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women’s self defense frontal choke against a wall

Brutal street technique. This could save your life.


ProphecyAndScripture says:

A ‘share’ for both WOMEN and MEN:
First of all… Ladies,… there are times when,… as a woman,… we may
have ONLY one of two choices –
-‘TO BECOME a victim’… or
– ‘TO BE the victor’…
You have more of a chance to determine the outcome – if you learn NOW what
you will need to know THEN…

Secondly, MEN – In regards to things like this: ‘LOVE truly is AN ACTION
WORD’… Physically take part in encouraging and teaching the women,
(whether old, young or adolescent), in your lives, how to protect
themselves – YOUR willingness to be a part of some actual, hands-on
training, might be what makes all the difference in giving them the
confidence they will need to do ‘what is needed’ someday…
This is just one of many good self-defense videos for women, but we need
men to help us… today is the perfect day to start helping the gals you
love, learn how to take care of themselves – don’t ya think?
Love to all,
sis : )

A second thought worth thinkin’ on:
Thank you all for taking the time to give notice to this video – but please
actually watch it – don’t take for granted that you know what he is
advising, that a person in such a position as this, do… I have seen the
‘grab the arms and pull down’ method but had not seen this move before –
which I think is probably far better of a move for small women or children
as it works both angles of ‘breaking the hold’ and ‘motivating the person
to let go’, at the same time… This would also be a good thing to teach
young boys as well… for many reasons…
God bless each of you with at least one good smile and laugh this evening :

(Not everything has to be ‘big’ in order to be ‘a blessing’ – eh? lol )

Joshua Langer says:

This is McDojo bullshit

Ed Macedo says:

and please dont try a kick to the nuts. in the heat of battle that is
really ineffective. you really want to piss an attacker off, kick him in
the balls. pepper sprays and loud whistles are a better bet.

Colmar Aïkido says:

Bonjour, pas sur que dans la panique ce soit possible, mais si on n’essaie
pas on ne s’aura pas

Ed Macedo says:

please dont lull women into a false sense of security. if you piss off the
attacker, youre only going to make it worse and expose yourself to worse
injuries. best defense is to recognize potentially dangerous situations and
avoid them. travel with friends. take a good look at the attacker for
identification purposes. stay safe and do not aggrivate the situation. my
female friends years of self defense training only caused her a beating in
her own admission. should have let go of the purse.

Papi Chulo says:

This Guy is very sorry ass instructor wannabe. Pathetic

Lappmogel says:

If a person that is 1 feet taller and 50 pounds heavier then you have you
against a brick wall don’t try to gouge his eye outs. He doesn’t need to
see you to be able to just slam your head against the brick wall repeatedly
until you either submit or die.

But if the goal is to die in the shortest amount of time possible then this
technique is great. 

Amy Jinks says:

I tried this with my husband and he is quite a bit taller than me so I
couldn’t reach his eyes. I went for the nut shot instead. It seemed
effective. Are there any other suggestions?

HotNoob says:

doesn’t work so well, as it’s still arm strength vs arm strength, all be it
different muscles – also can’t forget the lack of oxygen, which makes it a
guaranteed loss. the entire move can be countered by the attacker moving in
closer, which would be the attackers natural response. at the middle of the
move, he/she uses his/her body a bit, but it would never get to that point.

and the eye gouging just leaves you vulnerable to taking a huge blow to the
stomach; another option to counter the eye gouging would be to get
extremely close, which would remove any leverage making it very difficult
to actually inflict any damage with your hands by creating an awkward

so, to counter this move, all you’d have to do is take a few steps forward,
which would be especially easy with the target up against the wall. moving
in close for the attack would also create a significant strength advantage,
as it would no longer be arms vs arms, but rather, arms & losing oxygen vs
arms & entire body strength.

there is an aikido technique for this exact same situation, but 1000 times
better. it doesn’t leave you unguarded and gives you the upper hand of it
being your entire bodies strength vs their weaker arm muscles. the same
technique works if they are grabing your wrists. in short, you throw them
backwards onto the ground.

bullshit like this would never work in the real life, unless the attacker
was pathetically weak. 

