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Ukraine military Il-76 plane downed by self-defense forces in Lugansk

Anti-Kiev forces took down a Ukrainian military Il-76 transport jet as it was landing in Lugansk, the country’s Defense Ministry confirmed. FULL STORY: ALSO WATCH:…


RussiasNumber1 says:

This is for Odessa you sick Kiev fucks. Go home! You are NOT welcome in
independent Donbas. 

RedRevo1917 says:

guys, guys, listen up. i need your help to battle the pro-kiev fags all
over western media’s youtube channels. like vice, cnn, and other shits

liberty_4ever says:

Only Israel uses white phosphorus , well Kiev is run by Jew banks and Jew
state department so what do you expect? and by the way fuck Israel.

Z Aquarius says:

Everybody knows that Russia is trying to separate Europe from US. What
Russia is doing is regional cooperativeness. Regional does not mean US. All
the US does is hurt Europe for Israeli gains.

There must come a point where Putin says well sorry Europe, he tried. Then
move into Ukraine a secure the whole country as a Russian province, stop
the killing. Exonerate Ukraine from any debts. Kick out anything that
smells like OSCE, EU or US. Basically, screw the IMF and move on. Had
Ukraine reacted the way Crimea did, could be different. Never forget who’s
fault this is, Yanukovych.

Robert80z says:

Well done! The self-defense forces are doing the right thing.

Whyunounderstand says:

very smart, lets fly this huge aircraft over this area full of opposition
fighters lol.

Michael Seddon says:

Where did these Pro-Russian forces get Anti-Aircraft missiles from?

valhala56 says:

Lot of hate everywhere on this planet, but need not worry human race will
soon enough extinct itself as we are proving we are not fit to be in a
civilized world. 

Ana Surena Vandenberg says:

الله أكبر الله أكبر

zproxy says:

ukraine is fighting ukraine. we hope ukraine wins!

Taner Pattinson says:


Arse Hole says:

Only a simpleton would believe this story.

rivercarper01 says:

Using white phosphorus on civilians is a disgusting war crime. 

ali sidiq says:

It’s getting serious .. Watch the dollar .. Inflation I see coming 

jamali hamilton says:

So when these so called self defence forces kill people its not a big deal
but when the ukrainian military kill the so called self defence forces its
a war crime. Thank god atleast the ukrainian military is gaining ground.

Nikolay Wolf says:

Every death is sad but it is a war and they are soldiers, they flew not to
defend they flew to fight against their fellow citizens so …

Алексей Зименко says:

President Poroshenko bloody killing innocent people.It must be judged by
the tribunal!Militias avenge murdered children and women-they do everything
right!U.S. and EU only lie and show it lies on its channels.

sosolid241 says:

good job!

Carpe Diem says:

Self-defense forces my ass. You expect me to believe that normal civilans
shot down a transport jet? Russia did this, and if you can’t see it, you’re
a sheep.

tarek tabbara says:

Self defense forces? You mean terrorists?

Karl Slicher says:

We all hope the Russians beat the Nazis again before they cut off our fuel
supplies. Make an information vid about white phosphorus and the trademark
US misuse of it. Give it a shocking title and use some archive footage of
it killing something, the yanks love all that.

PrinceOFHeaven says:

According to BBC plane was shot down by pro Russian!

cooltorch says:

Russia supplied the weapons to shoot down this plane so basically Putin
shot the plane down. Russia is to blame. Fuck Russia!

Yakav8r55m says:

But apparently it’s okay for Russia to plant mine fields outside the city
of Kherson.

Sanford Carniero says:

0:43 You never want to see a woman cry. It’s just too sad. Fuck the Kiev
Government for doing that. I hope they burn in hell.

RedRevo1917 says:

go russia!!! we know u can win the fifa world cup. plus i like how rt map
shows that crimea is russia. 

ltmikepowell says:

Hmm, interesting. Perhaps they can check the wreckage for dead bodies or
better, survivors. Maybe, I mean maybe they can find some CIA-funded agents
in there. 

