. From know on Iā€™ll make up my own mind. Thank you for that šŸ™šŸ¾. Iā€™m your New subscriberšŸ’ŖšŸ¾

ElDuardo01 says:

Strike first, then double leg and mount (optimum time to make your point or end the fight), Ive pressure tested it and it always works.

Johnny Hildo says:

If this guy knows so much, why not go up against a GJJ Black Belt and see how he fairs šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Alex Quint-Pugsley says:

How many atrocities have happened in the name of a Klondike bar sir?

Patrick McDonald says:

Excellent video. I feel like martial arts have benefited from the internet, maybe more than any other thing. Clearly terrible schools/instructors are easily exposed when, in the past, they would be able to operate with relative impunity.
The exception to this rule is the self defense community. For some reason those guys have escaped the same scrutiny by and large.

rob cubed says:

Regarding the font choke, itā€™s not as useless at the video makes it seem.

If the assailant pins the victim against the wall or against the ground and is actively leaning his/her weight into the choke while pressing thumbs into the windpipe, itā€™s quite effective.

Also practicing

ussgordoncaptain says:

The wet willie is the offical MBJJ defense against the front choke

Gutts says:

Watched 3 minutes into this video and I'm already subscribed. Finally someone who talks bluntly and talks sense. Excellent video so far

Just Me Joe says:

Thanks, Iā€™m one of the black belt instructors he grifted video from in this clip.

A couple of the main reasons we teach this curriculum.

1. Itā€™s a defined set of basics. I also coach Kali and Muay Thai. This vid represents an over simplification of the options available. As instructors, even Pedro Sauer offers that these techniques are limited in scope.

2. Itā€™s not a move to make people look good. As he says, people who donā€™t have experience donā€™t know proper wrestling. Which is both why we need to teach headlock defense, as well the front choke. An aggressor whoā€™s likely untrained is going to possibly front choke someone.

3. The movements in the Gracie self defense curriculum offer a lot of ideas on principles and mechanics. Anyone Iā€™ve ever met who understands the self defense always has a better ground game than those who donā€™t.

4. He clearly doesnā€™t have the whole picture. Such as the shoulder slip, only turning one way. Of course we teach getting back into the headlock position as an option. It has nothing to do with money.

Thatā€™s my opinion, but maybe Iā€™ll do a call back video since he was so kind to put me and many of my peers in this clip.

j j says:

Is BJJ good self defense? HELL YES!!! just learn to tepe em' too šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰

William Smith says:

Whatā€™s the situation?

Homegrown Revolution says:

As a black belt under Royce, I experienced a full range of human emotions watching this video! There was much that I agreed with, and a few points I thought were an unfair representation of Helioā€™s basic curriculum and itā€™s intention, or how self defense is taught and practiced in schools that make that the priority. Still, your video is awesome and really helpful, honestly. I chuckled a lot and thought deeply about my own beliefs and assumptions – thatā€™s two wins. Thank you!

YOUNG MF says:

Yes, best defense against being grabbed is always to hit them. Anything that is some convoluted multiple step defense just takes longer and may fail

Reaper 78 says:

Show us some of moves u would use in Self Defense tho

Reaper 78 says:

Mixed Martial arts is Effective

Ryan Hudson says:

Could it be that the Gracies don't know shit about self defense?

P. says:

hahahaha you punch im again great video

Ricardo says:

So is judo better for self defense

Wyldfantasies says:

In my school I teach bjj while always keeping students aware of what can happen when striking is involved in that position. Wrestling base, bjj attacks and submissions. If someone puts you in a headlock, they go for a ride. You take muay Thai and boxing class to learn the striking.

PMAMaster says:

3:28 "Just leave" xD

J Hearld says:

Got urself a sub

bdubs says:

I actively (to my partner) talk about how useless these moves are during in actual scenarios when we're drilling lol. I'm like this shit is so fake anyway

sambosteve says:

Preach. I love it

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