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7 Bible Verses for CCW and Self Defense

Often Christians struggle with how to handle concealed carry in a Biblical way . This video shows 7 verses on understanding self defense with a Christian view . To view other Spiritual Videos click here


Gun Guy says:

Great video.

Mike Campbell says:

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. Genesis 9:6.

Steve Higgins says:

Once again, good, sound teaching, thank you.

Chuck Connors says:

Very good points brother!

Marc Pascual says:

I literally was looking up bible verse 4 days ago about CCW and self-defense.

olen millixan says:

Awesome content. Thank you so much for all of the useful and biblical content. Keep it up

Jack Waddell says:

Really excellent. You are sending me to my Bibles and commentaries once again. Thanks.

Bernard Friday says:

Good info, great video!

Preparedglueguy1 says:

Good word brother.Β  I believe an armed Christian has the obligation to protect our families as well as helping others when in need.Β  We need to be the sheep dog, protecting the sheep from the wolves!

Wolf Walker says:

Amen brother. Thanks for the info.

john luis says:

Amen πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

J D says:

Well said! Great video my brother.

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