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10 Self-Defense moves You MUST Know | Aikido Martial Art

Thank you for your support! Music Info: Epic Cinematic Dramatic Adventure Trailer by RomanSenykMusic. Music Link:


Andreas Plotzky says:

Do not try that on the street…you will be killed….sorry that sucks

Mac Platon says:

The best techniques

C. Sulla says:

WTF???? Is this a joke??……Holly crap

Sloth h says:

Good luck doing this in a street fight 🤣 will get your teeth knocked out for sure

Vano - says:

The best in self-defence is not moves but ability come back home safe. If you start to fight so you have missed self-defence point already and must use your fighting abilities.


Sorry, hard time buying in on this Bullshit. Even if half this shit worked, nobody comes at you like they base the movements on, defense against a Gun, come on, stop it.

Brian Barlett says:

Thanks for the Video! Excuse me for chiming in, I would love your thoughts. Have you thought about – Chireetler Dread Free Rule (do a search on google)? It is a great one off guide for learning effective self defence moves minus the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my GF after many years got amazing results with it.

Foot Connexion says:

Nice Video! Apologies for the intrusion, I would appreciate your initial thoughts. Have you ever tried – Chireetler Dread Free Rule (just google it)? It is an awesome one off guide for learning effective self defence moves without the hard work. Ive heard some great things about it and my buddy at very last got amazing success with it.

SealAngel says:

Akido is such an awesome martial art. Love it!

namelessandfaceless says:

This doesn't teach anything. The title should be, "Aikidoka showing off her aikido," and not, "10 Self-Defense moves You MUST Know."

Kevin Smith says:

Lol when she put her hair back up.

Tom Nelson says:

Love Aikido!
Thanks for sharing!

Thuc Dat Nguyen says:

They don’t grab your hand and cooperate with you, they hit your face violently and you are dead immediately.

Anita Konicka says:

Nice Video clip! Apologies for butting in, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard the talk about – Chireetler Dread Free Rule (search on google)? It is an awesome exclusive guide for learning effective self defence moves minus the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my mate at very last got amazing results with it.

Martin Chokeout says:

Does not work

Bruce Lee says:

The best girlfriend in the world


Is is aikido evolving….???.?.?..?:?.?/?.😮😮😮

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