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Women’s Self Defense When Pinned to Wall (BJJ Basics)

It’s coming! Our next Women Empowered Women’s self-defense seminar will be in January! Join us at Gracie University HQ in Torrance, CA on January 15th, 2023 11am-2pm. It is absolutely free, but you must pre-register at If you are not located in the SoCal area, visit to find a seminar near you! Share with a woman you care about!


calholli says:

What works well is carrying a firearm. Best equalizer there is.

Carbon and Titanium says:

This video is womansplaining "self defense".
Mansplaining is a derogatory sexist term.
See how that works?

Clayson Brown says:

I love gracie jiujitsu, but I will ask, what if they keep coming? Obviously they would, what would you do then if you maybe get hung up on an arm or they get closer and try to bear hug you, or even just start violently punching towards you. I'm sure you have the answers, but watching this those are a few questions I have about it.

Jeffrey Pearson says:

This is not realistic. A woman should never try to to go wrist to wrist to try to overpower a man, especially an aggressive one trying to attack you. This would never work on the street. The only obvious move is to attack the center line and knee strike, or kick, the attacker's groin, depending on range. Then run. I suppose trying to drop to the ground with the hope of loosening the attacker's grip then roll and run might work, but I don't suggest dropping to the ground with a physically dominant attacker- the will just sit on you.

will chris says:

If you really want to protect yourself as a woman get firearm training then your on an equal playing field.

Gman says:


SirCharles says:

Take your femsplaining and toxic femininity and shove it.

memo144 says:

Fastest way to get fucked up

Hollywood Hogan. says:

No one ever attacks like this. Train for actual situations. Not this garbage.

Purge Edits says:

So hot seeing her struggle

will chris says:

So you already know it won't work you said so yourself. Get a male trainer if you want to learn.

will chris says:

See you already know it won't work you said so in your video.

agmk135 says:

A good old fashion kick to the groin should do the trick as well.

transwomen are sexist men says:

Why can't you just kick him in the dick until it explodes?

Steven Wheat says:

I’ll comment. Nobody should ever be a victim. Train hard.

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