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Australian Sen Leyonhjelm Argues For Right To Self Defense In Wake Of Terrorism


niagra898 says:

Man..Australia has fake news too?

William Keys says:

Sen Leyonhjelm is right.

Thomas McEwen says:

The left hates guns and Islam loves them. question who wins.

Sergio Of The Jungle says:

Of course you shouldn't be allowed to defend yourself. If you are confronted by someone whose intent is to harm you, clap your hands loudly or rattle some marbles in a coffee can to startle them. It works with bears so why shouldn't it work with a gun wielding, murderous rapist? What type of nutter would promote the possibility of using something to harm an innocent bear. When you go into the woods you are in their environment. When you go to the store, you are in a rapist's or terrorist's environment. It stands to reason that you should expect this to happen, so prepare accordingly. Never venture out onto a street without your coffee can.

Glenn Towles says:

Is this host serious? Why not have the means to defend oneself?!???

sweet jesus says:

after a couple of years hiatus from carlotta here, I'm not suprised he still hasn't grasped the idea of fair and balanced journalistic integrity

FURANUKU777 says:

Arm yourself.
The only time time Muslim terrorists respect you is when they fear you

They just don't get it when you try to engage in a civil discussion… you look weak to them. It's not in their culture, or religion or DNA… they are primal, basic, driven by anger and intolerance to western people (infidels).

C'mon! Would you expect more from guys who truly believe beating women is ok?… Or that killing gays is the way to deal with them?…

Teflon Don says:

yeah only the government should have guns…great idea dopes

Tim Henry says:

This is amazing. Your saying you might want to let people protect themselves? wow.

tony simon says:

I'm not a big fan of Leyonhjelm but he makes some good points.

Thomas Delwood Videos and Commentary says:

The police high commands in Australia are politically correct cowards. If they want to disarm the citizens then they should learn to shoot to kill. They had an open shot on the 2014 terrorist in Sydney but did not take it. In Melbourne in 2017, a Muslim refugee shot three police before they took him down. We we would be better off defending ourselves.

Ivo Krauksts says:

Go australia!

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