Mankindfails says:

I like all the angry hateful comments from clueless losers who defend
NATO’s Ukrainians pawns. You poor things are in for quite a disappointment.
IMF will take care of your friends attitude problems. Ukraine is such a
bankrupted hell hole. Most of their soldiers aren’t getting paid and even
the gas Ukraine use for its state terrorism is owed to Russia… We’ll see
who will be the last to laugh in this story.

Monsignor says:

God, I wish the Chechens would shoot up another Russian school 


We need many more news like this one.

terrafirma91 says:

Notice the slant from the western presses. “How dare those east Ukrainians
defend themselves from Kiev’s onslaught! They should just lay down, and
take it!”

BorshCaen says:

#UkraineTheNazi Well done, self-defence! You fight for freedom from the
Nazi followers like your grandfathers did!

Xrausch says:

RetardToday: Russian Terrorists Shoot Down A Plane.
That’s the actual title. Stupid fucking propaganda channel.

iam1and1isme says:

“Time to bury another brother nobody cry”

simon199418 says:

no Russia is not helping them at all they just happened to be geniuses
capable of making their own SAM from the rubble around them

william112004 says:

the proxy gov in kiev will never win this war if they really smart and care
for their country they are better off having good relations with Russia
whether they like it or not they are in Russias front door and the US is
far far away and their international policy changes with each president.
its just like having a bipolar for a friend

AlexanderHL says:

I hope the self-defense forces could scavenge some of the military
equipment the Kiev nazis were carrying with them.

Ho Chi Minh says:

They were looking for trouble and found it. I say good. To hell with this
trash. I hope they shoot another one down today and kill even more of this

mephistopheles93 says:

Nice shot! Just keep swatting these down,

SMGJohn says:

+jamali hamilton Fuck off you Fascist smelling scumbag 

Nick Temple says:

NeoNazi for Kiev found your destiny without courage. 

Andy McStab says:

Good job Ukraine anti corruption demonstrators.

Fricis Rumnieks says:

Nop, not biased news at all… sure… just mention it as some unimportant
fact (the plane shot down) and than quickly switch to “how it was their own
fault, because they have been attacking peaceful eastern Ukrainians”. If
the roles would be switched they would make a documentary about it, how
deviously Ukrainian leaders planned this massacre.

Not saying either side is right, everyone got blood on their hands now…
But its just funny how RT always tells you how western mainstream media is
biased and are spreading propaganda but than on the other hand they clearly
have their own biased agenda and have picked their side as the innocent
sufferers that are being oppressed. Throw in some fear that Ukrainian
leaders are going to grow mustache like Hitler and we have a perfect
propaganda news channel (ofc western media often doesn’t show the whole
picture either, so they aren’t “innocent” either).

farfromtotalism says:

Disgusting is that the EU has nothing against war crimes commiting by the
Ukraine military.
Defending european valueus (democracy, tolerance, right for self
determination etc) with phosphorus bombs…..?

Charles Rogers says:

Hi Folks it was probably done by blackwater mercenaries. 

Edgrot says:

The funny and disgusting part of all this is the people commenting below.
You know the computer generated morons like Arsehole Carpe and other like
griffin. Foolish junk accounts still attempting for people to believe that
whole towns of people in Ukraine are really Russian special forces or KGB
agents. The apartment buildings bombed where not homes no. They where
secret Russian super spy buildings but the best out of them yet. These
United States CIA driven accounts want us to believe that the Russians with
special forces equal to American ones have invaded Ukraine and a bunch of
fat degenerate soccer losers are fighting them and winning. I mean
seriously you have to be a CIA man to peddle such bullshit. I mean can a
human in this day in age be that stupid?


we are a failed species…we destroy the very planet that we need to
live…we are committing global suicide

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