Daniel Sneesby says:

That solution also constitutes deadly force, nice try. Unfortunately, no
matter what happened prior, doing something such as pushing the aggressor’s
eyes in to their skull and headbutting them also counts as assault,
bordering on grievous bodily harm and will have you convicted.

Fatian Berisha says:

If she can’t pull hands down,she can push up from elbows,in that way the
choker will lose the power.

killer3596 says:

This is good. Very solid tactic I’d think. Knee to the groin might help
too. Also, if you carry the right kind of knife and attack fast, rapid, &
low with it… well… you get the point.

Michael O'Rourke says:

Or you could use my technique its dangerous but and only should be used in
life or death use 1/2 finger strike and push into the soft spot in front of
the neck located between the collarbones this will make the person unable
to breath and could kill the them

Eroreth says:

Or kick in the balls, if you’re a guy you know.

checkreality1 says:

I apologize if someone else already suggested this in the comments section
but, why not just smash the attacker’s elbows together from the outside
effectively breaking both of them? It’s cruel to the attacker, yes, but if
your life is being threatened, it’s fair game.

For the record, you could also palm strike the nose and then grab the wrist
of the attacker with your same hand (right hand to right hand, or left to
left) and twist the attacker’s wrist clockwise (counter clockwise if
grabbing the left wrist), effectively repositioning yourself while putting
the attacker in a wristlock after breaking their nose.

Chris Mohrbacher says:

Arm position going up is dandy… eye gouge is justifiable… and a
headbutt is a valuable option… but hitting someone with your face
generally shouldn’t be the first option. 

Victor Duxbury says:

If someone gets you in a frontal choke and you are not pressed up against a
wall use this method. Lift your right arm OVER the attackers extended left
arm and grab their RIGHT wrist and turn your body away to the left. this
will release the grip the right hand has on your throat. Keep a grip on
the right wrist and press down on the attackers left arm so their body
moves closer to yours, in one movement let go of his Right wrist and
replace it with your left hand and grab the upper part of his right arm
close to the armpit and position yourself to execute a full body hip throw.
This method needs a bit of prctice to get it right but once you master it
and use it with speed, your attacker won’t know what hit him.

This defense move will work on any person who is much stronger than
yourself, stay protected and practice with a friend. 

Drogan Stiegsson says:

She can puncture your eyes alright, but she can’t possibly headbutt you
(not unless she’s wearing high platform shoes, that is). I say, she’s
better off doing the eye trick – which is pretty hardcore, and makes any
offender retreat and grab his eyeballs, at least for a few seconds – then
run for her life and call for help, instead of playing Bruce Lee.

Dave Murray says:

Self defence is not to save your purse, its to save your life. Very
different things. Furthermore, after you did one or two self defence moves,
you RUN like hell. Every good self defence teacher will put emphasis on the
running after you surprised the attacker with a 2 second maximum defence.
If your teacher dont tell you to run after you defended yourself, choose
another teacher.

strawberrysmilee1997 says:

For those of you saying he has no idea what he’s talking about, or that he
will just put us in a worse position, I’d love to have a front row seat
when you’re attacked. And I can’t help but notice that most of you haters
are males. If your daughter, sister, partner, etc. were to be in any of
these situations, would you rather her do nothing and die? Don’t be hating
on him and his kids (friends/family) for making these videos because
they’re trying to help your ass!

@DarkMagician70, I would like to thank you for making these videos and
trying to prepare us with these defense mechanisms in the future :)

Brian Boatright says:

This guy has NO IDEA what he is talking about! This will get you into a
wrestling match with someone who is probably bigger, heavier, and stronger
than you and that’s not a good place to be for a woman! 

