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3 Self-Defense Moves Everyone Should Know

Self-defense expert and author of “Survive the Unthinkable” Tim Larkin stops by WSJ’s offices with a step-by-step tutorial of three moves that every person s…


capturedbytee says:

*finish him*

bornfedslaughter says:

i knew this would be fake ass bullshit. who is this guy, wwe fan?

Doyle Industries says:

3 Self-Defense Moves Everyone Should Know #wsj

Daniel Carter says:

Most men would just smash this little women. Those terrible techniques will
only make the attacker more furious and thus more dangerous. Learn
Jiujutsu. That is the most effective way for a smaller person to disable a
bigger stronger person.

raguila11 says:

Spit in the eyes, punch to the throat, fingers in the eye, punch to the
groin. These are all better. Kicking takes too long for a beginner. 

Dorthy W says:

Works great with a cane,, or the wooden end of a hammer too! :*)

Michael Kaspshak says:

cock… point… shoot…

ashura Zoldyck says:

lol that was a cute ass running

Hunter Till says:

I’m a 6″5 guy from Norway, how the fuck is a (hypothetically speaking) a
woman that size gonna stop me? Even if you’re a Ronda Rousey type, there’s
no fucking chance! My opinion, carry a small weapon or some-sort. I love
woman and I would never touch or attack one, but come on let’s be honest
for a second. For the ladies out there…carry a weapon!

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