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Average people try terrible women’s self-defense moves.

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Kudzayi Mberi says:

I'm surprised this channel isn't called "Casual Domestic Abuse"

bcampello says:

These techniques are mostly adapted from Aikido, which, adequately performed, is highly efficient (and not the scam it has become fashionable to say it is). The problem in the video is that it is being done wrong. The main mistake is not using whole body positioning by holding the attackers hand firmly in place using you own, stepping back (maintaining your spinal column upright), and only then apply downward pressure from ABOVE the wrists. Granted, the original video had the same mistakes.

Dirk Steel says:

You guys are absolutely faboo! Lmao

BeachsideHank says:

Ostrich farmers use that head down trick to control those birds, which can kill you with their kick, just as you demonstrated, the knee and leg cannot be brought into meaningful play.

Satunnainen Katselija says:

269. Is that your serial number?

XthegreatwhyX says:

The howtobasic ending cracked me up

Your Biological Daddy says:

i like how she chose the dudes hand to cough instead of her own xD

Erin the Angry says:

How to fight better: channel your inner howtobasic! or at least, that's the idea that comes into my head at the end of this video. xD

xxsleipnirx1 says:

2:35 HowToBasic would be proud, just the egg is missing

Dellacondan says:

'Fuckin nope'
Aussie aussie aussie.

Tiki Master says:

They Got BURNED! 😂😂😂

Benjamian Hausmann says:

maria claire so hot

The Mordant Seer says:

I didn't knew you were friends with HowtoBasic.

Sandro Martens says:

1:24 hahaha imagine this in a real rape or wathever situation
"Nope :("

SeEsS says:


hahahaha says:

All ladies crash course self defence classes are just BS scams. Once that punch flies to your face, everything goes out of the window.

Want to defend yourself, take up a real martial arts class that trains and spar and work in real time scenarios repetitively till it became 2nd nature to react in a particular technique in times of stress and pressure.

Yup you'll get hurt but you'll start to know what to do under real stressful and dangerous situations like a kick, a punch or a choke coming your way. No easy way out.

Other than that, all the rest are BS. Especially those gyms that trains ladies to do some kindof fitness boxing or BS muay thai with pink gloves complete with makeup. 😂

They'll walk out of their gyms thinking they'll beat the shit out of someone. 😂 try it in a real ring and I betcha not even till the end of the 1st round the bitch gonna end up bawling on the floor crying cos Ronda Rousey lookalike just taught her what a punch to the face feels like and she didn't like it.

Andy Wilson says:

You guys should cpi (crisis prevention intervention) techniques, those were the worst I've ever seen in my life.

PAlNKlLLER says:

Is it wrong that I find her incredibly attractive. Especially when she is being throttled? Quite arousing.

Adolfo Costa says:

you got my sub, that was funny

Cat with moustache says:

Don't lie she loves it when you choke her.

William Weller says:

Her shorts are distracting, are those pineapples?

Christopher Parks says:

"Sorry i probably shouldnt help you up by your throat." That was hilarious to me, but yeah please dont it made me a little nervous lol

Soulie says:

Too bad it takes a youtube video to get you to choke her. She looked so disappointed when it was over.

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