Tecumseh Sherman says:


Boondock Saint says:

You need a follow up move. After the poke to the eyes, follow with a kick
to the nuts or else he will back up and charge in again with a fist to your

chris allistar says:

Knee to the nuts!!!! GAME OVER! I recommend a class in Ameridote bud. It
seems right up your alley

Mc Chunk says:

u are in no mood to chase her cos you are a fatty.. much love xxx

Truffles563 says:

There needs to be a groin kick afterwards. How silly for that guy to assume
that just because the guy gets temporarily blinded and is bleeding that
he’s in no mood to go after her. LOL
If anything, the attacker would be even more pissed off.

Antonina Gaidukevich says:

stuipid action. the man can just hit her into the wall… just kick his
balls by the leg…

Ouranos1986 says:

The level of stupid is just pathetic….

Preparedness Consulting Group, LLC says:

What people seem to be forgetting is this technique is a way, not the way,
of dealing with a frontal choke attack against a wall. There are several
options to defend against this attack but one needs to remember.
1) You should have a plan in place before you are attacked.
2) Speed is a must when reacting to the attack
3) This is YOUR life, FIGHT for it.
4) Seek out competent professional instruction and PRACTICE

Dre Butler says:

THE WAY TO DO IT – Lift strongest arm, turn your body to side, drop elbow
onto wrest (as hard as possible) RUN AWAY at the sametime SCREAM FOR
HELP!!!! (MY Technique) Dumb Ass 

08311tk says:

I just want to say Thank you for taking the time to post this. My husband
and I have been discussing self defense classes for our children. This is a
great start. 

Erik Fish says:

Of course this technique is easily defeated if the attacker is trained or
expects it. But it is going to be 99% effective because most women are not
attacked by ninjas or KGB assassins but bozos (frequently fuelled by
alcohol) who won’t know what hit them until they are stumbling around
blinded with blood gushing from their nose wondering what the heck just
happened. Which is why you should NEVER try to scare off a potentially
threatening bad guy by letting him know you know self-defense, because by
that you surrender most of the edge that knowledge gives you. 

prince delaville says:

i just waited for a hot nut kick

nativesupport2 says:

This is still not going to work if he’s too strong for her, especially the
pushing his arms from the inside. I know this from experience. I recommend
a palm strike to the face or chin.

Susan Y. says:

A ‘share’ for both WOMEN and MEN:
First of all… Ladies,… there are times when,… as a woman,… we may
have ONLY one of two choices –
-‘TO BECOME a victim’… or
– ‘TO BE the victor’…
You have more of a chance to determine the outcome – if you learn NOW what
you will need to know THEN…

Secondly, MEN – In regards to things like this: ‘LOVE truly is AN ACTION
WORD’… Physically take part in encouraging and teaching the women,
(whether old, young or adolescent), in your lives, how to protect
themselves – YOUR willingness to be a part of some actual, hands-on
training, might be what makes all the difference in giving them the
confidence they will need to do ‘what is needed’ someday…
This is just one of many good self-defense videos for women, but we need
men to help us… today is the perfect day to start helping the gals you
love, learn how to take care of themselves – don’t ya think?
Love to all,
sis : )

ddelfao says:


Cristina Cajulao says:
Cletus Maximus says:

This technique has so many flaws. Learn the Krav Maga Techniques for Front
Choke against the wall instead.

WooTheStar says:

fukn’ brutal

mark dirigible says:

swinging the attacker’s head into the wall could be effective as well

hollyboo21 says:

Aw Yeeeah. Jessica!

Stealth Ten says:

What if a mma fighter girl choke a man 

MsTokies says:

if she had drop her body weight on that joint she would have broke the hold
and been in place to go for the groin

alejandro esteban diaz conias says:

A knee in the groin can be usefull too. ;)

Hernantolio says:

dangerous as fuck ! Dont use this 

Henning Malland says:

Go inside with you arms and then use ellbows to pull his arms down and
pulling him at your hand distance, hit his ears with both flat hands ,then
he will put his hands on his ears because of the pain, use your knie to
kick his groin. He will lose orientation and also have as lot of pain in
his balls.