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ADF: Anonymous Activists Self Defense Handbook Part 1

This is a video aimed to help people protect themselves from the police on Nov 5th and every other day. **Need help translating to Kurdish, Arabic, Spanish, …


stlk12 says:

LOL you have got to be joking me.

joost thuis says:

Coming prepared for violence to a protest, how is that not just provoking
violent response? Place yourself in the shoes of a police officer who is
confronted with a mass of helmeted, shielded group of people, prepared for
battle. What do you think they would think in that situation. You are
trying to arm people with the alleged intent of protecting them, while
actually probably only bringing them into senseless danger. You are just
trying to get a violent mass together to provoke “police brutality”.

RhinoWarrior Pinkie Pie says:

ADF: Anonymous Activists Self Defense Handbook Part 1

Евгений Горелов says:


Hakan Amsterdam says:

Dafuq wih **Need help translating to Kurdish?

Holy fuck dude …. i hate those fucking kurdish people

Jackie Smith says:

stop thinking self defense and go with pro-active (no need of defense).
This isn’t a football game ya know? I don’t know shit, maybe it is just
football to you. I do not have any pre conseved notions….enlighten Me.

♠Ace Of Spades♠ says:

May GOD Give his blessings to Anonymous

dgkallday4u says:

LOL with this intro. Probably just a bunch of fatasses without girlfriends
masturbating to this weird V for Vendetta mask bullshit

Neca Necic says:

hack me now :{

Jarrad B says:

Awesome video, fuck the police! fuck the system, stand up 

Ozzie Peck says:

paint ball guns!

DoncheIbraimiVlogs says:

2 Hours and I am getting out for the protest …

Alice Cheung says:

I saw Hong Kong…… That tear gas… while all that HongKongers had was
umbrellas and masks… Fuck the police.

N Morgan says:

ADF: Anonymous Activists Self Defense Handbook Pa…:

Precarious Mutiny says:

This is a video aimed to help people protect themselves from the police on
Nov 5th and every other day.
**Need help translating to Kurdish, Arabic, Spanish, French, Cantonese,
Greek and any other language that might need it** if you can help please
let us know. Transcript below.
Email: [email protected]

We are anonymous.
We are legion.
The corrupt fear us.
The honest support us.
The heroic join us.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

jesus fagzano says:

ADF: Anonymous Activists Self Defense Handbook Part 1

Ozzie Peck says:

gas them? if they gas you,what goes around comes around

shine dark says:

slingshots and wrist rockets are very effective

gage boden says:

See you all tomorrow in Baton Rouge.

tensa zangetsu says:

mi apoyo esta con ustedes tratare de grabar la corrupcion policial y
subirlas a youtube 

OpMiDei says:

What a stupidity… I guess anonymous started first just working for the
government, and now they are out of money so they started selling masks ?
😀 😀 😀
You idiots. 

Hugo Frich says:

stand up for people stand up for peace brother!

Jonathan Anez says:

Do you still need it in Spanish?

吳育緯 says:

Traditional Chinese

SheriffJim Jackets says:


Ronaldo Huanca says:

No se ingles.. :(

Xm-MoDz-mX says:

This shit makes me become so mad. All I wan’t to do is tare the Police down



Harley Nut says:

Youth Rise up; it’s your Future?

CanadianTimberwolf says:

You could make a foldable riot sheild for you backpack if needed 

samuel lopez says:

i could help with the Spanish, but putting some subtitles if that works for
you guys, let me know:

We are a Legion.

HyperWeeds says:

I see a number of people (comments) on here from people (or trolls) who
just do not belong here. Why were you watching this video if YOU do not
believe in making change? Go watch your TV or something just as useless –
YOU are the sheeple we refer to -

LPcreature says:

The Songs Named 0 to 100 by Veaner D. Fresh

hredmen says:


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