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Top Self Defense Stance

Get a free self defense video: ► Here’s a top self defense stance that you can use for optimal protection if someone is getting aggressive towards you in the streets. Having the right body posture is really important when you’re getting into a verbal confrontation with someone. You truly never know when someone will switch from talking to punches, so you need to be prepared for that. A great way to protect yourself, is by bringing your hands right under your chest in a “crossed armed” fashion but without crossing your arms. Instead, you want to place one of your arm on top of the other. A great variation of this self-defense stance is to place one of your hands under your chin. This enables you to quickly strike your attacker if need be. A good self-defense stance will allow you to block easily and strike without difficulty as well. When someone is aggressive, you need to be prepared to strike at all times. If you feel that the fight cannot be defused, you need to strike hard and fast from your original stance. Also, a crucial point of a good self-defense stance is to look like you are passive and that you are not looking for trouble. It’s called a passive stance but what’s great about that stance is that you can switch to an offensive strategy very quickly. We hope that you enjoyed these self defense tips. Thank you for watching and feel free to leave us a comment. Get the Best Fighting Stances official video from Code Red Defense: ► Subscribe to the Code Red Defense channel: ► Crucial Stances for Self Defense Top Code Red Defense videos: Feel free to share the video: Stay safe, Nick and Patrick Code Red Defense® ►


Victor cabral says:

I'm trying to get in the habit of being in that stance whenever somebody comes at arm's length from me.

MrBugfunk says:

What is the best counter when the attacker runs at me fast?

Rodney Woods says:

I use this stance all the time when I'm standing in a line. It helps you to keep your pimp hand strong in a moments notice.

PenguinM8 Penguino says:

walking/running stances?

Mauricio Morais says:

Excuse me sir, could you not try to attack me?
crushes throat
Thank you

Silvafox says:

Great video 👍 most martial arts schools i experience program students mind to fight in a specific stance whether it southpaw or orthodox remember this isnt ring fighting it the streets no rules no referees anything goes most of the time you wont have time to get into a fighting stance because attacks are randomly coming from different angles unpredictable you must learn how to fight in any position movement so when you in a fight you allway ready to dominate your attacker at all cost it super non telegraphic psychology play big part in fighting also before the fight even start get into your attacker head by disfusing the fight saying look man I don't want to fight lower your ego and raise his ego to the point where the attacker is not able to predict your movement of what you going to do cause you on a non threating self defense neutral stance which is"i dont want no trouble stance" attackers will never have time in the world to predict your movement also becuase it isnt predictable mentally attackers is going to get over confident in himself but not knowing you are highly aware and ready to strike at any moment

chromerhodium says:

this is what Bas Rutten taught on how to deal with bar fights

CzaRus _The_Sniper says:

What about to play with an unscrewed sword pommel?

Manny Garfias says:

Great one Nick

Karan Deep Singh says:

Hmmm , repeated vedio but I will take it as a Revision

Kevin Johnson says:

another good vedieo Nick keep going strong

Minnuete CVP says:

Like a Boss

GraveRave says:

Hello Nick, congratulations on Men's Health!

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