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ARCS Self Defense 101 I Got Your Head…Now What – Perhaps you’ve gone to a self defense course or 2, but know that there’s a big difference concerning what you’ve learned and…


ARCSSelfDefense says:

You are exactly right. In the process of filming I tend to get distracted
and then look back and say “damn I forgot to mention….” Anytime you can
put a hand on the face of an attacker you can stick, poke, stab, or rake
his face and that slows most folks down long enough for you to capatalize
on their pause.


Exactly, also as you pass to clinch rake the eyes…your hand goes past his
face and it takes very little work to do so. That will stunt any further
action and set him up for that chin control turning motion. Something
“grapplers” miss is to go to a neck-clinch their hand passes the face- that
is an opportunity to do damage coming in. By the way, very same type of
head control is used even in Baguazhang- its a true Universal Combat Motion
(UCM) as I say “You See Em'” in real combat instances


Inn ICC we call that type of motion an Axis Manipulation- one great thing
about them is that it effects the spine- an old saying of mine is “If I
move your spine, you’re mine”. The body tries to maintain it’s stabilized
position and while that is going on it is difficult for any person to do a
counter at the same time…that is exactly the moment to strike as you
showed some various means of follow up. What is extraordinary to me is how
few “real Combatives experts” tend to miss this point.

ARCSSelfDefense says:

Yep, anytime you can get a person shifting to try to maintain their
stability, it is the perfect time to hammer them. I am a huge fan of follow
up, maybe to the point of overkill…hit hard, fast, and A LOT…if tere is
any doubt throw several more!

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